American Idol 2024 Auditions 4 Recap: More Season 22 Videos

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American Idol 2024 Auditions 4 Recap

American Idol season 22 continues tonight after an Oscar break. Audition week 4 takes place in the judges hometowns Leesburg, Georgia (Luke), Tuskegee, Alabama (Lionel) and Santa Barbara, California (Katy) plus Los Angeles and Nashville. Judges Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Luke Bryan along with host Ryan Seacrest will introduce a new crop young hopefuls. Who will snag that golden ticket to Hollywood? Or better yet, will a hopeful earn one of THREE Platinum Tickets?

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Deida Jeudy – 16 – River by Leon Bridges

Deida is a big sister to 5 siblings, three of which are visually impaired. As far back as shc can remember, Deida has been helping her little brothers. In particular, they loved to listen to her sing. Her mom listens outside as she auditions in front of the judges Her voice is deep and mature, although it could use a little refinement. But she sings like a young woman who has lived life with more responsibility than most kids her age.

“To hold that cry,” says Lionel, “Girl please.” Luke loves her soft notes. Katy advises that she play with them more, adding “Your voice is so timeless.” She could hear the pain and heaviness. Lionel called her a “natural.” 3 yeses.

Elleigh Marie – 20 – I Can’t Make You Love Me by Bonnie Raitt

Elleigh is a full time cosmetologist. Her mom is a singer and teaches music. A military father meant that he was gone a lot of the time. Her mother wasn’t healthy, so Elleigh had a lot of responsibility at home. Her Dad is about to leave for another year long deployment. She breaks down in front of the judges talking about it.

Elleigh has a surprising voice. She’s a wispy looking young woman, but her vocal is a deep rangy alto. She delivers a heartrending version of the song, hitting an amazing high note at the end. Katy felt it started average, and then opened up. “If you start in that space every time, you would be in superstar territory. Luke calls her “Top 10” in addition to “classy” and older than her years. “You went to a place that was so pure,” says Lionel.

Elleigh feels torn between family obligations and following her dreams. The family joins them in the audition room before the judges give her 3 yeses

At all of the judges hometowns, their favorite teachers came to visit them. Surprise! Katy studied opera, believe it or not. Lionel’s teacher is 100 years old.

Athena Jett – 20 – Somebody New by Sophia James/Never Enough

The singer’s 12 year old sister Angelina comes along. She brings a present for her favorite singer, Katy and her daughter. The family drove to Santa Barbara for the audition. They are very close. Her parents are professional poker players! Athena confesses that she has bad stage fright.

Interesting that she chose to sing a song from a former Idol contestant. The two singers’ styles are similar. But it’s not a well known song. Athena and her sister both tear up at the end. Katy notes that her nerves got in the way. “But you’ve got a good voice.” Katy is on the fence. “There’s something,” she says, unsure. The sister interrupts and suggests Athena sing “Never Enough.” She’s still nervous. It’s like she’s afraid to let go. She has a beautiful tone, and with Katy’s urging, she opens up, finally. “Good job,” Katy says to Angelina, afterward, giving her a hug.

Katy is balling (sorta fake) and has now changed her mind and says yes. Luke and Lionel also say yes. – 3 yeses.

Quintavious – 21 Alabaster Heart by CeCe Winans

Quintavious Johnson, from Franklin Tennessee is 21 and a Worship Leader. When he was 12 years old, Quintavious made the finals of America’s Got Talent, finishing in 5th place. At the finale, he sang a duet with Jennifer Hudson. American Idol previewed this audition earlier. Watch it Here.

He’s a passionate Gospel singer who performs with a forceful rangy voice. He could cut back on the runs some–but that’s the church boy in him. A little coaching would help him a lot.

The judges are impressed. Katy may go back to church. “You feel every note,” says Lionel. Katy feels that he’s more than a Gospel singer. “It was a whole healing.” Luke says, “You got some stories in there.” Katy suggests that he find more aces in his sleeve, but she says yes. – 3 yeses

Lillian Hackett – 17 – Tennessee (Original)

While the judges share how they are looking for authentic singers, we get a quick look at Lillian, a teenage Americana singer with a raspy voice. All three judges are impressed with her. “There’s something real artistic about you that I like,” says Luke – 3 yeses

Payton Riley – 15 – Fireflies (Original)

Payton, only 15 years old, speaks with a little baby voice. But she writes her own songs. She’s even experienced heartbreak. She dated a family friend, he was her best friend. She’s still heartbroken. She really misses his friendship.

She sounds very young, and could use a few more years of experience. But she shows potential as a songwriter. It takes a lot of guts for someone so young to play in front of TV cameras. She keeps it together during the performance.

Katy calls her “really talented” and “a really good songwriter.” Katy identifies with her. She wrote heartbreak songs as a teen too. Although Luke gives her a yes, Katy and Lionel realize that she’s too young. They encourage to come back at 18. “You’d have a real shot.” That emotional kid would fall apart in Hollywood. She’s the kind of contestant Idol would bring back, so watch for that in a few years. 2 nos 1 yes.

The next three contestants worked as camp counselors, which prompts Katy to do a ridiculous bit with corny camp songs. The singers look confused. Jacob Holcombe, 23, gets 3 nos. D.J. Williams, 18, who sings “Jealous” gets 3 yeses. However, the judges are on the fence about Anna Grace, 18, who sings a LOUD rendition of “The Prayer.” Katy conducts a moo-off (camp related) with Luke and wins. That means Anna goes to Hollywood!

Dave Fio – 24 – Save Me by Jelly Roll

His cousin encouraged him to send in a video. After watching himself back, he felt he had to make some changes. He stopped drinking and lost 65 pounds before his audition. “A year of happiness and earth tones,” he says.

Dave’s voice is really growly and bluesy. His phrasing is surprisingly nuanced, although he could back off the growls. A little goes a long way. But he’s got something special at his core. He’s a likeable guy. Very earnest.

Luke likes the song choice. But wants less growl and gravel. He’s correct. Katy works on his growl a little. He sings without it. And IT’S WAY BETTER. He needs coaching “You’ve got a solid voice,” she says. Katy likes him. Lionel says no, Katy and Luke say yes after Dave kinda begs him. – 1 no 2 yeses

Reagan Mills – 24 – Easy on Me by Adele/Living in Vain

Luke compares Reagan to the late actor, Leslie Jordan, right off the bat. He’s a preacher’s kid and a worship leader. Hm. For some reason he’s singing to Katy. He might be nervous. Or having Katy in his face is throwing him off. He has a good strong tone, but its unwieldy and pitchy in spots. He needs to work on dynamics, although he does end on a soft note. He sings a Gospel song next, and it’s more his style. Gospel is more forgiving when it comes to runs and such. Mom and sis come into the room to sing with her son. They’re pretty good too.

Lionel calls him a “full fledged artist.” – 3 yeses

Julia Davo – 20 – Life on Mars by David Bowie

She’s interesting, but not quite right for American Idol. However, she brings along a friend, Alyssa Ragu who appeared on TWO ABC seasons of American Idol, 16 and 17. She got to the semi-finals and Top 8 respectively. Julia is a bold alternative singer, but she could get tripped up in the competition. She needs to join a band.

Julia shares that she moved to Brooklyn with Alyssa. But in the meantime, Katy points out her wide vibrato. Lionel compares her to Lady Gaga. He refers to the depth of her talent. He says yes, Katy says no, Luke says also says no. Lionel is really mad. “The worst day of my life.” Lionel has a point. But I tend to agree with Katy and Luke. She’s interesting, but limited.

Alyssa steps into the room to say hi to the judges and asks to sing a little..and just like that…she’s a contestant

Alyssa Ragu – 21 – My All by Mariah Carey

The point seems to be that Alyssa has grown a lot since 2017. The judges are really impressed. Oh. Alyssa is asking to audition. Forget the friend! Heh. Katy calls it a really weird plot twist. She doesn’t think Alyssa could win. She says no. Lionel says, “We have nothing to lose.” He says yes. Luke likes having her around and says yes. – 3 yeses.

Third times a charm. Julia is obviously a little taken a back that Alyssa left with a golden ticket, and she didn’t. But on their way out, chin up, Julia cries, “You deserve it,” and gives Alyssa a hug. Julia REALLY seems to be struggling with mixed feelings. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if Alyssa receives blowback from fans, accusing her of taking over the audition and overshadowing her friend. They may question Alyssa’s motives. Alyssa is ambitious in a way aspiring singers need to be, so can’t really get mad at it. And the friend needs to either accept that her deal is a little too weird for the world of TV talent shows, or attempt to “refine” her act, as Katy said.

Amari – 28 – Toxic by Britney Spears/She Used to be Mine by Sara Bareilles

Amari is a waitress. She shares that it’s the first year that she’s taken control of her life. He tone is really pretty and natural. Her phrasing is interesting without being forced. But then she does this fake trumpet thing, which is a little jarring.

“You’re so full of light and joy,” says Katy. But she thinks there is more. She wants a different song. Amari shares that she’s a trans woman. OH BOY. American Idol is about to be boycotted. The discourse around trans lives has been so incredibly toxic in the last few years. “When I transitioned, I lost a lot of people,” she says. People around her wanted her to stay the same. The Sara Bareilles song “She Used to be Mine” represents her feeling about losing so much, even if her life is much better now. “Toxic” was fine, but Amari pours her heart out in her second song choice. It’s an emotive, moving performance.

Katy loves people telling their stories. “I felt you.” Lionel appreciated the emotion behind it and loved her falsetto. Luke, the good ole boy says no. Why am I not surprised? Sure, it wasn’t perfect, he made a valid point about her high notes. But I can’t help thinking there is something else going on there. Lionel says yes. Amari is through to Hollywood. Her boyfriend joins her in the audition room to celebrate. – 2 yeses and 1 no

Katy’s mom joins the crew to play a little Pickleball. She and Katy beat the crap out of Lionel and Luke. Or “spank” them, as Katy says.

Conall Gorman – 19 – Backseat (Original)

Conall doesn’t sing with heft or range, but he displays a lovely range and songwriting skill. He could use more experience performing live.

Luke thought he started strong. Katy thinks he’s on the road to being a pro. But she’s looking for a little more in the gears (I agree). Lionel appreciates his tone. He calls his style the “Dylan look.” While the judges think he could use more experience (he could), they all say yes – 3 yeses. Afterward, Conall confesses to Ryan how NERVOUS he was. Obviously.

Michael Rice – 26 – Because of You by Kelly Clarkson

ABC previewed this audition last week. Watch it HERE. The thing about Michael, is that he’s competed on a BUNCH of talent shows across the pond, including X Factor UK and Eurovision, where he represented the UK (But came in LAST).

Michael grew up with a single mother. in a coastal town in Britain. Not many people get out of the town, he says. Mom had him at 17. They are like best friends. His dad had a drug addiction, but reunited with him at 17. He competed on X Factor at 16, so probably becoming famous for a minute brought them together. He had a brief reunion, sadly Dad passed from a drug induced heart attack a year later. He sings “Because of You” by Kelly Clarkson, and dedicates it to him.

His voice is pretty with a hint of rasp. He easily expresses emotion without holding back. He loses himself in song, like he leaves the planet while singing. Nevertheless, he still stays in control of the performance. . On thing–he should open his eyes more!

The judges are so moved, that they all approach him for a hug. “You gave it all to us,” says Lionel. “That cry you had…I couldn’t hold anything back.” Lionel adds, “That was powerful.” Luke says, “You sang your a** off.” Katy compliments him for singing the song like he wrote it himself. 3 yeses

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!