American Idol 13 Top 6 Results – Live Blog and Videos


The American Idol 13 Top 6 will become the Top 5 tonight! We’ll be live blogging the results right here! Stay tuned.

As everyone expected, CJ Harris was eliminated from American Idol tonight.  I was not expecting Jessica Meuse to join him in the bottom 2!  She performed last and finally pleased the judges.  I’m not sure what happened there. Maybe fans rushed to save Jena Irene, Alex Preston and Sam Woolf, who each had at least one problematic performance last night.  Who knows.

Or maybe Jessica is not as popular as the others.  She was at the bottom of my Power List last week, because I felt that her support was flagging. I still feel that way. I’m not happy about it. She’s been one of my favorites in the competition.

I know for some, CJ was the “thing that won’t go away.”  He had pitch issues, and didn’t always choose the right songs, but I loved his voice and the heartfelt way he delivered a performance. I could honestly see myself buying his album and look forward to him on tour. But it WAS his time to go. Although, I would not have been mad if Sam Woolf had been sent home.

Next week, Jason Mraz will mentor the Idols, which seems to be a bit of an advantage for Alex Preston.  He opened for Mraz here in Boston. They know each other.  I think the producers are hoping for a Jena/Alex  finale.  I think there is an excellent chance that will happen, although Caleb could sneak in there.

Is that a bus I hear? Heh.

GRUMPY CAT IS BACK! He’s helping Ryan start the show. Someone is gonna be grumpy after a contestant is eliminated!  THIS IS AMERICAN IDOL.

Jlo is stunning tonight in gold lame. She always looks perfect, I have to admit.  Keith is looking pretty sharp too, forgoing the t shirt for a suit.

Ryan puts up Carrie Underwood’s congratulatory tweet from last night. She’s so nice!

Next is the post dinner chat video thingy. It’s Caleb’s birthday dinner. They review Caleb’s mic slide to retrieve his mic. Sam says the pit girls almost pulled him into the audience. Caleb’s mom cooked dinner and a cake!

Ryan says several of the contestants have already charted on iTunes, but then does not mention how or when. That’s because only Sam Woolf cracked the overall Top 400, barely making it into the Top 200. I suppose Ryan is talking about genre charts.  Who pays attention to that?

Ford Commercial:  The Idol parents reveal secrets via the slick Ford in dash messaging app.

Results! Randy reviews first.

Randy Reviews first. Caleb Johnson, Sam Woolf and CJ Harris: Caleb had an amazing night. He took the roof off the place. Sam had a good solid night. He’s staring to move up. CJ had some struggles last night. He needs to pick better songs and improve his vocals.  Caleb won the night. CJ could be in trouble.

Sam Woolf and Caleb Johnson are safe. CJ Harris is in the bottom 2. That means that the other bottom 2 dweller will be someone scary… Still think CJ is toast.

Jena Irene, Alex Preston and Jessica Meuse are next.-  Randy says: Jena has the eye of the tiger after two strong performances. Alex is continuing to show his artistry.  Jessica gave amazing performances, but she may not have showed the judges everything they needed to see.  Alex and Jessica could be in trouble.

Jessica in the bottom 2. Actually, that IS a surprise. None of the judges will say one way or the other whether it’s the right bottom 2. Jess says she wouldn’t change a thing. CJ says he would have picked better songs.

CJ Harris is eliminated. And all is right with the world.

Ryan introduces CJ’s goodbye package. While it ran, he headed over to the band to thank them. “A class act,” said Ryan. CJ sings off with “Can’t You See” by the Marshall Tucker Band. It’s a very emotional performance.  The rest of the finalists join him on stage. Jlo wipes a tear from her eye. He stops singing while the entire group embrace in a group hug. CJ’s family joins him on stage. CJ is CRYING. Aw.  Mama says she feels a lot of pride watching her son.  CJ says he met some AMAZING people. He can’t wait to go on the road.

Jason Mraz will be mentoring the Idols next week! That should work out well for Alex Preston

Final Results & Elimination (Top 6) – American… by IdolxMuzic


  • Sam Woolf
  • Caleb Johnson
  • Jena Irene
  • Alex Preston
  • Jessica Meuse

Bottom 2

  • CJ Harris – Eliminated
  • Jessica Meuse


About mj santilli 35227 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!