Adam Lambert Lands in Germany

UPDATE: Nice piece on Adam in Check it out HERE.

“I really enjoy Gareth Pugh, ” he says, discussing his go-to designers. “I like the late and great Alexander McQueen. I like Galliano. I love a Dolce & Gabbana suit. For more casual stuff, I like Diesel and Rock & Republic.”

Adam Lambert left the UK yesterday, after spending a week there doing promo (before that, he was in Japan, Singapore and Australia). Today, he’s in Germany, and after a round of new interviews, he tweeted his frustration over interviewers constantly asking the same questions again and again.

But at the end of the day? Adam kicks back with a beer, and all is well:

@adamlambert: “Just did my third German interview where I was told that I have said “I’m the male Lady Gaga”. Lol I would never say that. I’m Adam Lambert”

“Of course Im a fan and have the highest respect for her and there some theatrical sensibilities that we share- but we are different people.”

“The first question too many reporters ask has to do w GaGa. As much as I love her- it’s becoming tiresome. Would prefer to discuss MY art.”

“More redundant questions that can be put to rest: yes it was amazing meeting Madonna. No I wasn’t asked to be Queen’s new frontman. :)”

“Aaaaand yes, I kissed Kesha. It was fun. I hope future interviewers review these tweets. I’d not, they’re twats. Hahah.”

“Don’t get me wrong- I actually really enjoy being interviewed. I’m not upset- just hoping that by tweeting, this questions will fade.”

“MAC eyeliner. And yes- GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY yay!”

“German Hefeweizen!! End of a long, productive day! Danke!

The MAC Eyeliner tweet is very lulzy.

After the jump, check out a Ustrean of Hit Radio NR1 asking some of those stupid questions… (I’ll add more interviews as they arrive today)

UPDATE: Added a vid (partial) of Adam singing “Sleepwalker” at Bravo in Munich

2nd Update: Added “Whataya Want From Me” from Bravo

Hit Radio NR1 pt 1

Hit Radio NR1 Pt 2

Sleepwalker @ Bravo Munich Germany – Partial

WWFM @ Bravo Munich Germany

About mj santilli 35224 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!