Season 9 Preview: Jason Diaz

This is our continuation of our preview of possible Season 9 contestants. Remember, that the Hollywood round doesn’t occur until January 9th this year. We don’t know how far any of these contestants might go. And since we never see some of the competition round contestants until the competition starts, we might never see some of these people.

Number 4: Jason Diaz
Audition City: Los Angeles

Find out more about him after the jump.

Isn’t She Beautiful Youtube
Hey Girl Youtube

Jason appears to be a pretty talented musician and singer. He’s got a bit of an old school blues vibe about him. while some of his songs are pop-rock. According to his Myspace, his song “Paper Roses” was used on episode of “Gossip Girl”. This guy definitely has some mad skills.

Sorry to play the race card, but there have been a lot of complaints that Idol hasn’t featured a viable black male contestant for years. Brandon Rogers choked. Chikezie was fun, but unfocused. Let’s not even discuss Season 8 (how could Ju’not not get called back for the wildcard?). Gedeon McKinney didn’t get his backstory and the judges (cough*Simon*cough) were kind of mean. So, you pretty much have to go back to Season 4. I think Jason would answer those complaints handily. He really seems to sound current on his “Paper Roses” song.

I think he would be a good contestant this year.

(spoiler from Joe’s Place Blog)

About Kirsten 3060 Articles
Kirsten has had a long love affair with numbers. Marry that with her love of cheese and the Numbers Threads at MJs were born.