Reunited! Adam Lambert played Elliott “Starchild” Gilbert on the 5th season of Glee. His arc lasted several episodes, in which he was first a frenemy, and then a real friend to Kurt, played by Chris Colfer. Since then, they’ve been buds, and Monday the both were guests on CBS afternoon chat show, The Talk.
Adam dropped by to perform his single “Ghost Town” and promote his latest album, The Original High. Chris is currently promoting the 4th book, Beyond the Kingdoms, from his Land of Stories children’s series. The two never crossed paths in front of the TV cameras, but backstage? It was time for a get together!
Both videos shot backstage were better than the formulaic question and answer routine they filmed for the show. In one, the two ask each other questions from fans. In the other, they read fantasy song suggestions for Kurt and Elliott. The segments are HILARIOUS. And after watching, I am here to announce that I have a new Bro OTP. We need a smooshy name for this pair!
How many sexual innuendos can Chris and Adam fit into two videos? More than you’d imagine.
Adam asks Chris: “Where is the weirdest place that you got an idea for the series that you had to write down?” Chris: “Oh gosh…I don’t know. Probably a public bathroom.” He continues, laughing, “It’s like ‘Can you spare a square? I got notes to write!.'” Adam responds, “…sliding your foot underneath the stall.” Chris quips, “I’m not trying to hit on you! I just need some paper.”
Fans suggest fantasy song selections for Elliott and Kurt. And well… A fan suggested the B.B. King version of “Hold On I’m Coming.” Chris looks into the camera, “Suggestive.” Adam agrees, “Hold on a second,” he waits a beat, “I’m coming!” while Chris cracks up. Fun Fact: Chris saw Adam perform in the ensemble of Wicked before either became famous. Chris was probably still in high school, and Adam a struggling artist. Chris held on to the program. This seemed to be brand new information to Adam, who goofed on the program photo, self-deprecatingly mocking his goatee and “glamour shot.”
These two have got to get together for another duet. Someday soon please.