Big Brother 17 Spoilers – Two New Houseguests? (VIDEO)


UPDATE: According to reports, Liz Nolan is the houseguest with the twin who will switch places with her in the house. She’ll enter the game on Wednesday.


A new Big Brother 17 BTS video ends with a bulletin board full of sticky notes written by the houseguests, There are 16 of them, pretty much confirming what fans had been speculating–we hadn’t met all of the houseguests yet.

Over at Hamsterwatch, there is screengrab of the stickies. Most of them have been identified. With a little super-sleuthing, fans have come to the conclusion that the final two house guests are Jackie Ibarra and Jeffrey Weldon, a blind date couple from the most recent cycle of The Amazing Race. Jeff has been absent from social media, and a sticky note signed by “Jackie” matches the handwriting of the TAR contestant.

Also, there was a would-be house guest who may have been disqualified for revealing his status.  Fitness blogger, Tyler Gattuso, posted instagrams hinting that he was handing off his social media to a friend, while he headed off to a new adventure. When the housemates were announced, Tyler was AWOL. A few days later, he was back on social media to announce that he was back in the “real world.” When asked if he was going to be on Big Brother, he answered “neither confirm or deny.” A few days later, he began mouthing off on twitter, deleting the tweets afterward. Oops.

Read More:

Julie Chen Chokes Up As She Discusses Big Brother’s First Transgender Houseguest
Big Brother 17 – CBS Announces Weekly Twists and Schedule
Meet the Big Brother 17 Houseguests

Big Brother 17 kicks off on Wednesday, June 24 at 8 pm. The first eviction takes place on Thursday June 25. Make sure to join Steven and his live blog!

And if you have not yet, make sure to sign up for the Big Brother live feeds, where all the fun stuff happens. The feeds have been folded into CBS All Access, which features live streaming of CBS shows across platforms, including live television streaming in some markets.  Live feeds begin after Thursday’s show.

Click to sign up for Big Brother Live Feeds!

Big Brother BTS – New Houseguests – Strengths and Strategies

The houseguests discuss their strengths and strategies, with comments from host Julie Chen.

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Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!