Check out previews from this week’s Atlanta American Idol XII auditions, featuring Jessica Meuse, and PANTS ON THE GROUND!!!
Chris and his sweet doggie bubbie audition for the judges. He never goes anywhere without her. Harry warns the the singer not to let the dog near Ryan Seacrest’s toiletry bag. “Could be a little bit of a scene,” he snarks. As Chris sings Adele’s “Chasing Pavements,” dog lover Harry holds bubbie in his lap. After the song he quips, “Do you know that song ‘I have a small plastic bag and a towelette’?” OOPS.
Twenty-three year old, Jess Meuse, tells an amusing story about how her home town, Slapout, AL got its name before launching into a haunting rendition of an original song, “Blue Eyed Lie.” Harry compares the singer to Stevie Nicks.
OH DEAR LORD. The Pants on the Ground dude, from Season 9, is back. Harry loves him, joining him up front to dance along. Jennifer, eyes rolling, calls Harry a mess! I guess the new producers aren’t throwing out the past, entirely, as they reprise one of Idol’s viral joke contestants.