Ramiele Malubay, David Archuleta and Syesha Mercado – Tour Blogs

Ramiele Malubay, David Archuleta and Syesha Mercado all posted My Space Blogs today.

This year’s crop of Idols have been blog happy! Today, David Archuleta, Syesha Mercado and Ramiele Malubay all posted tour blogs.
Check them out after the Jump…

David Archuleta:

The fact that he inserts giggles into his blog posts crack me up. He and Jason had some fun on Saturday “wandering around.” Ha ha!

Hey everyone. We’re about to leave Portland and head to Seattle/Tacoma area today. It’s been a lot of fun here. We had a day off here, so Jason and I just wandered around downtown haha. We went to the mall, the farmer’s market, that huge Powell’s bookstore, and took the streetcars to 23rd street to eat. Portland’s a great city, and it’s been nice weather too haha. I’m excited to see what other cities are like, even though we won’t have too much time to do things.

So I’m going to try and figure out how to do another video blog on this computer. I’ve had issues haha, but I’m determined to make another one. So hopefully that’ll be coming very soon. But I feel lame only blogging by typing haha. Anyway, the song I’ve been really into lately is the live version of Free Fallin’ that John Mayer does. If you haven’t listened to it yet you should check it out. It’s awesome. I’m also really excited that we’re going to Utah soon! I can’t wait for that haha. Well I have to head out to the bus, so talk to you guys later.

Ramiele Malubay:

Oh Ramie, you are going to have every fan of every other Idol pretending to be YOUR fan just to get backstage passes! Good luck with that.

Omg! Thank you so much to all the fans that waited outside for us. We tried to get to all of you, it’s just hard when they come by telling us “20 minutes, 15 minutes”, then we have to leave. WE try so hard to get to everyone. I also wanted to thank a family who gave me PUTO! Omg I ate it for breakfast and dinner, ahha. I love you guys.

Its so nice to come out to everyone. You really do make our nights and days better. Just bare with us, it’s really hard to get to everyone. And we don’t purposely skip anybody it’s just a really hard task. And sometimes some of us can’t make it out in the afternoon to sign its cause we’re either caught up or catching up on some sleep. Our schedules are crazy I’m sure you guys will understand though.

Also I wanted to put this out there… If any fans come out with signs or shirts of me I will most deff try to get MEET AND GREET passes for after the show to whoever I see first. I won’t be able to get all but fear not fans… my mission is to help get you in after the show!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS! Bring more signs and stuff so I can have something to find you guys with :)

Syesha Mercado:

From the Mean People Suck department, The rumor is that some fans out at the buses told her they hated her to her face…

Last night’s show in Washington was very different from the rest. Well, first off I woke up to swollen eye lids and eyes that looked like I had been punched. The soap I used was serious. My skin really didn’t agree with it. So, thank God for make-up. Everything is healing now, but it ain’t so pretty! LOL Just thought I’d let my fans know…..gotta keep it real!LOL ALso, just in case my pictures I took came out a little weird, that’s why. I had to wear shades today during the meet and greet before the show, which isn’t like me, but I had to cover up my eyes for the time being……:(

Crazy thing is…..right before I had to get in the make-up chair our amazing make-up artist had an emergency and had to leave. So, tonight Carly and I did the majority of my make up. It was a test to see How I would react under pressure and I feel I handled it very well and Carly definitely helped. Yay! That’s what Idol friends are for. We are always helping one another.

I mentioned in my set that things started out rough, but I stayed positive and everything worked out. I said that because of the circumstances that happened earlier with the allergic reaction and having to do my make-up. But, I felt great today. I was just exhausted, more than usual.

A really nice fan of mine told me a story that made me think about this:

Most of the time when people pick on you, talk about you behind your back, or are just flat out rude and mean to you it’s because you have something special they don’t. People who are out to harm you and make you feel low are not your friends. Therefore their views and opinions don’t matter. Only the people who love you, including yourself, are the opinion’s that matter.

Everyone is going to have something to say about how you wear your hair to what
direction you should be taking your life in. But, just know one day this world will end and all of their hateful words and cruel intentions want matter. So, let it go and keep doing you and being a lover!

Whenever someone is mean to you show them more love. Whenever someone hurts your feelings try your best to make someone else feel good about themselves. Take all the negativity thrown at you and use it for good.

You have a choice: You decide to mope in your sorrow or turn it into something positive.

When the world is against me it gives me motivation to do better.

Write a song or poem about it to get it off your mind. Then see the good in the situation. It will only make you stronger. Kill someone with kindest and show them love and before you know it they will be showing love right back to yah!

About mj santilli 34966 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!