American Idol XIII Insider: Randy Jackson Weighs in on the Contestants (VIDEO)

This week, the Idol insider interviews Randy Jackson. The AI veteran talks about his new role as mentor, calling himself a “nurturer at heart,” and gives fans a rundown of what he thinks each of the contestants need to work on, moving forward.

  • CJ. Harris: He’s got to get more consistent, and sing more in tune.
  • Jena Irene: She is in the zone. She just has to stay there and give an amazing performance every time.
  • Caleb Johnson: He’s got to pick better songs, and also show differences in what he can do. Have some tender moments, not just loud moments.
  • Jessica Meuse: She’s got to pick the best, the right song for her voice.  What’s the right song? The song that you can sing the best! (He really said this. I’m not snarking)
  • Alex Preston: He’s starting to find who he is in his zone. He’s got to stay there, stick there, and it’s going to work.
  • Dexter Roberts: He is our quintessential country guy. He knows who he is. He’s just got to stay in that and deliver a great performance. Don’t worry about all of the theatrics of performing.
  • Malaya Watson: What else does she have other than ballads? It can’t become a one trick thing.
  • Sam Woolf: He’s got to get more consistent too. A lot of these kids are young–get them to believe in themselves, and take chances vocally. You don’t want a karaoke version of the song.

Well alrighty then.  Who wants to start the drinking game?


About mj santilli 35174 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!