Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but I think I’m going with Tim Urban as tonight’s bootee.
It’s either Tim or Didi Benami, but I can’t imagine yet another girl eliminated from the Top 12. That would be 3 girls in a row in what’s supposed to be considered a girls’ year.
But maybe, after Didi’s emotional reaction when she practiced her song with Usher, or the way she stood up to Ryan when he tried to bully her into divulging the reason why Jimmy Ruffin’s “What Becomes of the Brokenhearted” was so emotional for her, viewers rallied and voted for her.
Or maybe, after a semi-decent performance, Andrew Garcia’s fans felt like they could relax and stop voting for him–he could be a surprise boot.
Other than that, I think everyone else is safe.
So yeah, I’m going with Tim, who I’m beginning to think escaped from a Zombie cult in order to audition for American Idol. His bizarre song choices, inappropriate reactions, and crazy death stares can’t be pleasing too many folks beyond the Vote for the Worst trainwreck-lovers, and the tween-set who think his crazy-eyes are dreamy.
Tim is like a demented Robby Benson. And, if you get THAT reference, you are old like me…
BTW, check out my recap of last night’s show from AOL Television right HERE.