Glee Season 6 Songs Episode 3 – Jagged Little Tapestry
Listen to FULL AUDIO STREAMS of ALL 5 songs from Glee Season 6 Episode 3, “Jagged Little Tapestry.”
In this week’s episode, Kurt and Rachel compromise on the first assignment for New Directions as co-coaches of New Directions. Kurt thinks it’s their job to introduce the kids to the classics. Rachel wants to assign songs that are more contemporary and relatable.
Read More: Glee Season 6 Spoilers: Plot Details “Jagged Little Tapestry” Episode 3
The perfect solution for Kurt and Rachel’s dilemma is of course…mashups! They assign their four charges: Mason, Madison, Roderick and Jane–the music of songwriting icon, Carole King and the singer/songwriter who helped define the 90s, Alanis Morissette. To assist Kurt and Rachel in their first lesson are the grads–Quinn, Puck, Tina, Santana and Brittany.
Check out all 5 songs below!
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“It’s Too Late” by Carole King – Sung by Kurt and Blaine – Kurt runs into Blaine and his new boyfriend, Karofsky. An awkward meeting turns into a montage of the former lovers singing “It’s Too Late” by Carole King
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“Hand in My Pocket/I Feel the Earth Move by Alanis Morissette/Carole King – Sung by Santana and Brittany – What begins as Santana and Brittany demonstrating a mashup to the class, turns into a joyous sexy performance, culminating in Santana proposing marriage to Brittany! Of course, she says yes!
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“Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow/Head over Feet” by Carole King/Alanis Morissette – Sung by Mason and Jane. – Jane and Mason team up for a mashup of two romantic King/Morissette songs. They sing them so beautifully, Kurt can’t help but be moved, brought back to happier times with Blaine. His heartbreak is real.
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“So Far Away” – by Carole King/Alanis Morissette – Sung by Quinn and Tina – Quinn and Tina team up to help Becky Jackson with relationship troubles.
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“You Learn/You’ve Got a Friend” – by Alanis Morissette/Carole King – Sung by Rachel, Santana, Kurt, Brittany, Quinn, Tina, Puck, and New Directions – Kurt, Rachel and the gang wrap this puppy up.