UPDATE: Added a clip: Sebastian FLIRTS with Blaine right in front of Kurt! The reaction is just what you would expect. AWESOME.
UPDATE: Added the FULL performance of “Uptown Girl”. STAY AWAY FROM BLAINE EVIL GAY WARBLER! Notice Sebastian grabs Blaine’s hand and leads him into the room the way Blaine did Kurt when the couple met. NO! Heh. Several Warblers sing lead on the track, including Sebastian. And an Uptown Girl materializes out of nowhere…
The first sneak peek of this week’s Glee has arrived!
In “The First Time”, Blaine (Darren Criss) visits his old pals, the Warblers, back at Dalton Academy. While back at his old stomping grounds, Blaine joins the group in a performance of Billy Joel’s “Uptown Girl”.
Since Blaine defected to McKinley High and New Directions, the Warblers enlisted a new lead singer. Warbler Nick does a fine job on the tune, but he doesn’t come close to swoony Blaine, who swept his now-boyfriend Kurt (Chris Colfer) off his feet with a performance of “Teenage Dream” last season.
In the video, Darren talks about happy happy re-unions, and how pleased he was to go “back where it all began.”
We also get a couple of glimpses of the new Evil Gay Warbler Sebastian (Grant Gustin), who threatens to come between Blaine and Kurt. You can read more about the new character HERE. Or, if you seriously want to learn all the dirt on the episode, check out “The First Time” spoiler post.
The Warbler visit kicks off a subplot which leads eventually to Kurt and Blaine taking their relationship to the next level. Rachel (Lea Michele) and Finn (Corey Monteith) have the same idea. Hence the name of the episode “The First Time”. Oh, and the kids also put on a show! West Side Story is performed for an audience. Listen to all the music from “The First Time” HERE.
Watch the PERFORMANCE Below
When Sebastian Met Kurt! MEOW!!!!
New Sneak Preview – Includes New Klaine/Finchel scenes
Watch the preview below: