Digital Tracks
Kelly Clarkson, I Do Not Hook Up (41, 000, -4 percent, 369, 000 total)
Kellie Pickler, Best Days of Your Life (33, 000, 6 percent, 442, 000)
Daughtry, No Surprise (30, 000, -4 percent, 268, 000)
Kris Allen, No Boundaries (27, 000, -69 percent, 247, 000)
Kris Allen, Heartless (26, 000, -66 percent, 230, 000)
Kelly Clarkson, My Life Would Suck Without You (25, 000, -6 percent, 1.91 million)
Adam Lambert, Mad World (21, 000, -64 percent, 196, 000)
David Cook, Come Back to Me (17, 000, -1 percent, 181, 000)
Rascal Flatts, Here Comes Goodbye (11, 000, -10 percent, 478, 000)
Adam Lambert, No Boundaries (8, 000, -66 percent, 68, 000)
Kris Allen, Aint No Sunshine (8, 000, -69 percent, 104, 000)
Carrie Underwood feat. Randy Travis, I Told You So (7, 000, -26 percent, 340, 000)

45 CLARKSON*KELLY ALL I EVER WANTED 10, 655 -8 11, 620 603, 293
47 UNDERWOOD*CARRIE CARNIVAL RIDE 10, 473 -5 10, 991 2, 885, 551
63 COOK*DAVID DAVID COOK 7, 878 -26 10, 709 1, 169, 165
81 PICKLER*KELLIE KELLIE PICKLER 6, 618 11 5, 985 234, 501
97 DAUGHTRY DAUGHTRY 5, 319 -16 6, 304 4, 461, 679
147 STUDDARD*RUBEN LOVE IS 3, 654 -24 4, 811 23, 711
166 HUDSON*JENNIFER JENNIFER HUDSON 3, 022 -14 3, 504 741, 659
181 LAMBERT*ADAM SEASON 8 FAVORITE 2, 787 -71 9, 597 28, 104

Various Artists, Rock of Ages (Original Broadway Cast Recording) (3, 000, debut, 3, 000/3, 000 digital, debut, 3, 000 digital total)

Rounded Numbers from Idol Chatter