American Idol 9 Top 3 – Performance Recap

Lee DeWyze is back on top this week, thanks to a strong performance of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Simple Man” and a manufactured performance of “Hallelujah” courtesy of Simon Cowell.  I will say, while the arrangement of “Hallelujah” with the strings, horns and choir was over the top, his vocal elevated the song above the obvious manipulation.  And thanks to the bells and whistles, I’d bet my house that Lee ran away with the votes tonight.

Casey James had two really good vocals tonight. Unfortunately, his first song, an uninspired Eric Hutchinson song, is not the stuff that Top 3 is made of.  He second song, “Daughter, ” chosen by Randy and Kara was a much better pick for Casey.  Too bad though, because the judges made it clear they have no use for Casey.  They undermined him–choosing to harp on his song choice and emphasizing his looks rather than his musicianship.  It’s going to be hard to survive that kind of severe busing.

But, Crystal Bowersox had a poor night. Her vocals were strained, and she didn’t seem to be connected to her performances. It makes me wonder if she really wants to win this thing.  Well, I want her to win. She’s by for the strongest, most consistent artist of the three.  I made sure to get my votes in for Crystal tonight.

Tomorrow,   Justin Bieber and Travis Garland are musical guests. Plus, hometown visits!

Live blog and Videos after the jump…

Tonight, the Final 3 take the stage to sing a Judges’ Choice song, and a tune they chose for themselves. We’re getting close to the finish line here…

Elliston OH, Mt Prospect IL, and Cool TX! Representing! This is the fight for the finale…and THIS IS AMERICAN IDOL (Crystal, Lee and Casey say in unison!)

Casey, Crystal and Lee take the stage. Each contestant will sing two songs. One chosen by them, the other by the judges. Contestant pick first.

Casey James – “OK It’s Alright With Me” by Eric Hutchinson – Casey’s strapped on an acoustic guitar this week. Wow. this song is so vanilla! A really bad song choice. He sang it well, but it’s a boring song–there’s nowhere to take it. The judges are gonna kill him. Randy says, “That lyric…I wanted to hear more from you, this is down to the wire. Can’t do a safe song” Ellen says, “This is the moment, live or die, I felt the same way as Randy.” Ellen attempts at a joke as she slams Casey fall flat.  “This is really the night you need to bring something much bigger, ” she says, Kara says, “It’s hard to pick a song not everyone knows. You can’t take it to the next level.” Simon says, “The problem is, it’s the most important night of your life. If that was a dinner, it would be the salad.” Simon says it’s not substantive–nobody will remember it. You sounded good, he says, but the song is a dud. – 1-866-436-5701 – 1-866-436-5704 – 1-866-436-5707 – VIDEO

Crystal Bowersox – “Come To My Window” by Melissa Etheridge – Crystal tells Ryan in her little sit down that the song she chose is about “passion.” Crystal’s got a harmonica around her neck. Hm. Her vocals sound strained. Not sure why she bothered with the harmonica. She didn’t play it much. She sounded a little shaky on the high notes. She seems distant tonight–having trouble connecting to the song. Crystal has performed better. Hope she brings it in the second half. Randy says, “I did not love the arrangement, what I did like, I loved your vocal on it. It all worked in the end. Good song choice” Ellen says, “I agree, it’s the artist you want to be. Melissa would be very proud of you.” Kara says, “I do think that you did get a little lost in the arrangement, it’s still a good vocal, you’re capable of a moment, I hope you have one tonight.” Simon says, “I don’t think this was the most stunning version of that song, but what I like, you haven’t compromised as an artist. You came out and decided to do what you do. It’s a very honest performance. I think you made the right choice. Congratulations” Crystal says it’s one of her favorite songs. Wow. The judges skated right around the vocal issues. – 1-866-436-5702 – 1-866-436-5705 – 1-866-436-5708 – VIDEO

Lee DeWyze – “Simple Man ” by Lynyrd Skynyrd – Lee tells Ryan that he picks songs that he can relate to. Lee begins acoustic, and the band kicks in after the first verse. So far, Lee’s the best tonight. Yeah, there are a couple of pitch problems here and there, but he sings with a lot of passion–he’s in the zone–and sounds really current on a classic. The judges are going to go apeshit. The crowd is eating it up. Randy says, “I could see you making a record, brilliant song choice. Somebody here is feeling like they could win this.” Ellen says, “That’s what we’re talking about. I’m so proud of you. You were like a baby lamb, now your like a gazelle or an impala.”  Kara says, “You showed us everything you’ve got. In my opinion, round 1 goes to Lee.” Lee says when he plays the song, he’s really happy playing it. Simon says, “If I’m being honest with you…that song was absolutely on the money. I don’t think you won round one, I think you just crushed the other two.” Yep. They loved it – 1-866-436-5703 – 1-866-436-5706 – 1-866-436-5709 – VIDEO

Judges choice

Casey James – Kara and Randy choose “Daughter” by John Mayer – The clip of Casey receiving his text rolls. Randy thinks John Mayer is a great direction for Casey. Kara says Casey has to show that vulnerable side. His audience is women and girls, and Casey has to give them what they want. LOL. Casey can’t have male fans? That’s such bullshit. This is way better than the first song. Waaayyy better. Casey is always really good on these quiet, slower songs. Very nice. Nothing karaoke about this. Now a little guitar solo. Randy didn’t like the arrangement at first, but says, “This actually fits you like a glove. I hope you go in that direction.” Ellen says, “I thought that was beautiful.” Kara says, “This showed the more artistic side of you. That’s really where you shine. This was the choice we should have made for you. You changed it up where it needed to be, but didn’t stray too much from the original.” Simon says, “I think it was a much better song choice than the first, but it was a lazy arrangement.” Simon thought the guitar solo was limp, and calls out Kara and Randy for not working on the vocal with him. Simon thinks there should have been a vocal climax. Kara says that’s it’s written to be gentle and vulnerable. A bit of an argument ensues. I’m with Kara and Randy. It was fine the way it was. Sweet guitar solo, too. – VIDEO

Crystal Bowersox – Ellen Degeneres chose “Maybe I’m Amazed” by Paul McCartney – Crystal reads her text. “She picked a good one, ” says Crystal. Ellen chose the song because she believes Crystal could surprise people with the song. Crystal is sitting on the spiral staircase. No guitar. Wow she did not change the gender. Interesting. I wonder if that’s going to make it weird for viewers. Hm. Erm. She keep repeating that she’s “a man” Not crazy about the way this song was edited. She makes her way to the catwalk behind the judges. She’s repeating the same line over and over again, and she’s pushing her upper register. I was expecting more, frankly. And you all know I love me some Crystal. Randy says, “Great song, great vocals, and we’ve got somebody in it to win it.” Ellen says, “I couldn’t have asked for more. You did it.” Kara says, “You really showed parts of your voice that we haven’t heard yet. You did a lot of risky things, and it paid off.” Simon says, “At first, I wondered about the song choice. Now I get it. What you proved is that you’ve got soul. I think you’ll be thanking Ellen when she puts you in the finals next week.” Wow. That’s some overpraise, there. – VIDEO

Lee DeWyze – Simon Cowell chose “Hallelujah” – Ha they show Lee reading his choice on the plane. I heard he had a major bitch face when he heard the choice. Simon says he chose the song because he’ll earn a pretty penny because he thinks Lee could have a “moment” with the song. Lee is playing acoustic guitar. He’s got strings on stage. Here comes the choir. I didn’t really need another version of “Hallelujah” on Idol, but having said that–this was pretty good. A much bigger production than Jason Castro’s (Jason’s is my favorite) with the strings and choir.  And vocally, Lee goes big on it. I’m sure Simon coached him. The crowd is going crazy. Randy says,   “I was waiting all season to see who would throw down the gauntlet…I think this was your biggest moment…unbelievable dude”.  Lee thanks Simon, he said he wasn’t crazy about it at first, but realizes Simon was right. Ugh.  Ellen says, “There’s really nothing more to be said. That was stunning.” Kara says, “This is what this show is all about. You are the heart of the show this season. You just owned the entire night. ” Simon says,   “I’m very proud of you. This show has given you a break…you proved that you are a fantastic singer and a great person. I really hope that you make it next week.” Well. Lee sure as hell isn’t going home. Lee says the song pulled everything out of him. The moment was just amazing he says, tearing up.  – VIDEO

About mj santilli 35189 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!