Michael Johns – Man About Town!

Michael Johns at the Australians in Film Breakthrough Awards

Above: Michael Johns attends the BET Awards Celebrity Billiards Tournament.

What’s Michael Johns being doing in LA while he waits to go on tour with his fellow Idols? He’s been going to parties! Since the beginning of June, Michael has attended: The BET Awards Celebrity Billiards Tournament (also attending: Chikeze, Jason Castro, Carly Smithson, Kristy Lee Cook, and Brooke White), The Heart Foundation party honoring Berry Gordy and The Australians in Film Breakthrough awards.

Check out the pictures of Michael at all these fabulous events.

And as a super-speshul bonus: Watch the hilarious You Tube video of Michael at the Dan Band concert. It involves some singing, and the constant use of the word F*ck. F*cking funny stuff.

Video and more photos After the JUMP…

Michael Johns attends the BET Awards Celebrity Billiards Tournament, June 21:

Michael Johns at the BET Awards Celebrity Billiards Tournament

Michael Johns attends the Heart Foundation party honoring Berry Gordy, June 7:

Michael Johns at the Heart Foundation Party honoring Berry Gordy

Michael Johns in the audience at the Dan Band concert. Hijinks ensue!:

About mj santilli 35189 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!