American Idol 2021 Recap Auditions 5 Live Blog (VIDEOS)

American Idol 2021 Recap Auditions 5 Live Blog

American Idol 2021 auditions CONCLUDE  tonight with Auditions part 5. Who will get a coveted golden ticket to Hollywood? Who will be sent home! We’re live blogging all the performances here.

Judges Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Luke Bryan return, along with host Ryan Seacrest. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing is the rule in the studio! Additionally, instead of auditioning hopefuls across the country, the crew taped episodes in three California locations, including Los Angeles, San Diego and Ojai.

American Idol 2021 Auditions 5: Who Will Audition? See the Photos
American Idol 2021 Spoilers: Top 24 Contestant List (NEW LIST 3/11)
American Idol 2021: Full Season 19 Schedule (More Monday Episodes!)(UPDATED 3/13)

NO SPOILER TALK IN THE COMMENTS HERE. Keep it in the spoiler post. Thank you.

Madison Watkins – Your Little Girl (Original) – 25 – Fayetteville AK – Hair Model – Madison made it to the Judge Cuts on America’s Got Talent back in 2016. Right now, the singer lives in Los Angeles. A times, she  wanted to quit the music business, but her dad keeps her grounded and determined. He’s here in Los Angeles with her. She sings an original song written for her father.  She sits at the piano to accompany herself. Like her AGT performances, Madison has a strong emotive voice. Now she’s showing off her songwriting ability. Lionel loves the timber of her voice. Luke calls her the whole package. Katy calls her the fresh off the bus hope in the bottle. 3 yeses.

Ava August – 17  and Liv Grace are montaged together. Note: Ava August was a no chair turn at 13 on The Voice a few seasons ago.  17 year old Liv is a strait up Katy stan.  She sings a slowed up version of “I Kissed a Girl” on an acoustic guitar.  It’s…not bad. She’s kinda bluesy and cool. 15 year old Ava sings and she has calmed down quite a bit since her frantic The Voice audition. Both singers are going to Hollywood – 3 yeses.

Deshawn Goncalves – Everything Must Change by Nina Simone – 19 – Cleveland OH – College student – He’s a member of the Jackson State University marching band.  He plays tuba! His mom gave birth to him at only age 13. His parents were too young to parent him. His father went to jail. When his father got out of prison, he worked to turn his life around. He pushed Deshawn to be better. He picked up music, and he became a straight a student. We only get a snip of his soulful audition. He’s completely immersed in the song and he plays the piano beautifully. He oversings a bit at the end. Interesting song choice. Lionel wipes away a tear. “That was powerful.” Katy calls it “magic” and calls him an angel. Luke calls him a great example. 3 yeses.

Next is a montage of singers who are also athletes. Alana, Cameron Allen, and more. Those two, at least get 3 yeses. The other contestants in the clip are Sloan Simon and Jay Camaro

Tryzdin Grubbs – Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi/Nobody by James Arthur- 15 – Columbus OH – He comes from a family of athletes. He’s the only sibling who doesn’t play. He’s always wanted to do music. He started singing in 5th grade. At that point, the bullying started. (At 11 years old, a video of him belting out an Adele song went viral online, amassing over 4 million views). Luke stops him. He’s worried about his lack of confidence. Tryzdin barely looks up when he sings. Lionel agrees. They like his tone, so he sings one more. “Nobody” by James Arthur. He does have a good voice, a little too mannered.  The second song is an improvement. It’s like he realizes he better come alive, or else. The judges get on their feet to cheer him on. – 3 yeses

Andrea Valles – Landslide by Fleetwood Mac – 23 – Houston TX – Wedding Singer – We get a snip of her audition, which features her take on the Fleetwood Mac classic. She has an appealing pop alto. Katy says she got lost in a daydream while listening to her audition. She wanted a little bit more. That makes no sense. Luke thinks she’s a star “an unpolished diamond.” Andrea sings more, unprompted to convince Katy, who ultimately admire’s Andrea’s drive. – 3 yeses

Kiko Martin – 24 – 10 Years by Alejandro Aranda – Las Vegas Nevada – Registered Nurse – This is probably the BIG SURPRISE AUDITION teased in the promo. Because Kiko’s brother is 2020 finalist, Francisco Martin. But he doesn’t reveal that connection immediately. He sings solo for the judges. He’s a more soulful singer than his brother, but doesn’t match his intensity. for his second song, Kiko invites his “guitarist” into the audition room. SURPRISE!!!  Kiko says his brother inspired him. HA THEY COVER Alejandro Aranda’s “10 years.” The two harmonize, and I gotta say, it’s a little pitchy dawg. Katy thinks Kiko needs more work. Lionel only liked the last half of the song. But he says yes. Aw. Luke says no. – Katy and Luke say no, Lionel says yes.

Zachary D’Onofrio – Golden Slumbers by The Beatles – 19 – Wesley Chapel FL –  Zachary auditioned as a standards singer in 2018. He got cut in Hollywood. Zachary is back to show the judges that he has more to offer as an artist. This time he sings the rock classic, “Golden Slumbers” by the Beatles while accompanying himself on piano. It’s better than the stiff standards stuff he performed last time. Katy wants to hear more. His girlfriend is here! ANOTHER SURPRISE It’s CATIE TURNER WHEE. The judges act surprised. The two explain how they met on the show, but have been dating seriously for a year. Catie plays guitar while Zachary sings “Falling” by Harry Styles. Katy is impressed, but compares him to a turtle. The judges basically want him to come out of his shell. – 3 yeses.

Helen Blondel & Sock – I Wanna Dance with Somebody – 28 – Kissimmee FL – UNEMPLOYED – She sings the classic song with a hand puppet. OK then. Jake Clark – I’m Sexy and I Know it – 20 -Thousand Oaks CA – He’s got over 700K Tik Tok followers. Go figure. He tosses off a rude “Have a nice life” as he leaves the audition room – Luana – Frozen by Madonna – 28 – Saarburg Germany – She described this wacky performance to a reporter as “a combination of pop/opera and oriental dance.” 

Brianna Collichio – Scars to Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara – 15 – Spencerport NY – When her sister posted a Tik Tok video of her singing, Brianna said if it went viral she would audition for American Idol. Well. Here she is. She was born with Cystic Fibrosis and is prone to chronic lung infections. Right before her audition, she collapsed and went into surgery. But she was able to reschedule…and audition from her hospital bed. She is a good vocalist. At only 16, her sound is impressively mature. She’s got a gorgeous tone and a rangy voice. The judges admire her bravery. “You’re the walking miracle,” says Katy. Tearful mom joins her daughter in the audition room for the results. 3 yeses

frame loading="lazy" title="A Walking Miracle! Brianna Collichio Defies All Odds - American Idol 2021" width="678" height="381" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>

Danny Falco and Colin Jamieson are best friends, ever since their days together in a New England based boy band, Kik-It. Danny was also a contestant on the X Factor USA a few years ago. 

Danny Falc0 – You Found Me by The Fray – 28 – Taunton MA – Pet Supply Store Owner – He seemed pretty jokey in his presentation, but he can actually sing. But he oversings and is nasally in his upper register. Katy thinks the performance feels “put on.” Luke doesn’t think he’s using his voice well. He describes it as “abrasive.” The judges say no. Sad, because he’ll age out this season. – 3 nos.

Colin Jamieson –  Six Feet Under by Billie Eilish –  22 – Boxford MA – Wedding Singer – We previewed this audition earlier. Check it out HERE. As the judges will note, although Colin’s tone is pretty, his vocal is full of breath. He sounds weak. When Luke asks him how he thinks he did, Colin admits that he wasn’t thrilled with his falsetto. Luke thought the chorus was better than the verse. Katy demonstrates how he could improve his voice. And although the performance was flawed, the judges give Colin 3 yeses.

frame loading="lazy" title="A Breath Of Fresh Air! Colin Jamieson Charms The Judges - American Idol 2021" width="678" height="381" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>

Vahhley – One Moment in Time by Whitney Houston – 23 – Brooklyn NY – Currently the singer and her toddler son are in a homeless shelter, where they have been for the past 8 months. Her father is also homeless. Her voice is very trembly. But it sounds like a mixture of nerves and emotion. There is a lot at stake for her right now. I hate this song choice. But I do like that she sings with restraint. She’s nervous, but her tone is interesting. After, she brings her son and father into the room. – 3 yeses

Steven Paul  Play Something Country by Brooks & Dunn – 28 – Los Angeles – Barista – He’s wearing a tacky mesh shirt, which is unfortunate. Luke gets up out of his chair to sing and play along with Steven. The judges call the performance “entertainment.” Katy thinks it’s kind of “hockey” though. She doesn’t believe it. Luke calls Steven’s schtick an “imitation.” 3 nos. 

trong>Wyatt Pike – 19 – Park City UT – College Student – We previewed this audition earlier HERE. Wyatt dropped out of business school to commit to music fully. Currently, he’s attending Berklee College of Music remotely. He performs an original song about his younger sister, who has struggled with depression and anxiety. He doesn’t have a standout voice. But it’s distinctive and personable. He is a good storyteller and songwriter. Wyatt has brought in the suitcase he uses when he busks in Utah. The judges LOVE Wyatt. Katy compares him to pottery, how precarious clay is spinning on a wheel. She thinks his nerves brought him out of his pocket. But she thinks he’s fabulous. Lionel calls him a “Park City James Taylor your version.” – 3 yeses

Jackson Snelling – Please Listen (Original) – 18 – Austin IN – He and his brother both have autism. Jackson is the more high functioning of the two. His dad passed away when he was 7 years old. His death really affected him. Songwriting helped him overcome his block. He brings a photo of his family into the audition room. The song is about how he explained to his brother that his father wasn’t coming back. His style is more pop than I expected. This song is a real weeper, to say the least. “Daddy’s never coming home” is a lyric that may be a bit too much. Katy thinks he needs more experience, but believes there is something special in there. Lionel is impressed with his character. “Your dad left you in charge.” The judges think he needs to overcome his shyness, and then come back and audition again – 3 nos

Katy talks about being a new mom. She rips down the front of her dress to reveal her nursing bra. OK.

trong>Althea Grace – Saturday Morning (Original) – 21 – Chicago – Musician –  Her baby Lennon is 2 years old. She didn’t know she was pregnant until her 7th month. Eight months ago the baby went into liver failure and almost died. But she miraculously got a liver for a transplant. Althea wrote her original song while in the hospital with her baby.  The song doesn’t really highlight her vocals. Does she have range? It’s hard to tell. Lionel thinks she has a “cut through voice.” But she needs more confidence. Katy wants her to fight for it. She’s right. Althea has potential, but that performance was lackluster. Nevertheless, the judges say yes. – 3 yeses


About mj santilli 35189 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!