Glee Season 5: Adam Lambert Spoiler Update (An Update to the Update)

I’ve got some brand new information on the character Adam Lambert will play on Glee.

Adam’s character WILL NOT BE A DRAG QUEEN. There will be NO performances in drag.

Drag was the original plan for Adam’s character, but at his request, the character will be rewritten. Adam met with the Glee writers/producers this week to discuss the changes.

Also, Adam won’t be singing Lady Gaga’s “Judas,” also at his request. However, he’s still set to perform “Applause.”

Production on Adam’s first episode, 5×04, begins next week.

ETA: I expected some blow back on this spoiler, because I know the drill. Here’s the deal:

1. The timing on the meeting or the discussion may be off, because that part of the spoiler is second hand but…
2. The jist of the spoiler came from a source inside production. Please trust me on this. This spoiler isn’t some anonymous tip I received via email.
3. Re-writing the part in a week would not be unheard of in Glee land. Also, it would not be a major, major re-write. Adam may have only had a few scenes in his first episode to begin with.

And that’s all I got.

UPDATE: Well, Adam’s publicist isn’t very happy with me right now:


The only comment I’m going to make here:

1. I’m being accused in certain quarters of making up the spoiler out of whole cloth for hits. Why would I do that? My reputation as a spoiler is much more important than some initial burst of hits.

2. This tip came from a spoiler I’ve used before. And the original source was deep inside of production. I even saw copies of a text conversation. I had every reason to believe it was true. And if you knew the details, you would have believed it too.

3. Adam’s publicist job is to shoot down rumors. That’s why she’s paid the big bucks.

About mj santilli 35189 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!