American Idol 9 Contestants Permitted to Have MySpace, Twitter and Facebook

According to a Ryan Seacrest tweet, “Fox is saying the contestants will have  MySpace, Twitter, Facebook pages  on idol”

That’s pretty big news. In the past, contestants had to shut down all of their social media sites for the duration of their time on Idol.  I would imagine there are strict guidelines in place as to the type of information they can share.  It’ll be interesting to see how this little experiment develops.

After the jump, check out the Top 24 social networking links. Thanks


Andrew Garcia: @AGarciaAI9
Katie Stevens: @KStevensAI9
Michael Lynche: @MLyncheAI9
Didi Benami: @DBenamiAI9
Haeley Vaughn: @HVaughnAI9
Tim Urban: @TUrbanAI9
Katelyn Epperly: @KEpperlyAI9
Aaron Kelly: @AKellyAI9
Lee Dewyze: @LDewyzeAI9
Todrick Hall: @THallAI9
Janell Wheeler: @JWheelerAI9
Tyler Grady: @TGradyAI9
Lacey Brown: @LBrownAI9
Ashley Rodriguez: @ARodriguezAI9
Alex Lambert: @ALambertAI9
Joe Munoz: @JMunozAI9
Crystal Bowersox: @CBowersoxAI9
Lilly Scott: @LScottAI9
Paige Miles: @PMilesAI9
Siobhan Magnus: @SMagnusAI9
Michelle Delamor: @MDelamorAI9
Jermaine Sellers: @JSellersAI9
John Park: @JParkAI9
Casey James: @CJamesAI9


Andrew Garcia: AGarciaAI9
Katie Stevens: KStevensAI9
Michael Lynche: MLyncheAI9
Didi Benami: DBenamiAI9
Haeley Vaughn: HVaughnAI9
Tim Urban: TUrbanAI9
Katelyn Epperly: KEpperlyAI9
Aaron Kelly: AKellyAI9
Lee Dewyze: LDewyzeAI9
Todrick Hall: THallAI9
Janell Wheeler: JWheelerAI9
Tyler Grady: TGradyAI9
Lacey Brown: LBrownAI9
Ashley Rodriguez: ARodriguezAI9
Alex Lambert: ALambertAI9
Joe Munoz: JMunozAI9
Crystal Bowersox: CBowersoxAI9
Lilly Scott: LScottAI9
Paige Miles: PMilesAI9
Siobhan Magnus: SMagnusAI9
Michelle Delamor: MDelamorAI9
Jermaine Sellers: JSellersAI9
John Park: JParkAI9
Casey James: CJamesAI9


Andrew Garcia: AGarciaAI9
Katie Stevens: KStevensAI9
Michael Lynche: MLyncheAI9
Didi Benami: DBenamiAI9
Haeley Vaughn: HVaughnAI9
Tim Urban: TUrbanAI9
Katelyn Epperly: KEpperlyAI9
Aaron Kelly: AKellyAI9
Lee Dewyze: LDewyzeAI9
Todrick Hall: THallAI9
Janell Wheeler: JWheelerAI9
Tyler Grady: TGradyAI9
Lacey Brown: LBrownAI9
Ashley Rodriguez: ARodriguezAI9
Alex Lambert: ALambertAI9
Joe Munoz: JMunozAI9
Crystal Bowersox: CBowersoxAI9
Lilly Scott: LScottAI9
Paige Miles: PMilesAI9
Siobhan Magnus: SMagnusAI9
Michelle Delamor: MDelamorAI9
Jermaine Sellers: JSellersAI9
John Park: JParkAI9
Casey James: CJamesAI9

About mj santilli 35139 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!