American Idol 15 Recap – Top 8 Performances and Results – VIDEOS

American Idol 2016 Recap Top 8: Contestant Tristan McIntosh performs on AMERICAN IDOL airing Thursday, March 3 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2016 FOX Broadcasting Co. Cr: Ray Mickshaw/ FOX. This image is embargoed until Thursday, March 3,10:00PM PT / 1:00AM ET

American Idol 2016 Recap Top 8 Sing & Results VIDEOS

Tonight, Idol judge Harry Connick, Jr. is set to perform “(I Do) Like We Do” from his new CD “That Would Be Me.” plus pop star, Demi Lovato will perform her hit “Stone Cold,” as well as sing “Confident” with this season’s Top 10 Finalists.

The good news: ALL ten contestants will sing tonight! The bad news: The bottom 3 singers will perform their songs for the judges save. That’s right, Keith Urban, Jennifer Lopez and Harry Connick Jr will save a singer tonight. More info about that HERE. Plus, click to check out tonight’s song spoilers.  The theme this week is “Grammy Winning Songs Past and Present.”

PRODUCT PLACEMENT. Host Ryan Seacrest and mentor Scott Borchetta go for a car ride to talk shop. Nah. Actually it’s really a Ford Fusion commercial. Scott says the winner and runner-up will win the Fusion, so good for them.

Here come the judges! Ryan mentions last week’s social buzz. Kelly Clarkson reached more than 144 million people, Ryan says vaguely. I have now idea how she reached them. But I guess she did. We see a clip of Kelly’s emotional performance of “Piece by Piece” along with tweets from celebs admitting they cried.  Keith says, as a dad of little girls, he felt the raw emotion. Ryan now loves her husband, so much. “He’s a great guy!” There’s a special People magazine coming out that has the judges on the cover, and it celebrates 15 seasons of American Idol.

Ryan reveals that the bottom 3 will be announced at the end of the show. The judges will save one after all three sing for their lives. YUCK. I thought we were through with judges saves and making singing waiting all night to learn if they are safe or not.

Ryan introduces the Top 10.  They stand on stage as he calls out the first performer.

Dalton Rapattoni — Radioactive by Imagine Dragons – He lives a very scheduled life at home. The hectic pace on Idol drives him a little crazy. But he swears he can cope.  The song arrangement is a little ploddy. The original is too, but even more so here. Dalton stomps around the stage as if he he’s singing while also wondering what he’s going to order for dinner later. He’s having issues with the high notes. Planning to do this song, he should have completely re-arranged it. As it is, the performance is like dull karaoke. He was recently at the doctors, though. Maybe he’s not feeling well. Plus, he was probably nervous about his name being called. The chairs of doom will do that to singers.  Keith didn’t think it was a great song choice. Jlo warns him not to get in his head. Try not to be intimidated by others. Harry namechecks Billy Jo Armstrong. He liked it, but he didn’t feel Dalton was present. The electricity was missing. – Text 5 to 21523 – 1866-436-5705 – Click to Watch Dalton’s Performance VIDEO

Lee Jean — Use Somebody by Kings of Leon – He’s called the “Ed Sheeran kid” at home. For reals. But he realizes he’s got to stretch himself beyond Ed. He’s going to show America he’s unique. “I’m not Ed Sheeran. I am not Mackenzie.” Well then. That’s an interesting name check. Scott gives his song pick the seal of approval. It’s refreshing to hear an out of the box cover, but he’s still needs to pull more out of himself. His performances are so reticent.  At one point, he grabs the mic to work the stage and his voice goes off pitch.  Still awkward.  But he is trying. Jlo likes the choice for him. She thinks he can let go a little more. Harry thought it was strong and loved his enthusiasm. Keith didn’t think he did enough with it, but admires that he tried something different.  – Text 3 to 21523 – 1866-436-5703 – Click to Watch Lee’s Performance VIDEO

Demi Lovato takes the stage to sing “Confident” with the Top 10.  Demi is having a good night. That was short, but sweet. The girls got a couple of solos. The boys play guitars.  Next, Demi sings “Stone Cold” solo.  Whoa. Demi is having a VERY good night.

Grammy moments featuring Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood et al lead into the commercial break.

Sonika Vaid —  Since You Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson – Shy by nature, Sonika felt last week was the best she has ever performed. She was not nervous! “I think I had a revelation,” she says thinking about why she was suddenly so fearless. It felt that way to me too. She’s created a “bad girl” alter ego to help herself feel more comfortable. FYI: She’s never had a boyfriend. SUBG is a great, great pop song, but it’s not a great competition song. I mean, if she’d slowed it up like Rayvon Owen did last year, that might have worked. She’s in tight leather pants doing this tough girl thing and I’m not buying it. Vocally she’s solid. I just wish she had picked a different song.  Harry thought the hook needed a lift. It sounded to him like she was digging her own voice more than  paying attention to the lyrics. Jlo felt she didn’t let go this week the same way she did last. – Text 9 to 21523 – 1866-436-5709 – Click to Watch Sonika’s Performance VIDEO

MacKenzie Bourg —  I Wanna Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston – McKenzie is shocked SHOCKED by how much work goes into being on American Idol. DUDE. You were on The Voice. Made it all the way to the Playoffs. How would you not know the deal?  Scott is trying to push him beyond his comfort zone. He wants the song to be his “wow” moment. And guess what?  I’m not wowed! He does a breezy acoustic version of the Whitney Houston classic. It’s so lightweight, the performance might float away. The background singers are drowning out his breathy vocals.  Keith never heard a guy singing that. Uh. Do a Youtube search Keith. You’ll find plenty. Jlo felt the switchup worked. “It had an airiness” she says. However, she thinks he could give us more.  Harry felt it was an amazing song choice, but that it was only “nice and pleasant…” He was looking for a more inventive arrangement.  I’m still waiting for MacKenzie to come alive like he did singing his original song “Roses.”  – Text 7 to 21523 – 1 866-436-5707 – Click to Watch MacKenzie’s Performance VIDEO

La’Porsha Renae —  Halo by Beyonce – She’s taken aback by all the love she received last week.  Her mom has been doing her hair forever, she’s a little skeerd of the Idol stylist. The do looks pretty much the same, but dark brown. And…La’Porsha is delivering another vocal masterclass. What I love is how she re-arranges her vocals, much the way Season 12 winner Candice Glover did.  The adds a coda to the song and it’s like going to church.  IDOL I CAN SEE YOUR HALO. TESTIFY. She blows a kiss to the camera as she finishes. She’s the queen. The queen of season 15.  She is fierce and knows how to deliver a performance. Jlo loves watching her come into her own. “You really are the one to beat!”  Everytime she sings, says Harry, he’s forced to consider the song in a different way. Also, he says she’s a master at arcing a song. Keith felt she was held back a little by the long dress she was wearing. – Text 8 to 21523 – 1866-436-5708 – Click to Watch La’Porsha’s Performance VIDEO

Harry Connick Jr. takes the stage to sing “I Do Like We Do” with Butch Walker, and dedicates it to his wife.  He’s playing an electronic piano. It’s like something Little Feat would have recorded back in the 70s.  There’s a real New Orleans flavor at work here, which should be his thing. But I’m not feeling it. Maybe stick to standards Harry.  He jokes that he almost sang “Halo” but La’Porsha chose it first. He pimps his syndicated talk show coming up this fall on FOX stations. – Click to Watch Harry Connick Jr.’s Performance VIDEO

Here’s Scott Borchetta. He calls today “Super Thursday.” Get out and vote for your favorite! Corny.

Trent Harmon —  When a Man Loves a Woman by Percy Sledge – Trent the weirdo farm boy defends his crazy faces. It helps him reach the notes. But he’s trying not to pull so many. He’s been singing in the mirror. Scott thinks he’s doing really well with the “facial thing.”  Hm. Initially, I’m not loving this song for Trent.  But when he kicks the vocal up into his falsetto, the song switches into a higher gear and I’m feeling it.  I wish the entire song had the control and passion of the second half. He finishes the emotional tune with an aching falsetto note. Harry compliments his falsetto, but notes the exaggerated vibrato will eventually wear on his vocals. He notices that has improved. Trent says he’s working on it (I agree, it really has improved). Keith liked the song choice for him, but warns him not to allow thinking about his facial expression to get in the way of his performance. Jlo LOVES his vibrato and crazy faces. Don’t change a thing she says, and thinks he and La’Porsha could be Top 2. – Text 10 to 21523 – 1866-436-57010 – Click to Watch Trent’s Performance VIDEO

Back from break, Tristan, Avalon, Gianna and Olivia are on stage….Ryan calls out the final safe contestant. Tristan is safe. Avalon, Gianna and Olivia are in danger

Tristan McIntosh —  Go Rest High on That Mountain by Vince Gill – She was going to sing “Clarity” by Zedd and Scott didn’t like it. She chose the Vince Gill tune and he approved (Hm. That’s not the story he told in interviews today. He made it seem as if the song change was totally her idea). Tristan returns to the piano, bringing back that emotional vibe from her  very first audition.  It’s exactly what she needed to do.  For the first time in weeks, she seems connected to what she is singing, settled into her performance. For the rest of the competition, needs to stick to ballads and stay glued to the piano. Not much versatility in that plan, but really, it’s her only hope. The judges gave her a standing ovation. Harry asks if she had something in mind with the song choice. She spills that her grandfather broke his back a couple of days ago, and dedicates the song to him.  – Text 6 to 21523 – 1866-436-5706 – Click to Watch Tristan’s Performance VIDEO

Avalon, Gianna and Olivia will all sing for the judges save.

Avalon Young – Earned It by The Weekend – Scott thinks it could be a “next level” performance for her.  She talks about the struggle to strike the right balance with her look. She’s criticized whether she’s dressed up or down. She performs sitting on a stool and just DIGS INTO the lyrics and the melody. She’s fighting for her life here. It’s literally her best vocal to date. I’m freaking pissed as I listen, because I feel certain she’s heading home. The performance is so slow and slinky and soulful. Ugh. If she had performed this last week, she’d probably be safe. The crowd cheers. Well, if she’s gonna go out, this is the way to go. Jlo calls it a great performance. Harry said she did what she needed to do. Also, she’s beautiful without makeup, he says. Keith appreciated the way she made it her own.  – Text 4 to 21523 – 1866-436-5704 – Click to Watch Avalon’s Performance VIDEO

Olivia Rox – Trouble by Pink– Olivia talks about being in the hospital last week. She wa very sick, and it was scary. The song is a little out of her comfort zone, but she’s excited for it.  This is an odd song choice. It’s an older less well known Pink song. She sings it well though, working the stage well and OH MY GOD she shifted absolutely flawlessly into that near whistle range, after which she switches to a rock growl. Her voice is versatile, rangy and elastic. She gave that performance everything she had. Harry liked Earned It better as a song choice. He was looking for vulnerability. “Not easy,” is all Keith has to say. Jlo felt something didn’t come together. “It has to be believable,” she says. Hm. I didn’t find anything wrong with that performance. It was an upbeat song that she performed with convincing attitude. – Click to Watch Olivia’s Performance VIDEO

Gianna Isabella — If I Ain’t Got You by Alicia Keys – Gianna feels she’s blessed to be in the Top 10. She will give all glory to God no matter what happens.  When she performs romantic songs, she thinks of her mom and dad. In the studio, Scott is lecturing her, “You’ve got to get into these songs!” He seems a little exasperated.  She sets out super-slow before the song kicks into the familiar arrangement. And familiar it is. Once again, she’s a young girl playing dress up, mimicking grown up emotions. These big songs are too big for her. Honestly, if they save her…   Keith wanted a little more from that. Jlo says she’s got a truly blessed voice. Harry thinks everyone stepped up and added that Gianna has an incredible vocal gift. Click to Watch Gianna’s Performance VIDEO

Ryan chats with the singers as the judges discuss the results. Olivia feels like she stayed true to herself. Avalon feels she gave it her all.

Jlo calls it a painful decision considering the strength the bottom 3 singers. Avalon is safe. I could tell the way they were critiquing Olivia there was a chance they would eliminate her.

Click to Watch The Top 8 Elimination Performance VIDEO


  • Olivia Rox
  • Gianna Isabella

Saved by the Judges

  • Avalon Young

Man. Remember when Olivia Rox was a front runner?  That was just a couple of weeks ago! Stacking the deck with talented girls changed nothing about the outcome. You’re always going to have a cute boy like Lee who is not ready for primetime pull ahead of talented and gifted singers like Avalon and Olivia. It sucks, but it is what it is. If anybody on that staff thinks a girl could win this season, better think again. It’s NOT going to happen.

About mj santilli 35196 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!