Kara DioGuardi to be the 4th Judge on American Idol!

ETAA: Paula Abdul was just interviewed on the John Jay and Rich show out of Arizona. Perez Hilton has the interview here. Paula sounds drunk! She doesn’t seem thrilled about the new addition. She says Simon will probably have the last word in the event of a tie during the Audition rounds. She hasn’t met Kara yet since the news broke.

BREAKING! Kara DioGuardi’s interview with Ryan Seacrest HERE. americanidol.com interview HERE.

Ryan Seacrest just announced on his radio show today that songwriter Kara DioGuardi would be joining the American Idol judging panel!

Ryan is broadcasting live from New York City this morning as Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell begin the 3rd round auditions. He’ll be interviewing them today, as well as the NEW 4th judge, Kara DioGuardi.

Kara is a songwriter who has written tunes for several Idols, including Taylor Hicks, Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. Other artists who have recorded her songs include Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani, Pink, Avril Lavigne, Britney Spears, Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers, Faith Hill, Santana, and Celine Dion. She’s collaborated with Justin Timberlake, Chad Kroeger, Danja, Jeffrey Steele, The Underdogs, and David Hodges amongst many others. She’s currently writing songs/collaborating with David Cook and David Archuleta–the publishing company she co-owns produced “Crush”, in fact. If that isn’t enough, she sings too…

Kara will be sitting in front of the contestants for the first time tomorrow (Tuesday) when 3rd round auditions begin in New York City.

ETA: Kara is being interviewed right now. She says she found out she got the job 3 days ago. As a New Yorker, she says it’s hard for her not to be honest. She’s watched the show to see who she’ll be writing for–she’s written for 3 of the winners. She’s flattered that she’s been asked to join. She knows Randy Jackson, and Paula Abdul–who was one of the first people to believe in her. Kara plans to be tough, but nurturing when needed. She’s met Simon Cowell briefly. She’d like to sit between Simon and Paula, but she doesn’t know where she’ll be sitting yet…She wants an Idol to be unique, and instantly recognizable when you hear them on the radio.

What do I think?

Kara upending the little family unit Randy, Paula and Simon have established over the past 7 years? Considering how lame, predictable and in some cases incompetent (coughpaulacough) the commentary from that table has become, I’m ready for a change. Ditching Randy and Paula would have been interesting. But in lieu of a change that drastic, Ill take a 4th judge. The atmosphere will be a little wonky at first, but think about how interesting those first few uncomfortable weeks will be? Ryan will step in like the pro that he is to smooth things over, but I’m expecting at least a few fun water-cooler moments. Plus, introducing new blood could force the others to raise their game… You know, maybe Paula will be forced to stay awake and Randy will learn a few new vocabulary words.

As far as Simon is concerned, I can’t believe this is one of the franchise saving ideas he’s been bragging about. I’m hoping for lots of pouting and ill-mannered behavior from his side of the table. Serves him right!

Listening to her interview with Ryan, I expect she’ll be tougher than Paula, more knowledgeable than Randy, and more diplomatic than Simon. I am cautiously optimistic…

About mj santilli 35189 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!