Adam Lambert Sings “Ghost Town,” Draws UK Lotto Numbers (VIDEO)


Adam Lambert helped draw the winning Lotto numbers on the National UK Lotto broadcast. After pushing the button and wishing players good luck, the numbers were called.

Next, Adam performed his new single “Ghost Town.” A perfect soundtrack for the newest Lotto winners’ celebrations! The female dancers are interpreting the message, “Thanks for playing the UK Lotto!” Heh. Just kidding. This is a combo I was not expecting. Heh. Eta: Adam sounded great, as always.

So, this is a thing in the UK? The National Lottery numbers are drawn on a Saturday night TV broadcast, with the help of celebrities? Interesting. In the US, the lottery is state run. Many states don’t even air the drawing on TV anymore. The state where I live stopped in 2011. But I’d tune in if there were dancing and singing. Adam would make any Lottery drawing fabulous, for sure.

Adam is currently in Europe promoting “Ghost Town” and his upcoming album, The Original High, which is dropping in the US on June 16.

About mj santilli 35078 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!