American Idol Tour 2012: Heejun Han and Deandre Brackensick (VIDEO)

DeAndre Brackensick only gets one song, and he said it is reggae, so pretty sure it’s “Master Blaster” but he is in half the show, and he said we would hear the falsetto during the background singing. He also hates having his hair down but the producers insisted he wear it down every show. This is why in the video he makes a point about DeAndre being a guy who likes his hair up.

Deandre says he is a reggae dude AND an R&B dude.  As far as his future, he’s open to acting and singing. At this point “It’s all in God’s hands”.   Deandre reveals the one thing he’ll be bringing along with him on tour.

Heejun Han is THE prankster of the group, and everyone knows it. He talked about having some sort of show lined up…and to expect it sometime next year.  It won’t be a reality show. “Something Asian people can relate to”. He said the first half of the show is fun & crazy and the second half is serious, so to just come & see the first half. He said he would be making an “Adult” album…and to clarify he said “adult contemporary.” He is recording an album in Asia first, and then bringing it over here to the US.

About mj santilli 35171 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!