I think Kris Allen is going home tonight. The bus drove up for both Allison and Kris, but I agree with Simon, that last awesome duet with Adam probably saved her. Kris was stuck in the middle of the lineup, plus he had to sing a sucky duet with Gokey. Add lukewarm comments from the judges? His Idol journey is over. Of course, anything can happen. Maybe Danny will be a shock boot. He earned it with that hideous caterwauling on “Dream On. The judges downplayed the suckitude, giving him an A for effort as if Idol had suddenly turned into the Special Olympics. Blech.
One other note: Obviously, unlike Disco week, the kids weren’t allowed to re-arrange and turn these songs into something else. Every single number stuck close to the original arrangements. Kris and Danny were hurt the most by the strict format.
- Adam Lambert – “Whole Lotta Love” – VIDEO
- Allison Iraheta – “Cry Baby” by Janis Joplin – VIDEO
- Kris Allen and Danny Gokey – “Renegade” by Styx – VIDEO
- Kris Allen – “Come Together” by The Beatles – VIDEO
- Danny Gokey – “Dream On” by Danny Gokey – VIDEO
- Adam Lambert and Allison Iraheta “Slow Ride” by Foghat – VIDEO
By the way. Photobucket deleted my account. All my videos are gone. I’ve got a contingency plan in place for now. For the older videos, I’ll probably link to the American Idol videos.
Will the drama continue?
Live blog after the JUMP…
Looks like we’re live tonight! Despite crazy mishaps…
Ryan says they’ve had an “unconventional day”. A shot of the broken tower…it’s still there, kind of cock eyed. The contestants haven’t had a proper run through for the show.
Ryan announces the duets. “Six world class songs tonight, ” says Ryan. Each contestant will get two phone and one text number.
Here comes the Top 4…looking very rawk… LOL. The
Next, is the video package introducing Slash. He’s in studio recording his solo album. The mentoring sessions are taking place with Slash’s band at the Roxy in LA. Slash is sitting in the audience. His kid looks really bored. LOL.
Adam Lambert – “Whole Lotta Love” by Led Zepplin – He’s got the perfect vocal for this. He’s playing to the audience, but he’s playing it cool, not working the entire stage like he usually does. Here comes the scream…..Oh there it is! Ha! The rock wail lives. Adam was holding back tonight…maybe playing it a little safe. Can’t blame him after his Bottom 2 appearance last week. His version was very faithful to the original. Still, stellar vocals, as always. Randy says, “This is the Adam that I love, dude…you are a rock star tonight…you and slash should make a record.” Kara says, “you are more than a rock star you are a rock GOD.” Kara is having an orgasm. Literally. Says Paula, “Your a whole lotta perfect” Simon said, “I thought the performance was a little understated….teasing!…it was one of my favorite performances you’ve ever done…nobody can top that now.” Adam says he LOVES Zepplin. Plus, it’s the first time a Zepplin song has ever been done on Idol. 1-866-436-5701 – 1-866-436-5705
Allison Iraheta – “Cry Baby” by Janis Joplin – Allison went to Adam’s hair chick to get her hair done. She and Adam will be dueting later… She’s was deciding between “Cry Baby” and “Someone to Love.” Slash says she needs to get past “the fear part.” She’s tearing it up….tearing up that stage. Love her phrasing. This song was a perfect choice for her. Awesome performance. Randy says, “You can sing your face off…I did not love the choice for you…needed more melody…I didn’t love this.” Kara says, “Janice is the right choice for you…”Piece of My Heart” could have seen that…Are you nervous?…I think you transform when you go on stage…” Allison says she’s always nervous–it helps her. Paula says, “You’re downright peerless…if they do a biopic on Janis you got the role.” Simon says she’s grown a lot through the competition, singing with complete confidence. He says, “but I didn’t see much originality…you should have done the Queen song.” Allison explains the other song was a Jefferson Airplane song…and that she didn’t pick it because she didn’t want to play it safe. Simon says she should have done it anyway. A very weird exchange. I think she deserved more credit for that. The bus is backing up. Not surprised. 1-866-436-5702 – 1-866-436-5706.
Danny Gokey and Kris Allen – “Renegade” by Styx – Really hate this duet concept. Danny and Kris’s vocals harmonize nicely, but it was like they were singing two different songs. There was no chemistry. The tune didn’t really fit either of them really well. Randy says, “I think you guys compliment…the harmonies were on blast.” Kara says, “I think the sum of the parts were better…maybe you couldn’t hear yourselves?” Paula says, “It was powerful and it was compelling…good job.” Simon says, flippantly…”Danny you were better than Kris…how is that?” Wow. Way to blow Kris off. Both were out of their element, but at least Kris knows how to phrase and shape a song. Danny not so much. Kris says it took them awhile to pick out a song. I can just imagine that conversation. Kris leaves the stage looking slightly pissed.
Kris Allen – “Come Together” by The Beatles – First he picked “Revolution” but wasn’t feeling it, so changed it to “Come Together.” Playing guitar with slash, Kris almost “peed his pants”. Heh. The arrangement is similar to the original, but Kris, with his unique phrasing, puts his own stamp on the song. The last verse, when the band drops out is awesome. Kris isn’t an electric guitar kinda guy, but he’s holding his own with a full-on rock song. The band is overpowering him, but great job. Randy says, “I appreciate you can still be yourself..I wasn’t blown away, but I loved you playing the guitar…I liked it.” Kara says, “For me, this wasn’t a great performance…you were trying too hard..wrong song…there’s more than what you delivered tonight.” Paula Abdul, “Your signature is all over it…you are an artist on this stage…you need to have a little more energy.” Simon says, “I didn’t like it that much…it was like eating ice for lunch…leaves you nothing to remember…it was a bit of a jam…a boring song…I didn’t believe anything was going to top Adam, and I was right.” Ah yes. Just like I thought. The bus is right on time, and I think Kris anticipates the tire tracks on his back. 1-866-436-5703 – 1-866-436-5707.
Danny Gokey – “Dream On” by Aerosmith – Slash says Danny has to nail that scream at the end of the song. Hello, breath control? Danny takes breaths in weird places. He’s pushing his way through this song without much vocal finesse–typical of Danny. OMG that last note sounds like a cat is being strangled. Maybe a few cats. Strangled and then pummeled to death. Yikes. I can’t believe he thought he could pull this off. Hubris? The song was merely lame until he hit that last note. Then it got knocked into trainwreck territory–spectacularly. Randy says, “Not your genre…it was alright…I’ll give you an a plus for effort.” Kara says, “I think you took the swagger comment…adding more edge to your performance..a little too much…I like to see growth and risks…I commend you for taking chances.” Paula says, “I don’t know if this was the right song for you…But I’m a huge fan…I give you an a plus for going for it.” Simon says, “The last note was like watching a horror movie…it was a little over the top…it worked for Adam but not for you…I still think you are going to be safe tonight.” Danny says he didn’t think it was as bad as they said it was. Dude, when you listen back, you are not going to be happy. Tricky to criticize Danny while still pimping him. Definitely the worst performance of the night. Why aren’t the judges calling him on it? Oh right, because they want him in the final. Ryan reminds us that Danny has never been in the Bottom 3. 1-866-436-5704 – 1-866-436-5708.
Adam Lambert and Allison Iraheta – “Slowride” by Foghat- They fit great together. Both confident, great harmonies, looking like they’re having a great time up there. Perfect song choice. They have oodles of chemistry, which was sorely lacking in the Danny/Kris duet. Big hug at the end! Randy says, “You guys are our two seasoned rock stars. That was the bomb…you should record a duet together.” Kara says, “Rock god rock goddess…pushing each other to be better. Perfect blend, perfect marriage…you should do a duet together” Simon says, “You win the battle of the duets..completely different than the other one…Adam you may have given this one a chance to stay in the competition.”