Welcome to another episode of Adam Lambert’s Glam Nation Tour, brought to you by MGM Grand at Foxwoods in Mashantucket, CT. This sold-out show starts at 8:00pm est.
Supporting cast tonight includes red-haired rocker Allison Iraheta and Aussie shredder Orianthi.
Last night Adam had an interview with MTV’s Jim Cantiello and he told Jim that it is pretty much up to the crowd on how wild and crazy he gets on stage. And we have a few MJ’ers there tonight. Should be a great night.
Photo: LightLoveAdam
Photo: GlamFanNation
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As of yet poor DH might be sitting this one out.
Update: There will be a chance of a few tidbits from DH tonight but not the whole meal. Unfortunatly the energizer bunny was out of town and couldn’t provide assitance tonight.
Update: We theatrical DH tonight who is apprently auditioning for a movie call yoyo2010
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