Danny Gokey Meeting with 19 Records TODAY

Danny Gokey chatted with fans today at Comcast.net, about the tour, his music and his possible record deal. Oh, and it looks like those DWTS rumors aren’t true…

Picking up on what he told reporters in Milwaukee over the weekend about meeting with Sony Nashville this week:

Today I’m supposed to be talking with 19 Records. There’s something in the works right now, and I’m not going to say anything until it’s final. But there’s something going on behind the scenes.

Also, you can listen to Danny talk about his music and his possible record deal in an interview he did with a Milwaukee Christian radio station, 101 QLF this morning:

101 QLF

About the kind of music he’d like to do:

 Ideally, I would like to do my own little fusion of R&B and Latin… but I would be open to do a modern-soul country.

Hm. Sound like he’d like to do the R&B/Latin thing, but it’ll be country if he signs with 19R and Sony Nashville. What the heck is modern-soul country?

For peeps who were speculating that Danny would be signing with one of Sony Nashville’s Christian labels, Danny continues to insist his first album won’t be Contemporary Christian:

I will not do a contemporary Christian album. I think maybe eventually, later in life, once I’m more established in my career. But at this point I will be a Christian who does mainstream music. I want to live by example and not just my words, because I don’t want to exclude anybody out my message in music.

I can’t see 19 signing an Idol to promote in a niche market, anyway. Not worth their effort–19 wants their Idols to move units–that’s only going to happen in a mainstream market like country.

Danny says he’s writing for his album:

I’m planning on writing a lot for my album. I’ve started a few things, but with that it takes trial and error. I might be able to write a song, but it might not fit in my album at this time. So it’s just a work in progress.

He’s also shooting down the Dancing with the Stars rumors:

I have not heard of anything. The way I look at it is like this: My first passion is my music and my foundation. That’s my priority. If in the future it works out to bring awareness to my foundation and my music, I would do it, but I don’t want to do any distractions at this point.

About the tour:

I’m singing four solo songs and doing a group song, but no duets.

About mj santilli 35081 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!