After a hopefully restfull day off Adam Lambert and the Glam Nation crew play tonight at The Fillmore in Charlotte, NC at 8:00pm est.
The lovely Ladies Allison Iraheta and Orianthi shall once again be rocking out tonight.
Apparently there is 1 protester at the show tonight both Sasha and Neil have tweeted. As well as other people attending. Neil was kind enough to tweet a picture. hehe Me thinky someone wants to be on TV….hehe
Twitter List:
Photo: Catcherofdreamz
Videos: Jenipop
Photo: Catcherofdreamz
Apparently there is 1 protester at the show tonight both Sasha and Neil have tweeted. As well as other people attending. Neil was kind enough to tweet us a picture of him. Me thinky someone just wants to be on TV or in the news…..LMAO
*cough* DH *cough*
Videos After the JUMP…
Voo Doo – Partial
ROF fairyprincess77
WWFM partial pyrosgf
SFW cookiefan09
Strut cookiefan09
WLL dnewton98
MW and WLL fairyprincess77
Holiday SCislanderfan
Scars/DWTP SCislanderfan
FIBOU SCislanderfan