News Roundup
While we’re waiting to see if we’re all victims of the biggest Song Spoiler punk ever–here are some articles for your reading pleasure:
Kellie’s dad, Clyde Pickler was released from prison yesterday
“Prison officials said once viewers eliminated Kellie from the show on Friday, they thought the hubbub about her dad would dissolve.
‘But we’ve gotten more phone calls asking about when Kellie’s dad will be released than we got about the day when all those employees got fired, ‘ said Department of Corrections spokeswoman Gretl Plessinger, referring to March 15 when nine high-ranking prison employees were simultaneously fired as part of a statewide management shake-up.
When the satellite trucks and reporters descended on Florida State Prison Monday morning, none of the questions were about prison management. Instead, the questions focused on Clyde Pickler.”
Randy Jackson re-ups his Idol contract:
“Jackson was the final principal to re-sign with the show: Paula Abdul, despite tabloid speculation over her increasingly loopy appearances, signed a similar three-year extension last month, while dream-killer Simon Cowell locked up a five-season deal at the end of last year.
No word on how much Jackson or his judging cohorts pocketed in their new deals, but their already-sizable seven-figure checks likely grew a little chunkier.”
Here’s an interesting poll conducted by Pursuant, Inc. on Idol viewing habits. Here are a few of the findings:
Southerners like the show best. By region, 39 percent of viewers are from the South, 21 percent from the Northeast, 21 percent from the north central states and 19 percent from the West. About three-fourths of those who vote are women. Simon Cowell’s opinions are valued most by 58 percent of voters.
Says pollster, Melissa Marcello, “People take their armchair judging roles seriously.”
Ha! No kidding…