American Idol 12 – Top 10 – Recap, Results and Videos

AMERICAN IDOL: Curtis Finch,  Jr. is eliminated  on AMERICAN IDOL Thursday, March 14 (8:00-9:00PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR: Michael Becker/ FOX. Copyright: FOX.

UPDATE:  Curtis Finch Jr. is eliminated. He sings for his life. But the vote is not unanimous. HE IS ELIMINATED.

Tonight’s show was so jam packed, that the Idol mic ceremony that was taped last night featuring a few Idol alums didn’t run. So much for the mic! There were sing-offs between Top 20 contestants, and a sing off from the eliminated contestant. PLUS a Simon Cowell-style ranking of the contestants. Stuffed between all the activity were performances by Bon Jovi and Phillip Phillips. The hour went by really fast. With so much activity, there wasn’t a minute to be bored. That’s a good thing.

The tour sing off. As much as I believed a few weeks ago, that Charlie Askew needed to go back home and deal with his obvious issues, I’m thinking the tour spot he’s inevitably going to win might be just the ticket for him. He sang off against the lovely Aubrey Cleland. But let’s face it, she’s a great singer, but she sang a freaking ballad. No More Ballads! On the tour, I want some entertainment, and I think Charlie can bring it. Since he won’t be competing, the experience won’t do him in. In fact, it may help him. The original song he sang tonight showed promise, and his vocals were mostly solid.

The rankings. Well, Nigel did it. He liked Simon’s X Factor ranking reveal so much, that he yoinked the idea for Idol.  I have such mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I can’t resist spoilers, and find the drilled-down results fascinating. On the other hand, the rankings remove much of the mystery. It may be better to leave the viewers wondering. Now, the fans of those at the bottom are going to vote extra hard for their favorites, and maybe fans of the top tier Idols will become complacent. It messes with the natural order of things. Wisely, Nigel only revealed the Top 3, but not their order. It left a little mystery. If you’ll remember, back in Season 5, Nigel toyed with rankings and ratings.  Remember how close the vote was between the Top 3?  BTW, It’s nice to know that the contestants won their home states. But it’s not very revelatory.

Semi-surprising was Lazaro in 4th place. Well, I’m not surprised. Just a little disappointed.  He’s a sweet kid, but he did not outsing a bunch of people who ranked lower. Certainly not Amber (!!!) or Devin or Burnell. I’d say the only one who sang worse was Curtis, who deserved to go home, by the way.  Mark my words, my friends. Lazaro is going to become the Sanjaya of Season 12, and it’s not gonna be pretty.

Speaking of Curtis.  Anybody who is surprised that he was eliminated has no clue how Idol voting works (coughmariahnickicough).   Curtis’s showboaty vocals had little emotion at their core. This is why somebody sweet and self-effacing like Lazaro comes in 4th and a singer with better chops, like Curtis, gets canned.  I don’t know what he’s like off camera, but on? Curtis comes off like a cocky asshat. That just does not fly in Idol land! Idol 101, new judges. Learn it.

There were no surprises for me tonight in the bottom 3, except for Janelle not being in it. I had her in the bottom 3 and really underestimated the support she has.

A few other notes:

LULZ TO INFINITY:  Nicki threatening to go home if Curtis was eliminated. I was saying to myself: “BYE!”  Also, her pouting about not having more time to discuss his elimination. Really Nicki? When we all know this crap is for show.

The season’s first pointy pose was a disappointment. I really like when the Idols sing live and they sound kind of horrible and awkward. It adds to the charm of the performance. As it was, the canned backing track did not even sound like the Top 10! Did we just step onto the Glee set?

Phillip Phillips looked a little awkward receiving his plaque. But I think the dude is generally…awkward. He looked a little overwhelmed, to be honest. Good on him, and congratulations.


Hang on to your hats kids! We find out which of the Top 10 contestants will be sent packing tonight! Plus, American Idol winner, Phillip Phillips,  performs his new single “Gone Gone Gone,” which also happens to be the new Idol “Goodbye” song. Bon Jovi taped a performance last week that will air tonight, the years first group number will feature a cover of a new Owl City song, there will be an Idol alum surprise involving the Idol mic!

Cold open:  Ryan introduces the Top 10 and at the very end of the scary line is Phillip Phillips with a thumbs up and goofy grin on his face, as if to say, “THIS AIN’T ME ANY MORE SUCKAHS”! Ha.

Nicki Minaj IS IN THE HOUSE.

Viewers logged 26 Million votes last night.  The Idol tour sing-off will happen tonight!

Oh Jimmy Iovine recap of performances, OH HOW I’VE MISSED YOU!

Jimmy thinks Curtis can’t sing slow gospel ballads every week, if he wants to stay in the competition.  HE LOVES JANELLE and believes she ain’t going anywhere. Jimmy likes Devin, but didn’t like his song choice last night. He calls Angie “a real talent”. He loves her own songs.  He didn’t think her Celine cover was as good, as the judges thought it was. Paul picked a pretty good song. But doesn’t get the country thing. He’s a pop singer. Some other guys did a better job. On Candice, “That’s what music is supposed to feel like…she won the night.”  Sniffing at Nicki accusing him of wrecking Lazaro’s confidence, Jimmy claims he gave Lazaro a “bubble bath” in his sit down. He’ll need to learn how to handle criticism. Kree knows the material she can sing, and is perfectly capable of picking her own material. She’s in his Top 3.  Burnell was the best guy last night, 1000%. Amber  is also in his Top 3. She’s the whole package.

Oh. Ryan will be breaking down the results “with a little more detail”.  Nigel said a few months ago that he liked Simon Cowell’s idea of revealing contestant rankings.  Along with the regional percentages for some of the contestants, the rankings are being revealed tonight–with one important caveat. We’ll only learn who is in the Top 3, but not their specific rank. That leaves at least a bit mystery around the results!

Devin is up first. He was #1 in Puerto Rico with 25% of the vote.  Janelle came in 1st place in her home state, Tennessee with 30% of the vote there. Candice crushed the completion in her home stage of South Carolina. She nabbed 42% of the vote!  One of the three is in the Top 3, and it’s Candice.

The Top 10 sing “Shine Your Way” from some movie Fox Studios is pimping.  Oh, and there are clips from the movie on the screen behind them.  Background vocals are definitely a track. This is so Glee like–it doesn’t even sound like the kids singing! Lip-syncing? Definitely. Zzzzzz.

Top 10 Perform – Shine Your Way – American Idol… by IdolxMuzic

Back to results. The Mayor of Kree’s hometown is onstage.  He’s there to tell her how proud he is of her. He presents her with a key to the city.  ISN’T THIS A LITTLE PREMATURE? Kree is emotional.  Better still, She’s in the Top 3.

Jane Lynch is in the house to pimp Glee. She’ll be singing a Nicki Minaj song, in tonight’s episode, complete with pink wig. Fun times.

Next, it’s Bon Jovi. They taped their song last week. JON BON JOVI STILL LOOKING GOOD.  I’m surprised Nigel Lythgoe didn’t come out on stage and grab his guitar out of his hands. #nowgwg

Bon Jovi – American Idol (Results) by IdolxMuzic

OH IT’S TIME FOR THE TOUR SING OFF.  The 6th place girl and guy will sing for an 11th spot on the tour.

Charlie Askew sings an original song “Sky Blue Diamond” for a chance to sing on tour. He’s sitting at the piano. And this is probably the best he’s ever sung on stage.  To be honest, I hope whoever makes the tour brings a little pizzazz.

Charlie Askew Sing Off – Sky Blue Diamond… by IdolxMuzic

Aubrey Cleland – “Here on My Own” – Aubrey’s got a really pretty voice, but she’s generic.  That song choice was a total snoozer. Please no more ballad singers on the tour! We have enough.

Aubrey Cleland Sing Off – On My Own – American… by IdolxMuzic

I think Charlie’s got this.

You can only vote online at American or the App.

American Idol winner, Phillip Phillips takes the stage to sing the awesomely awesome “Gone Gone Gone”.  After, Randy presents him with his QUADRUPLE PLATINUM award. Phillip looks a little dazed.

RESULTS: Angie and Lazaro are next. Only 1 has made it into Top 3. In the stage of Florida, Angie received over 17% of the vote.  But, Lazaro beat her in the state. Lazaro apologizes. Geez. Nevertheless, Angie is in the Top 3.

OK. Now we are running out of time. Ryan is going to have to blow through the rest of the rankings.  The results flash on the screen. Lazaro is 4th. Amber is 5th.  Janelle is 6th. Burnell is 7th. He does a little victory dance as he makes his way to the other side of the stage.  Ryan notices Curtis whispering to Paul. Nope. Curtis isn’t going to reveal what he said. Continuing on,  Paul is in 8th place.  that means Devin and Curtis are in the Bottom 2.

Keith thinks they are both great singers. The right songs would be a game change.  Nicki says Curtis DEFINITELY should not be in the bottom 2.  “C’mon America, are you kidding me?” she says.  Hilariously, Nicki threatens to go home if Curtis is eliminated.

The eliminated contestant will have to sing for their life. THE SAVE IS BACK.

The person with the lowest number of votes is CURTIS Devin is SAFE!  Nicki, behaving as if she is seriously pissed off, gets out of her chair. But she doesn’t go far. She sits back down.

Curtis sings “I Believe I Can Fly,” complete with all his phony showboating.   Cut to the judges: Keith and Randy talk animatedly behind Nicki’s chair while she sits with the biggest bitch face ever.  Mariah is off to one side staring stone faced. Oh this panel.  The judges have to be unanimous for the save. Ugh. Don’t save him.  The crowd is chanting SAVE SAVE SAVE.

Mariah can’t believe he was eliminated.  She is completely shocked that Curtis is singing for his life.  She says they will always have a connection. Yeah. Sure..

Randy announces that the panel was not unanimous, therefore Curtis is GOING HOME. There is booing from the crowd.  Nicki is pissed, “I think we needed an extra minute to discuss it! I don’t feel there was a real discussion about it.”  C’mon Nicki. You know how it works!  “I know it’s a live show, but…” Curtis’ journey flashes on the screen to Phillip Phillip’s “Gone Gone Gone,” and we’re out.

Bottom 2 & Final Result – American Idol 12 (Top… by IdolxMuzic

Top 3 (And Safe)

  • Candice Glover
  • Kree Harrison 
  • Angie 

Ryan will reveal who came in 4th through last:

4th place – Lazaro Arbos
5th place – Amber Holcomb
6th place – Janelle Arthur
7th place – Burnell Taylor
8th place – Paul Jolley
9th place – Devin Velez
10th place – Curtis Finch Jr. 

Top 3 & 4-8 Results – American Idol 12 (Results) by IdolxMuzic

About mj santilli 35189 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!


  1. Jimmy already knows the results so he bases his critique on that.Seems like Curtis Paul and Devin are in trouble and not Jennelle.

  2. Ugh, I don’t like the show taking a page out of the XF book and tell us who the top three are. This tactic didn’t pay off for Simon.

  3. I hope they don’t do a leaderboard like Xfactor. I don’t like knowing the rankings.

  4. Well, that was no surprise. :P

    Way to go, Candice! And Ryan was right… our entire state loves you! <3

  5. Both shows are produced by the same production company. Too bad that they can’t come up with new ideas, or see that this didn’t work for the X Factor.

  6. Yet in a pure singing competition, most of them still beat him out :P.

    …I’d probably still end up voting him over a lot of these contestants, which is kinda sad.

  7. Jenelle wins the vote in her native Tennesse well I expected her to get more votes then Paul from small town TN but not Kree who is from Nashville??

  8. What did they just make those children sing? No wonder they keep picking the wrong songs.

  9. That would be weird if Paul, Devin, and Curtis were the B3. They were the only guys to give competent performances in the QF rounds lol. I hope Paul and Devin aren’t in the B3. But at least one of them will be. Ugh. I’d rather just have Bottom 2.

    Candice and Kree are safe, very well deserved.

  10. Ah so Ryan said the person in danger of going home will sing for a last chance which mean the save is still being used

  11. Part of me expects exactly that to happen and part of me expects that in spite of the girls being generally better than the boys, we’ll still see a girl go home tonight.

  12. Is Kree a native Tennesean, or does she just live there now, though.

  13. Yeah I’m OK with a Top 3 reveal. Happy to see Candice and Kree are leading the pack! I wonder who the third member of the Top 3 will be?

  14. I kinda doubt it. The pimp spot is a bit more of a safe spot than it is during the semifinals, and Amber didn’t bomb. Janelle was the only one who sang an upbeat song. She could hit B3, but with Jimmy’s comments being a “predictor” I doubt it.

  15. Already 2 out of 3 female top vote getters (probably Angie will join Candice and Kree). Looking good so far for the potential female winner. In other seasons, this wouldn’t have happened, but the girls this year are strong (or the guys just suck.)

  16. I enjoy Jimmy, though. Don’t care if it’s after-the-fact. At least he speaks the truth most of the time.

  17. There’s a picture of him wrapped in nothing but and American Flag from the waist down. He has some abs for 51 year old too!

  18. Interesting that there is no wgwg as contestants but the two guests tonight are both successful wgwg

  19. Charlie is in the tour sing-off. I don’t have a problem with that, tbh.

  20. I’m glad that he gets a chance at the tour. He didn’t work for the show, but he might work for the tour.

  21. Idol wants anything it can get to make this early crop of lumps and dumps seem like a big deal. I’d imagine they get a flood of offers from home to celebrate a top 10 contestant, but they’ve never been this desperate before, so the dipped into the well wayyyyy too early.

  22. I’m sure the tour producers are routing for Charlie. He won’t be another ballad, that’s for sure!

  23. Why would Idol reveal the top 3 vote getter contestants? This could backfire.

  24. Somehow I don’t remember Aubrey that well. She’s sounding pretty iffy on some of her vocals, though overall better than Charlie.
    Still, why choose this type of song for a singoff I wonder

  25. Why could it not have been Breanna but glad it was Aubrey if not Breanna.

  26. Not Breanna? Im a bit surprised but it doesnt really matter because I doubt Ill go see the tour. Aubrey should of sang like this last week. Phenominal!

  27. I’d have a problem if I was an actual top 10 conestant. Who needs Kid Fragile and his constant need for attention and me-first hurt feelings. He’d be a major nuisance to have on what is going to be a tiny tourbus and no-frills production company. This set of “Idols” couldn’t fill an Elks Lodge.

  28. Maybe Angie is not in the top 3, which will result in massive powervoting of her fans, giving her the victory.

  29. She is better than Charlie, by far, but he is much more interesting.

  30. I really liked part of Charlie’s song. The chords changes in the verse were really, really nice and unexpected. Very cool. Didn’t care for the bridge. His voice didn’t sound great–but I think he has some songwriting skills

  31. Fingers crossed he makes it. Charlie will be a bigger draw for the tour.

  32. I think that Aubrey sang very well, but I have a feeling that Charlie’s awkward turtles will vote like mad to get him on the tour.

  33. Based on that performance, Charlie should go through. Aubrey was terrible. I missed Misha B’s and Thia’s versions.

  34. Going second hurt Breanna, especially with the song that she picked.

  35. I think Charlie’s got this.

    I don’t think the tour will do Charlie’s fragile self-esteem any favours. It’s grueling. I hope Aubrey makes it, but the Charlie got the backstory, so he has the fans (Aubrey was kept in witness protection until the top 40).

  36. I think Charlie’s got this.

    I don’t think the tour will do Charlie’s fragile self-esteem any favours. It’s grueling. I hope Aubrey makes it, but the Charlie got the backstory, so he has the fans (Aubrey was kept in witness protection until the top 40).

  37. I think Charlie’s got this.

    I don’t think the tour will do Charlie’s fragile self-esteem any favours. It’s grueling. I hope Aubrey makes it, but the Charlie got the backstory, so he has the fans (Aubrey was kept in witness protection until the top 40).

  38. It’s grueling, but not judgmental. I think the tour will be amazing for Charlie.

  39. P2’s singing has gotten better since last year. By quite a lot. I wonder if his illness had to do with a really rough start. I like this material for him, too.

  40. P2’s singing has gotten better since last year. By quite a lot. I wonder if his illness had to do with a really rough start. I like this material for him, too.

  41. This song sucks. Not nearly as good as Home. P2 proves you don’t have to be a great singer to do well. Work those instrumentals.

  42. This song sucks. Not nearly as good as Home. P2 proves you don’t have to be a great singer to do well. Work those instrumentals.

  43. Ryan didn’t even finish his sentence and she was already celebrating.

  44. He looks like that most of the time. That, and he’s always so nervous and sweaty isn’t entertaining for me.

  45. He looks like that most of the time. That, and he’s always so nervous and sweaty isn’t entertaining for me.

  46. He looks like that most of the time. That, and he’s always so nervous and sweaty isn’t entertaining for me.

  47. I’m pretty excited that we got a female top 3. I hope we end up with that toward the finale. It looks like Nigel’s plan is working.

  48. After the last couple of years with girls going out early, it’s nice to see three in the top three, and all reasonably talented having delivered good to excellent performances yesterday.

  49. I hope Charlie makes tour. We need some diversity. I doubt it will come here, but still.

  50. I would have found it disturbing if Lazaro was in the top 3. Means he’d be staying well past his use by date. Glad it was Angie.

  51. love phillip phillips. i gotta admit i wasn’t a fan of him last season cuz i just wanted a female to win. however, i came to appreciate his music style and his album is very good! possibly the best debut album since carrie’s some heart. glad to see him performing gone gone gone. it will get a big idol boost for sure!

  52. that’s why he needs to go along with curtis! I can’t stand the drama like he’s always going to cry! GAWD!!!

  53. I disagree completely. The competition might be too tough for him, but I have no doubt he’ll find touring a thrill of a lifetime.

  54. I’d rather Burnell or Amber was in the Top 3 rather than Angie, but I’m not surprised by this vote

  55. I love GGG, but I felt like they played it too fast, and I even saw Erol (the guitarist) having problems with his gear. Still a great song (and album)

  56. I voted for Angie, Devin and Candace. I hope Devin makes it through too. I really liked his performance of Carrie’s song. He’sa very talented singer.

  57. The Top 3 is all girls. It would feel a little more awesome if they actually had competition among the guys, but it is pretty nice. I just hope that Nigel doesn’t get the brilliant idea of making the males suck much more than the girls ever again.

    And I would’ve also been kinda disturbed if Lazaro made Top 3 after that last night. Would’ve given the season a pretty scary outlook.

    And, now that I think about it, I don’t like knowing the rankings. Hopefully this is just a one week thing. They did it once in S6, right?

  58. Please explain why those producers who are and aren’t involved with the X Factor would think that copying anything off of that show is a good idea. I just don’t get it.

  59. Meh, doesn’t bother me to know the order. Doesn’t effect my opinions. lol

  60. Interesting that they are revealing the rankings. OK, so far I’m fine with who is safe.

  61. hating this system. Going too fast, no drama, and TMI about placement.

  62. I’m happy that Paul is in the bottom three. I’d be incredibly depressed if he actually made the finals. He probably shouldn’t even be in the top ten.

  63. Also, ugh @ the Bottom 3. Lazaro and Janelle should be there instead.

    STFU Nicki.

  64. I like finding out the results like this. I like finding out the order. Too bad they couldn’t do this seasons ago.

  65. I don’t get the “top three vote getter” contestants being revealed. This will only push the other fans especially the Lazaro fans to powervote even though he couldn’t sing.

  66. Well a lot of us predicted this bottom two on the other thread. Lazaro and Amber so high was a bit of a surprise to me though!

  67. ….Instead of Paul and Devin, with Curtis going home either way. Probably should’ve added that.

  68. i miss having the bottom 3. it was more suspenseful… this reveal is too similar to the x factor!

  69. Not sure I love seeing the rankings given out in that much detail — though it may add some interest as long as it’s not static week in, week out.
    I’m not too surprised to see Devin in the b2 with the bland song choices and delivery, and not to be mean but he’s not that great looking to attract votes from those who are looking for that.

  70. Not a fan of revealing what place they finished in. This didn’t work on XF, why do they thik it would work any better on Idol?

  71. Most people seemed like Amber a lot more than I did, plus she got the pimp spot and the judges slobbered all over her, so I reckon it worked. I like her tho overall (just not last night) so i’m ok with that. Lazaro needs to go though.

  72. I dunno, didn’t make much of a difference on X-Factor. Rankings for Top 4 were pretty consistent the whole season.

  73. They have stuffed this results show with twice as much filler as usual, but it seems to have lasted longer than the results shows where nothing happened except recaps of the previous night’s performances. For goodness sake, even this episode is boring.

  74. Devin is the only singer among the guys who will give the girls competition. I want a girl to win this season like Angie, but Devin deserves top 5. The judges underrated him yesterday for some reason. He’s a solid vocalist.

  75. When Paul and Janelle go, so will I. The rest of these folks all sound alike, and I won’t care who wins. I would never buy anything they would record. Just don’t like the style of music that is left

  76. It did seem faster than usual…the show might have only had X minutes for it…who knows? Hope it helps it sell!

  77. oh, i’m sure she saw it. just find it funny she’d be the one to defend him. although she didn’t actually defend yesterday’s performance i guess. i’m still on the nicki train though.

  78. Wow, all the girls in the top 6. What are the odds of getting an all female top 5?

  79. Ugh to Lazaro as #4, don’t get it. The others who came in #4-8 I could probably shake up into various orders and not be bothered, except Paul probably.

  80. Haha I think Niki tipped their hand there … he’s gonna be saved.

  81. HELL YES!

    Devin is safe!

    ….If those judges use the save I swear I am punching Randy in the face.

  82. Yeah, Devin deserves to still be three. I voted for him, Candace and Angie

  83. …By the way, I would really like it if both Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey didn’t tweet results before the West Coast got a hold of them? Lol.

  84. Good. Curtis was bad yesterday. He might be a very nice guy, I don’t know. But he does not come across that way. And I hate the over emoting, melisma filled style.

  85. I believe you can fly too . . . . like fly away home, little bird.

  86. “I don’t get the “top three vote getter” contestants being revealed.”

    OK with me if they want to destroy all the suspense…not there is much this season to start with. One less reason to watch the show and see who is safe.
    Works for me.

  87. The # on the bottom of the screen reads #idolgoodbye. So judges STOP pretending that you are deliberating!

  88. Why the hell would would Idol copy XFactir results show? They want to sabotage Thurs ratings too/ Revealing order sucks plus manipulates votes…PLEASE DONT SAVE CURTIS,LET NICKI HAVE A FIT.. They need to save a pimped girls..Not a Curtis fan but he killed that song

  89. What happened to the Where Are They Now segment and the “Idol Mic Across America” segment with the former contestants?? Nice planning, Idol! LOL

  90. Ryan: “Curtis, one of our favorite people to ever come on this show”.

    Really? I don’t think so.

  91. Ughh. My local fox station has effed up and I missed most of the end of the results.

  92. There’s no way they would have saved Curtis. It’s the first week of the finals. What would happen if one of their real favorites like Angie or Kree or Candice got the fewest votes next week, and they couldn’t save them because they had already used the Judges’ save?

  93. As soon as Curtis started singing “I Believe I Can Fly” again, I was like, send him home.

  94. America got the 10th place person right, but I had issue with the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 8th placers. What?

    I prefer not knowing the ranking. I prefer just having the Bottom 3.

  95. I’m a bit suprised that Paul was 8th. Not that he is an amazing singer, but I thought the country and the pretty guy vote would at least brought him to 5th/6th place.

  96. I hope that you’re right. It’s patronizing to vote him through based on his backstory.

  97. I dunno, if he didn’t keep saying he was country I would never know he was country.

  98. did i miss the where are they now feature? and the mic? i did fast forward a bit.

  99. Well good to hear Curtis is gone. Did they reveal the order of the top 3 or just said those people are in it? And LMAO at Lazaro being in 4th place. Imagine what will happen when he has a good night, or when Devin and Paul get the boot! BBWWWAAHHH. Still, last night’s top 3 feels right.

  100. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind at this stage in the competition if they revealed the top 3 and bottom 3 contestants, but to display every result from top to bottom could mess up results down the line as some fans may get complacent while others powervote harder. I think, with regards to a female winner, this format may end up backfiring majorly on them. I could see, with this format, Angie, Kree, or Candace falling to the bottom within 2 to 3 weeks.

    This is a terrible idea by the producers IMO. It didn’t work on X Factor, what makes them think it will work here?

  101. It’s amazing he came in 4… but it would be so stupid to pull this placement results again… Why copy Simons failure

  102. 47% of the country just voted to deny the basic human rights of love and marriage to gay men and women. Are you honestly surprised when these 5, now 4 gay and effeminate men cannot get popular support?

  103. I missed tonights show! :( Thank god for this thread and recap lol. Curtis is gone, yay! They should give him a laptop as a parting gift hehe.

  104. but he isn’t a good country singer, I agree with Jimmy that he would be better as pop, that aside would a gay man be successful in country music?
    btw while he is well manicured, and not ugly, i wouldn’t call him pretty.. pretty bland and generic if you asked me

  105. I wish they would have just revealed the top 3 and bottom 3, rather than giving us the whole ranking from 4-10. But other than that, I like it. I think it’s good for the midpackers to know they’re midpackers. For instance, Burnell should now realize he needs to step it up and make better song choices because even going 2nd to last, he still barely escaped the bottom 3.

  106. I keep telling y’all, Paul is not the one who fits the profile. It’s Lazaro! Lazaro is way more likeable, humble, wholesome boy next door that Paul will ever be.

  107. Surprised at Burnell rank. Not so much @Paul. His surprise in not understanding what Jimmy was trying to explain to him re: his theatrics was unbelievable.

  108. I hope that Devin learns for this, and realizes that he needs to pick better songs. Threatening us that he is going to stick to treacly ballads is not a good idea.

  109. Yeah, I’m totally tempted to vote for Paul and Devin now at Candice’s expense. I can’t say for sure whether I will…. My 50 votes don’t really mean anything anyway lol.

    No lie, I’ve been curious about these results, but I prefer XFUK’s system of revealing the vote rankings AFTER the season.

  110. More to the point, Curtis has a Y-chromosome…no way they’d save a guy this year.

  111. The girls (judges) need to get use to saying goodbye to someone every week. Randy is an ol’ pro at this cutting game.

  112. It didn’t hurt Adam and Clay.. I mean, Paul may be effeminate (and gay), but I think he might be attractive for the ones who tune in for the first time. Adam was in his own way good looking, but you could easily tell he was very effeminate, even for the ones who saw him for the first time.

  113. Next weeks TV Guide says the feature starts next week. Probably because they had the tour sing off tonight.

  114. I agree, because I quite like Burnell but he needs to change it up.. I think he may have been splitting votes with Curtis. Unless something changes next week, Paul or Devin will go home. I’m guessing they are also splitting votes.

  115. agree top 3 and bottom 3 only (so by default the others know they are mid pack) makes more sense… but as ratings are down the toilet, and there are now 3 singing talent shows on US TV, its a brave new world… I suspect that the TPTB are showing signs of panic (re ratings) and are therefore trying all sorts of new ideas… some will work / be liked and others wont…

  116. I want Burnell to learn that lesson. Devin is toast no matter what he sings. He’s outta here by 8th place, mark my words. **dons soothsayer hat**

  117. The worst part about giving the results is the impact that it can have on the contestants. They all need to be mentally strong, and anyone who is in the bottom should use the opportunity to make changes, but that won’t be the case with everyone. I think that some of the XF contestants just gave up, because of their rankings.

  118. Paul is not country. Imo, he is just smart enough to know that he isn’t current in pop, so he is hoping for country crossover.

  119. I agree, but it will be like that for a while. He’s here to stay. Still, I think Lazaro’s astoundingly bad song picking skills will do him in eventually. I hope anyway.

  120. I love how Nicki said “we needed a minute. We didn’t really have a chance to talk it out” … once again revealing that the save is just as scripted as everything else on the show.

  121. Plus, it gives voters a flase sense of security knowing that their snowflake is in the top 3. Where’s the motivation to power-vote? Nigel is seriously killing me with his decisions this season.

  122. I wonder if NIcki is wondering if because she wasn’t there to critique his performance, it hurt him. That would be awesome if she thought it was partly her fault even though it wasn’t.

  123. JMO but I bet the rankings reveal was 1 time only thing to firmly send the message that this year is a girls year and Paul Jolley and Lazaro are not leading the votes. I bet the ranking reveal goes away as of next week.

  124. I cannot believe that Lazaro was in 4th place. Really?!? Wow….that is all. Lol.

  125. Well I like, but of course my favorite is Amber, and I was afraid if she was safe, her and her fans might just assume she was top 3.

  126. Lazaro is a sweet guy. He’ll go alot further than people think. I guess the theatrical country singer isn’t going to wow them. What a shocker!
    GGG works really well as the boot song though!

  127. Well shame on them for giving up. What would have happened to those rubber trees if the ants had decided to give up. This isn’t some grade school election, this is the big time and everyone better step up to the plate. And if fans don’t think it is important to keep the pressure up and vote what does that say about their commitment to buying music.

  128. i think TPRB will try all sorts of different things to boost ratings and get the desired results… you know, as part of the non-manipulation of the show!

  129. I didn’t mind them giving the order tonight but it won’t work if they keep doing it.

  130. pretty slim i’d say… don’t forget its only the first week… next week it could all be different based on song choices and power voting

  131. I’m sure Nigel told Randy not to use the save because he is more tuned in to what the public thinks (and knows the vote of last week, and that Curtis is just simply at the bottom). Because I think these judges would have used the save if Randy wasn’t likely instructed to veto the save with his vote (because I think Randy loves Curtis too).

  132. What do you mean it didn’t work? How are you supposed to determine if it works? You mean it didn’t work in Emblem 3 winning?

  133. I agree! I’d never heard that song, but now it’s stuck in my head.

  134. I think it was more for people like Amber, who otherwise may have assumed she was top 3 (and her fans may have as well) to show the public that even though people thought she performed top 3, she is not getting the votes.

  135. Lazaro is probably getting the same voters who took the rocker dude to a fourth place finish and the guy with the glasses all the way to third. After all, this is a TV show first with huge backstories and the singing competition and the kid’s futures don’t seem to compute with a lot voters. The heart often overrules the head.

  136. I do hope Paul, Burnell, and Devin learn a tough lesson from their (IMO really wrong) rankings before this season becomes The Candice Glover And Her BFF Kree Show….. It might be a little too late for that, but at least add “With cameos from Paul Jolley, Devin Velez, and Burnell Taylor” to the title.

  137. The show has only been over for about 25 minutes and GGG is close to entering the top 50 on iTunes. Nice.

  138. I hope Charlie makes it as well. At least he brings something different to the mix.

  139. Effeminate? Really? Curtis was the only one of the top 5 I would ever call effeminate.

  140. Either the placement helps Lazaro (makes his fans wanna vote super hard next week) or hurts him (makes them complacent). Either or, next week will be telling for him. He will either stay where he is or drop down. It should also be interesting to see what spot he is singing next week and what the judges say.

  141. On HD P2 also looked like he was sweating up a storm. I think nerves get them all when they come back. It’ll be really nice to hear it every week though.

    There are TWO versions of GGG charting on iTunes, one is at 51, one at 92.
    Add them together and GGG should be charting at around #15 or 16 overall on iTunes. EXCELLEN!

  142. The truth is Paul Jolley is a likable, humble, wholesome boy but not a stutter so he can`t beat Lazaro.

  143. i dont see that at all… he made a poor song choice, and gave a poor delivery… that aside i see nothing interesting, modern or relevant about him that would put him up there against the likes of Candice, angie, kree etc…

  144. Weirdly, he did sound somewhat country on his iTunes track. but how you make a career when your in-person sound and stage persona is so different, I have no idea.
    Maybe he could just sing jingles or do animated movie features ;)

  145. I just figured they didn’t spend much time talking to her since her vote was already locked and the other three had to be in.

  146. Curtis is gone? I almost never get what I want. Sorry, Curtis, you were too smarmy for my TV.

    I’m so jealous that we got the standings for each contestant. Come on, Nigel! Throw us Idol loonies a bone and give us the weekly results for the entire season. I’ll wash your car!

  147. I don’t think Paul is like able. I find him pretentious, dramatic, theatrical and OTT.

  148. As someone else pointed out…if he makes it, hope he comes without the drama. It’s not fair to the Top 10 if he appears unstable & requires extra attention.

  149. I noticed that too. Paul sounded a lot more “country” on the studio recording.

  150. There are two versions of GGG on iTunes, one now at #41 and the other #92. Add them together and the song is probably in the top 20 or better overall.

  151. Angie has spoiled the results on Twitter for the left coast people. lol

  152. Does performance order matter?

    1 Curtis – 10th
    2 Janelle – 6th
    3 Devin – 9th
    4 Angie – Top 3
    5 Paul – 8th
    6 Candice – Top 3
    7 Lazaro – 4th
    8 Kree – Top 3
    9 Burnell – 7th
    10 Amber – 5th

    Theory – If you are super-good or getting the mothering vote (Lazaro), you are safe no matter where you are. Otherwise, you have a better chance of surviving near the end of the line-up.

  153. I had seen some utube videos and he sounds more country pop in them – maybe because they were smaller venues and he was not so nervous. He did win a local idol competition

  154. I’m wondering if Charlie hadn’t been the guy to compete for that 11th tour spot whether they would have even brought in this twist. It seems to me that the producers want Charlie on tour.

  155. yes performance order does matter (as it always has), but so does song choice and performance… the bottom 4 all picked poor/snoozy songs and sang them poorly

  156. Goodbye Curtis. And listen, I’ve been on the Nicki bandwagon, but her threatening to leave is childish. You can’t use the save for the 10th place finisher.

  157. Aubrey beat Breanna Steer for the 6th place girl? Don’t get it. That girl had sass. However, I wouldn’t trade any of the top 5 girls for her but she would have been fun on Tour and probably a big fan favorite. The judges were overly harsh on Breanna’s Flaws and All performance.

  158. I wish Charlie were on the show. I’d care more. As it is, I voted for Candice. I NEVER vote for girls!

  159. I tend to agree with Sammy Joe… i think this is what Jimmy was referring to about Paul being dramatic and OTT… sort of code for you seem gay or gay acting… as well as Paul i’d say the same thing about Curtis & Devin… neither Lazarus or Burnell are what you’d call alpha males… hence all the comments about no frau bait

  160. LOL! I know! Is she going to do that every time someone gets voted off?

  161. David Facenfield: i think TPTB will try all sorts of different things to boost ratings and get the desired results…


    David Facenfield: you know, as part of the non-manipulation of the show!


  162. As much as I like Paul I could tell he hasnt developed a big fanbase, certainly not the kind of fanbase Lazaro has. He has one of the lower number of Twitter followers and when he does post on Facebook there’s very few comments. Overall online enthusiasm isnt very high.

    I can easily see the rankings backfiring. I think Angie has a good sized fanbase and the girls were very strong on a night that generally sucked. I doubt the Top 3 will stay like that and I can see some of the lower placers getting a boost from fans voting harder.

  163. She’s also telling this kids to be professional but what she did (threatening to leave) was so unprofessional.

  164. Okay, lessons learned from tonight’s results:

    Amber: If you can’t get higher than 5th place with the pimp spot, a wind machine and a standing ovation from the judges then that is a HUGE HONKING SIGNAL for you to step up your game. Time for a radical change in tactics girlfriend. Try picking songs that don’t make you look like a 50 year old ex-pageant bot. You were all Ms. Nebraska circa 1952 last night. Sing a damn Beyonce song or something.

    Burnell: You went next to last and still couldn’t place higher than the girl who sang second. Your shit is shaky. Handle that. Stop singing boring cheese. I know Lazaro can get away with it. You can’t.

    Lazaro: Dude you managed 4th place while sounding like holy hell and being buried in the muddy middle, bookended by way superior performances. The producers have noted your threat status are going to bus the crap out of you next week. You need to either sound good next episode or if you can’t pull that off, cry on stage. Either way you’ll be safe. You’re welcome. But after that, get someone with some damn sense to pick songs for you, mmkay?

    Devin: You are going home, guy. All you can do is try to not take last for a few more weeks. Just get used to the stools dude. Your Competent Groban mojo is no match for Lazaro’s Sad Groban mojo. What you need to do is figure out where you want to do shows after the tour and sing for those people.

    Janelle: You are cute and bubbly and can go out 5th or so if you play your cards right, Try not to suck and keep being cute and you might make it all the way to the middle.

    Paul: See Devin.

    Angie, Candice and Kree: One of you is going to win unless Lazaro gets his shit together by some miracle. Try to stay consistently good and throw in some surprises every now and then. Vary the tempos week to week. Do your best to always come across humble and nice. Candice, this is extra true for you, people are going to be extra sensitive to “attitude” or “arrogance” from you. If you three keep the quality up you might slow the ratings slide. Good luck ladies!

  165. it’s not just that… a) they weren’t trying to do country boy next door… b) Clay was the aw shucks geek turned boy next door… c) Adam had a more dominant stage presence and attitude

  166. I don’t think Nicki was being childish w/ her comment about leaving if Curtis left. She was just trying to show her passion for Curtis and indicate how confident she was that Curtis wasn’t in the bottom. She was never really going to leave. It’s just a saying people throw out.

  167. I don’t think that Burnell can do anything but cheese, which is sad since he has a great voice. Ditto on everything that you said.

  168. The bottom-three stools were a fixed feature of the old show. Their disappearance makes the results ritual far less interesting to watch. Another example of change for the sake of change only. It’s a change that does nothing to enliven the show.

  169. Apparently Nicki doesn’t look on the blogs. If she did, she would see that MANY people did not like Curtis.

  170. they’ll wait a few weeks to openly bus Lazaro… they have much easier pickings with the other 3 guys… plus they know he will have run his course in 2 or 3 weeks anyway…

  171. The problem with Devin is you CANNOT out ballad Candice, Kree and Angie. Not even Amber.

    His problem is that he said he is a balladeer like Josh Groban. In his interview he said he favorite previous winner was Kris Allen….yet he went the ballad Diva way.

    I have seen he plays the guitar on youtube and can sing heart felt songs…I SUGGEST HE GO THAT ROUTE…or he is history.

  172. i thought it was cool on xf and I like it on Idol. I like that they don’t say who actually is #1. I think that was a problem with xf. I bet Idol won’t do it for long. Still I think it is a good idea. I can’t believe Lazaro was 4th!!

  173. The problem with Devin is he cannot out ballad Candice, Kree, Angie or Amber in the ‘DIVA’ ballad category.

    He needs to do what he does on youtube…Pick up that guitar and do like his favorite Idol winner Kris Allen and be creative.

    If he tries to out ballad the top 4 girls…he is toast.

  174. I’m glad Curtis is gone he was the worst of the night and well just too smug for me. And his save me song didn’t warrant saving him either.

    I did wonder if the judges would save Curtis just so Nicki wouldn’t be a “liar”. Liar is in quotes b/c everyone knew she wasn’t serious it was just an indication of passion/ confidence. Like when people say if so and so happens i’ll eat my shoe. They don’t actually mean it they just showing they think it’s unlikely. But then I also thought Mariah would vote NOT to save Curtis b/c she wanted to get rid of Nicki. LOL.

    I’m glad the save is still there b/c before the show I had this little kernel of fear in the back of my mind that everybody would think Kree and especially Candice were save and wouldn’t vote for them and one of them would be eliminated. I didn’t know that they still had the save system w/ just 10 people so I an assumption like that would just lead to a super shock elimination. So glad we got a safety net for my girls.

  175. I want to see Candice and Kree in the finals. It would be really exciting to watch!!! Bye Curtis! Yay! :-)

  176. It won’t be too exciting if we know week after week that Candice and Kree are in the top 3.

  177. I don’t think Paul is like able. I find him pretentious, dramatic, theatrical and OTT.

    I don’t find Paul pretentious, but he is dramatic and theatrical. I actually think that he’s rather insecure, and shows it a bit too much. It is a bit odd that he didn’t seem to be aware of how theatrical he is when he performs though. If Lazaro stays too long, then he may suffer a backlash like in other seasons when poor singers stayed while better singers/performers left.

  178. It does the opposite of enliven.

    Remember when Ryan used to announce the first couple of safe people and the first bottom 3 person, and then we’d have 20 minutes of show? Then later another few safe people .. more show … and only at the end we’d get the full bottom 3 and the sing for your life? Remember how much less boring that was than to tell everyone in the last 7 minutes of the show precisely where they rank?

    I hate this season.

  179. I’m not so sure Randy would have done that. He probably knew it would be a wasted save since Curtis would have likely gone home next week if he had been saved tonight.

  180. The girls should of gotten all the top 5 spaces. What Lazaro did last night was NO top 4 performance. Lazaro sneaked in there b/c after he sang he had this huge stuttering moment while talking. And he was endearing, people thought he was adorable and others felt sorry for him so they gave him votes.

  181. That’s exactly what I posted a few days ago. I think that’s precisely why they brought this twist into play. They want Charlie on tour and know that he will win this singoff based on his fan following.

  182. Are Amber and Lazaro really close? When Amber was announced safe, Lazaro almost fell over himself jumping up and down. I never realized it before but that would be cute if they were good friends.

  183. I agree. Learning the rankings the way that they did it tonight is oddly less suspenseful than the previous seasons.

  184. Man, you are right. The bus will turn his way a little later on.

    Amber is SO heading towards “shock boot” territory. Only it won’t be a shock if they keep revealing the rankings, will it? Heh.

  185. They are good friends. I stop by all their Twitter pages regularly, and Amber says her two best friends on the show are Devin and Lazaro.

  186. Thanks. It also puts a smile on my face when the finalists become close. I know it cliche and all but seeing them as a “family” makes me all giddy.

  187. Me either. My first choice would have been Nick, and a lot of others wanted Elijah (who I would have been fine with), but Charlie looks like he’s recovered from last week’s meltdown and I liked the song. On the girl’s side, I would have been equally fine with Adriana, Aubrey, or Breanna. Either one can make it; I’m probably going to the tour again anyway to support my home-state girl, Angie.

  188. Devin needs to shave his head because he looks like Tintin with that semi mohawk- ish hairstyle then next week he should perform ala Justin Timberlake.

  189. He’s a solid vocalist who wants to be a bland balladeer. Not current + little charisma = trouble, even if he does have a good voice

  190. That’s what I like about revealing the vote ranking. In the past people have been accused of getting “the cute vote,” “the backstory vote,” etc., but now we have something close to proof. I don’t care that the producers are pushing for the Crown Ruler to be a queen; I’d like to see it too, and then maybe we’ll have a gender-balanced mix of winners when the show ends in a few years. As long as a girl comes out on top, this season can play out however it will and I’ll be fine. (And for the record, I like Lazaro; he just needs to pick better songs.)

  191. Yeah. it couldn’t possibly be that people like someone that others don’t. Nope. @.@

  192. This season has too many R&B singers and it’s not smart not to have rock represented.

  193. Keith asking him a question probably actually helped him get votes.

  194. First Nicki didn’t see Curtis perform so can’t see that she has a horse in this race. Are they copying XFactor and showing the ratings. Looks that way. Pacing of this show way off tonight. Give Ryan a hand.

  195. Tinawina I literally could not have said it better if I tried..your comment is exactly what I’ve been thinking

  196. If she needed a moment she should have stopped sulking and participated. She also should have her ample ads in her seat so she can critique what is happening instead of what happened in the past.

  197. Viewers are nostalgic for the show that was, for the old ritual, and especially for the comfortable chemistry of the former judges. Bad enough they’re forcing viewers to adjust to the new team–and a cast without much talent–but they’re changing what viewers LIKED about the show’s rituals as well. In the process they’re making it a different show. Instead of carefully updating the show with fresh music and genuinely discerning judges, they’re in panic mode, reaching for any gimmick that’s different from how things were done before. None of it is working.

  198. I thought that Angie had a certain something to her personality, so is Candice. A little loose might have helped too.

  199. The Top 3 is my Top 3, and I love it. I just hope they can keep it up. And I have no doubts Amber can overtake Lazaro, easily.

  200. I’m in love with Charlie’s voice & tone. And he’s the only one bringing the rock genre. I get a Todd Rundgren vibe from his ear feather LOL.

  201. HIGHLY suggest on that. Maybe Nigel prohibited him from doing it? Maybe he would take out the “big guns” (that is guitar playing) if he really feels to be in trouble.

  202. When they show us a top 3, then we pretty much know who will eventually be saved.

  203. Aubrey BEST win that 11th tour spot. I’m still baffled how she has to fight for a spot in the tour, while 7-8 on the couches to her left are allowed to compete for the title of American Idol. What is this show coming to?!

  204. Oh, and it was kinda funna to see P2 on the idol stage .. singing melody.
    Not sure he’s done that before.

  205. That was absolutely spot on the correct decision for America to make! I’m tired of Curtis’s hypocritical face. I’ve disliked him since the Hollywood rounds when he said something to the effect that he didn’t care about fellow group member Charlie Askew, because he was there to send him home. Even if it IS a contest, that’s no way for a so-called Christian to act!

  206. (I like Casey more than Pia, just because there is already a vocal powerhouse in Haley IMO and I am not sure if she could’ve fixed her very poor stage presence during the show if she stayed).

    Well I think there should have been no discrimination whether it is F10 or F5, as long as they are worthy (of course YMMV on who is worthy of course).

  207. But then again the same could be said with Jessica last year, although Phillip might have been in the Top 3 vote getters too, so let us still not get our hopes up. :)

  208. I agree too that it might have been less suspenseful to have the ranking revealed. Although aren’t some fans wanted to know how really big the fanbase of that person is, and know that the voting is transparent? Have to watch the episode yet to judge if it is a good idea or not, though.

  209. Yeah – and Keith Urban too.
    I’m surprised Keith Urban would say Paul Jolley overperformed and oversang but then not say the same thing about Candice who is far more theatrical, and over the top?

  210. iTunes
    114. Bon Jovi – Because We Can
    171. Bon Jovi – Because We Can

  211. I’m sure Nigel was proud to show a girls top 3 lol.

    Totally agree with this top 3. For the rest, Devin was ranking too low and Lazaro too high, but i guess he received tons of sympathy votes. That should – i wish – lessen in the coming weeks.
    I’m glad i won’t see Curtis sings again he he

  212. I’m not nostalgic. The show needs to capture the imagination of a new audience and grow again with them. I think it has hurt the show to not have a consistant judging panel. We were familiar and comfortable with the original 3 even when we were really annoyed with them. They were part of the show. But I don’t mind them otherwise doing things a little differently. You can’t sit on past accomplishments if you want to move forward and stay on top.

  213. Rock has been represented most seasons and hasn’t done well since DC.

  214. Anyone know how to vote for the last person to go on the tour? I’m on the West Coast, but I don’t remember Ryan’s instructions, & when I went to American Idol’s website, it said the voting was closed?

  215. I want to go see the standing from previous seasons…like s8…:) But I will take them for this season.

  216. I live on the west coast, and I just voted. I also went there after I read your post, and voting is still open, so I don’t know what you are seeing. As far as Ryan’s instructions go, he said you could vote at the American Idol web site or you can vote with the American Idol cell phone app. Those are the only two ways.

    By the way, I voted for Charlie. Before they performed, I would have told you I was going to vote for Aubrey – enough of the boring ballads. Charlie will at least deliver theatrics.

  217. OK, I found it. Sorry for a stupid question, but are you allowed to vote more than once? During regular voting, you can vote up to 50 times via the Internet. When I clicked on my choice, I got a “thank you for voting” message. And it appeared to allow me to do that without signing in to Facebook first, or typing in a “prove you are a real person” captcha. But if click the “x” on that message, it defaults to the two candidates. So can I vote again? LOL, I am SO clueless!

  218. Are they moving forward and staying on top? Just the opposite. Change only makes sense if it makes for a better show.

  219. I too am somewhat disappointed that there’s no rocker on this show, even if they historically do not do very well post-Idol. Yes, I know, beating a dead horse.

    You know what? I really like Paul, Devin, and Burnell, and I really hate that they were the Bottom 3 who were safe. Lazaro was the worst of the four guys still remaining. But, in a way, this could send a positive message to those 3 that I think really needs to be sent: SONG CHOICES. Lazaro seems beyond help with that one, sadly.

    If they had the right song choices, they’d give the girls more competition. Not by much, however. At least when Candice and Kree sing ballads, they sell them, which puts them above everyone else. Even Angela isn’t a bad ballad seller. That’s why those 3 were the Top 3. But even they have to watch the slow songs. Pia Toscano, anyone? Great singer, but doing so many ballads disconnected her and quite possibly had a hand in her early elimination.

  220. I hated the revieled results on X Factor. Don’t ruin IDOL Nigel…. Idk who’s voting for Lazaro. He’s SO uncomfortable to watch on stage….

  221. Sooooooo glad Curtis has gone….and I actually agreed with the bottom 2. Devin has a great voice, maybe the best of the boys, but he is so boring….he’s 18 going on 80, knitwear, bowties, and songs that sound like they come from the 50’s. He didn’t even seem to put much effort into it this week, just stood there and sang a really boring rendition of a boring song.

  222. I know, I just watched the video above, and had a little chuckle when Ryan said something about Curtis being one of the most popular contestants ever…..

  223. I realize that. The point is what both guests are wgwg and very successful. Probably more so than the types now represented on the show.

  224. Phillip is considered rock and is doing very well, even breaking into AAA radio.

  225. I really can’t stand that Minaj. Coming in late, blurting sexual comments, and desperately trying to save Finch and many more disgusting behavior of this diva wanna be! Ugh!

  226. Exactly – the double standard over how men are permitted to be. Watching Keith say Paul overperformed and then watch him say how much he enjoyed Candice’s over the top performance struck me as well.. double standards.

  227. I mean, I love Breanna. Over Aubrey, i prefer her. But, viewers love Aubrey more than Breanna. Because, Aubrey is more younger while singing, all Breanna does is being another Beyonce. The thing that you should questioned is Charlie over Vincent or even Nick.

  228. MJ wrote:

    Lazaro is going to become the Sanjaya of Season 12, and it’s not gonna be pretty.

    I agree, MJ. Lazaro seems like a sweet guy and I don’t want him to experience the backlash that was directed at Sanjaya when he stayed on the show far beyond his talent should have allowed him to stay.

  229. Didn’t watch last night, I really no longer care, oh well.
    After watching some of the videos, two thoughts:

    Bon Jovi has become totally lame :( and Jon’s vocal range has diminished so much now the new songs have about a five note range. Sad.

    P2 looked sweaty and uncomfortable and the song was rushed too much. Nevertheless, he’s golden so it won’t matter, and GGG will continue the lucky “Home” pattern most likely.

    Don’t care about the rest.

  230. no surprise at all that curtis was the first to go. he had zero chance of winning this thing. I have really enjoyed Nicki this season — she is entertaining, tough, truthful –but the bloom is starting to fall off the rose. I can’t remember any other judge being late for a live show ever (has it happened? I just don’t recall); and her threat to leave if Curtis was the one eliminated??? That was just dumb and kind of a slap to the other contestants, especially Devin. Has she never watched the show? This is what happens. People get voted off. Curtis gave a not great performance, in the first spot, and while he could maybe be the most wonderful likeable guy in the world in real life, was just not coming across as likeable on the show. I DESPISE telling the audience the rankings. I think it takes a lot of the suspense out of the show.

  231. MJ wrote:

    Randy announces that the panel was not unanimous, therefore Curtis is GOING HOME. There is booing from the crowd. Nicki is pissed, “I think we needed an extra minute to discuss it! I don’t feel there was a real discussion about it.” C’mon Nicki. You know how it works!

    Yeah, I honestly believe that it’s the producers who make the call about who is saved or not even before the “sing for your life”, and the “discussion” among the judges is just for show.

  232. I don’t like the rankings. They did it in season 3 of Operación triunfo in spain, and all they get were people with low rankings giving up (and they were some of the best contestants) and people with high rankings being too overconfident (with little reason to be).
    I think most people this season will end in the bottom 3 sooner or later. Even early favourites like Angie or Kree, have a good chance of ending there if they don’t improve (Kree performance was fantastic in terms of tecnique but lacking on emotion, and Angie is not as strong vocally as she think she is).
    I’m happy that Devin survives, because i think he is good enough to learn the lesson and up his game. He is the strongest of the guys vocally, but he needs to stop boring up.
    I hope Paul learn the lesson too, but he is not as secure as Devin, so i have my doubts. If he forgets about winning, and centers about chosing songs that suits his vocal ability, he can have a long run on the show. Any of the last four winners have more vocal chops than him, but they were able to chose well, and get far in the competition. He needs to take advice but don’t forget what he wants, because contestants sometimes are pushing in several directions and they get lost in the meantime.
    About the rest, Lazaro is adorable, but people will be tired of him very soon. Unfortunatle, i don’t think he is able to really make a change, because his vocal ability is very limited. He has a nice tone, but that’s all.
    Burnell needs exactly the same as Devin, he needs to stop boring us. He has the vocal chops to compete, but has to chose his songs carefully.
    I don’t think the high position of the three girls are that important, they are early favourites, and they are competing well till now. But Ambers position is worrisome, she is continually praised (overpraised in my opinion) and it’s not working till now. She needs a different kind of song, because she is doing the same every week.
    And i think Janelle will be the next to bite the dust if she won’t deliver a really good performance next week. She is the weakest link of the girls, and the constant pimping of the girls won’t give them any favour in the long run

  233. Yeh, I thought the way she handled that was rude to the other contestants, especially Devin. She basically told him he deserved to be in the bottom 2, and should be going home.

  234. The thing with that is people who are voting for Paul and Lazaro because they’re “cute guys” are just going to vote harder now that they know they need to do that.

  235. It’s not so much that I miss the rockers per se. I just miss having guys who aren’t singing either treacly old-fashioned ballads or gospel music. Yes, they’re often technically better vocalists than the average rock, hip-hop, pop or alternative male contestants, but they’re also often boring, cheesy, out-dated and generally lacking in sex appeal (I liked Joshua Ledet, but he was more the exception than the rule). Plus, it’s not a good sign when Nicki starts hitting on the female contestants more than the males.

    The purpose of Idol is to make someone the next big recording artist, so why not focus a little more on guys who have the chance of doing this? Or at the very least have some on-stage charisma. At the same time, when they manipulate the show to get more appealing males (like they’ve done in the past), then the females don’t stand a chance of winning. I wonder if it would be better if they started off with a larger group and eliminated one male and one female contestant per week, up to perhaps the top 4. Would that give females a better chance?

    I actually like most of the females this year. Maybe they’re a little ballad- heavy, but it suits them more. Candice and Kree are amazing and Angela and Janelle are also good but not always consistent. I don’t get the Amber appeal. Her vocals are flawless, but I don’t sense much emotion or connection with the lyrics when she sings. It’s just pretty, detached singing. I would have preferred to see Aubrey or Breanna in her place.

  236. True but those guys had real talent. I’m thinkng Lazaro will go as far as that Scott guy who played piano and was blind or deaf (can’t remember which). He went out somewhere in the middle, maybe 7th place.

  237. not sure if its double standard, as much as what seems authentic and would appeal to that audience… dramatic will work well in some genres and not others…
    so I just think they are saying, either perform appropriately for the genre you have chosen, or find a genre that suits you performance style…
    and he is probably more likely to be successful in a genre that suits his natural performing style… as it will seem more authentic

  238. In reading comments here and many elsewhere, many like me really don’t appreciate Nicki and her shock routine with the contestants worst of all she really does think she’s a laugh a minute, doesn’t she?. In fact I might boldly say, in her eyes Idol has become the Nicki Minaj show. She takes a great deal of time to spout off embarrassments about anything and everything. She’s a joke alright,… the contestants appear more like they’re there to be the subjects of her comic routine! Randy said it best, “is this a singing competition or what”????

  239. Technically they revealed who was in the top 2 but left off who actually got the most and 2nd most votes. Different from XFactor, which showed who got first every week.

    Personally, I wouldn’t show who got first every week. It ruins the surprise. The way Idol did it wasn’t too bad but I’m hoping they don’t do this every week.

  240. I’m not sure I’m understanding the dislike for Lazaro. Sure, his performance on Wednesday night was bland and not very good but he can sing. He just needs to ….choose songs that fit his voice. What he did with Feeling Good was pretty good. I can understand why he got 4th.

    I’m for Angie this season, though. I feel like she knows who she is as a singer and has a voice, like whoa. I also love Kree. And Candice. Basically I agree with the top 3. Here’s to hoping they stay there.

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