American Idol Cast Talks Talent and Tough Love

Idol judges, Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler and Randy Jackson and host Ryan Seacrest were interviewed by TV Guide about the upcoming Season of American Idol.

As far as the auditions are concerned, Jennifer Lopez says, “Last season our Hollywood week was easy breezy compared to this year, which was brutal. We had kids falling by the wayside.”  That is…passing out and fainting.  Jennifer adds, “Kids were forgetting their words. Shaking in their voice. People we thought were going to be in the Top 10 were just crumbling. We were like, “What is going on?” I guess it was the pressure of seeing the previous season and how it was big.”

As far as this year’s talent, Randy Jackson says “The talent feels different this year. It’s a different kind of crop to me.” Jennifer adds, “They’re hungry. We have some from last year who came back who are so improved, I can’t even believe it’s the same person. I’m like, “Wait, you were the one with the hair like this, right? Wow, your voice has gotten so much better.”

I think we’ll be seeing some return auditioners make the cut this year!

Steven Tyler says to look out for “another Casey [Abrams], a drummer who started off playing the drums and singing. We’ve got a couple of massive talents there.”

And the judges hint that they’ll be tougher this year.  “I wouldn’t say we’re tougher. We’re just as honest and just as compassionate, but maybe a tiny bit more blunt about it,” says Jennifer. “I think you’ll see a little bit of a difference.”   She adds, “You need a little bit of tough love sometimes. But it has to be tough love. Maybe we’re a little tougher on the tough-love part this year.”  Hm. I won’t believe that until I see it. On the live shows.

“We don’t want to kill anybody’s spirit. We’re not gods. Maybe just lords,” adds Steven.

(Via TV Guide)



About mj santilli 35171 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!