David Cook – Mix 104.1 Radio Event! – VIDEOS


Thanks so much to @Jas5809 and @gigglesmo3 I was able to attend the David Cook radio show at Mix 104.1 yesterday. The event was hosted by incomparable morning DJs Karson and Kennedy. Little did I know they were going to make me the center of attention, a little bit. Ha.

But more on that later! David and his bandmate Neal Tiemann performed a short acoustic set of songs that included “Heroes”, “Come Back To Me”, “Light On” and the new single “The Last Goodbye”. Afterward, David took some questions from the audience.

David and Neal’s little acoustic set was short, but very very sweet.  My favorites were “Come Back To Me” (a song that has really grown on me) and his new single “The Last Goodbye”–but the banter in between tunes was hilarious. In an intimate setting, David is charming, personable and really really funny.

When Karson and Kennedy took the stage to introduce David, they mentioned this…”MJ” person.  Who the heck is that? I know…I’ve met them numerous times, and even did a live Idol thing on their show…but still.  They introduced me me from the audience and had some VERY nice things to say about me and my blog. BACK ATCHA KIDS.

During David’s last number, Kennedy approached me to ask David the 1st Q&A question. That’s when I took to twitter to take a poll. The tour was a hot topic y’all wanted to know about, so that’s the question I asked. From the stage. After David invited me to join him.

That tour question? There’s nothing planned yet–there will be some one-offs in the summer. “What I would like to do is hop on the tour as an opener or a midliner. I have amazing fans, but if I can get in front of more people with my fans…that’s great. If not..we’ll probably do a little bit of international and come back and try again.”

Enough about that. The day was all about David and the fans. I had such a great time meeting you all!  I feel really lucky to have been there. David is so excited about the new record “I wish I could leak it RIGHT NOW” he said.  SO DO WE.

After the show, we were chatting it up with Karson and he said that David is well liked in the industry and is the same on stage as off. So there you go.

Tons of videos and photos below.  Photos from Mix 1o4.1 HERE.  Karson interviews David – Podcast HERE. Fan Videos HERE.

Videos via 100puffins @CDHeros.

David was also in Worcester last night for an XLO event. He covered the Cars “Drive” watch below. Also: Come Back To Me, Light On via gigglesmo3.
Watch the Video – Me and David Cook



Come Back to Me

Light On

The Last Goodbye


David Cook says Hello to Boston

Are You Taking Requests

Karson does a Q&A with David

David Cook Loves the Bruins

Goodbye to the Girl Banter

David Cook New Record Coming Out

David Cook Brings Good Things to People

My Videos:

Come Back to Me

The Last Goodbye

Cover of the Cars “Drive” from Worcester

Photo Gallery

About mj santilli 35189 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!