American Idol XIII Top 13 Results and Videos

The American Idol XIII Top 13 will be revealed right here tonight!

Thoughts on tonight’s results:

Biggest disappointment: Kind of sad Malcolm Allen didn’t make it through. I thought the judges comments on his last performance were too harsh. I just loved his confidence. There were good vibes coming from that guy. And he could sing, too.

As if We Didn’t Already Know–Idol Fans Love their White Guys: Stupid Me. I did not expect Dexter AND Ben to both make the Top 10. Rounding out with Alex Preston, Sam Woolf and Caleb Johnson, and it’s like a wall of wonder bread. It took the judges to add some male color via wildcards. Folks predicting another male white winner are probably right.

Speaking of Adding Male Color – I am so relieved that ship wasn’t righted by choosing Latino, Spencer Lloyd as a wildcard, over African American CJ Harris. The producers tried to make Spencer happen. They gave him the pimp spot, and he STILL couldn’t get America’s vote.  He was called back to sing off for the wild card, and he still couldn’t cut it. I thought he would be the thing who would never go away. But ultimately, his lack of humility hurt him, I think. Not sure CJ, as an AA country singer, will last much longer, though. The white boys will triumph. I thought Harry’s critique tonight was way too harsh.

WHOA. Just Took a Look at the Demographics of the Singers Eliminated:  Of the 5 singers NOT called to sing, 3 were African American males, 2 were African American females (Bi-Racial, actually).  The 2 singers eliminated after the sing off: 1 African American female, 1 Latino male. Eliminated tonight: 3 African American males, 3 African American females, 1 Latino male. EVERY WHITE MALE AND FEMALE IN THE TOP 20 ADVANCED (corrected – Briana is biracial).  ETA: Also, out of the Top 13, only Malaya Watson would be considered an R&B singer.

Other than Malcolm, All of My Favs Made it In: And those would be, Alex Preston, CJ Harris, Jena Irene, Majesty Rose and Jess Meuse. Kristen O’Connor didn’t deserve to advance based on her horrible wild card performance. While she has a powerful voice, she doesn’t connect to what she’s singing. I predict an early demise for her. To stick around, Emily Piriz has to can the phony pop star bit and stick to performing substantive songs. Thank jeebus the producers stopped trying to make Marrialle Sellars happen.

It was obvious the sing offs were just for show:  Harry destroyed Bria Anai’s performance, while Keith lent Kristen O’Connor some mild criticism. I smell a rat.  Yeah, Bria has a tendency to oversing. But she only went off in a couple of spots.  Kristen choked, literally. You could even see it in the faces of her family in the audience.  Speaking of Bria, I would have preferred her in the Top 13, despite the fact that confident R&B girls get tossed from the competition pretty fast. I’d love to see a Top 40 girl, with swag, make some headway. Maybe Malaya Watson can fill that bill. That girl has potential.

Harry is going to be super annoying picking on singers, isn’t he? – The ones who sing “licks,” or don’t adhere to a strict definition of what he deems good singing, are going to be in for some “Harsh Harry” me thinks. It’s the biggest beef I have with him–the narrow minded idea he has about singing styles. I hope he doesn’t criticize contestants to the point where they lose the plot. I’m thinking about what happened when he mentored last season, and had such a strict idea of how standards should be sung, and the resulting performances suffered.


From 75,000 contenders, it’s all come down to…. and Ryan introduces the Top 20 onstage live in a cold open! They’re all holding hands. Nervous!

Now for a recap from last night’s guys performance show. Next, Ryan introduces the “stellar panel of judges!”

Jlo is purty in her little black dress with a halter/bra like top.  Ryan says ONE of them smells like a pretty flower. Heh.

The STOOLS OF HAPPINESS are gone. In their place are 13 shiny, shiny chairs. The Top 10 will be revealed. And then, the judges pick 3 wild cards after a sing off.

Here we go!  The first 9 results went VERY QUICKLY! We’ll learn the 10th after the break. “We’re going on tour!” screams Majesty. Uhm. I wouldn’t assume that at this point, honey.

The Top 5 guys: Holy White Guys Batman :/

Top 10 Results – American Idol 13 by IdolxMuzic

Next, the judges will announce 5 singers, one by one, who will compete for the 3 wild cards.

CJ Harris – “Bring It On Home” by Sam Cooke – CJ sang this during Hollywood week. I’m going to be really disappointed if he isn’t added as a wild card. Considering there are no African American males in the mix yet, I’d say he has a good chance.  Oh. Harry thought it was average. “I didn’t feel any of the magic.” He thought the band screwed up. Jlo says his soul still came through for her.  Keith warned him to stay connected to the song.

CJ Harris – Wild Card Song – American Idol 13 by IdolxMuzic

Jena Irene – During the break, they set up an electric piano for Jena.  She’s killing the audience with an original song! Her vocals are soaring. Really impressive. I think she’s got a good shot. Keith felt it was a really good use of the moment. He loved how she stayed present, even as the crowd reacted to an impressive high note.

Jena Irene – Wild Card Song – American Idol 13 by IdolxMuzic

Spencer Lloyd –  Spencer has his acoustic guitar in hand. Oh. He’s singing his mediocre original song. C’mon judges, If this dude is your idea of adding “color” to the Top 13  instead of CJ. I’ma gonna cut a bitch. I mean. THIS IS HORRIBLE.   Camera is cutting to shots of infatuated girls in the audience. UGH UGH UGH. Jlo says “That’s not sure what I wanted America to see in this moment.” Whoa. Jlo being honest. Maybe there’s hope.

Spencer Lloyd – Wild Card Song – American Idol 13 by IdolxMuzic

Bria Anai – “This is a Man’s World” – I know this is probably controversial, but I kind of like the idea of a swaggerific Top 40 type singer in the competition. If she makes it, she’ll probably be eliminated immediately, though. She’s got the kind of personality Idol voters hate. I like her confidence and fearlessness.  Good job girl! Harry says she sang for her life, but he thinks it was all over the place. “You overshot the mark.” Hm. Maybe near the end. I’m not sure I agree. Oh well, you know how Harry hates those licks.

Bria Anai – Wild Card Song – American Ido 13 by IdolxMuzic


Kristen O’Connor – “Unconditionally” by Katy Perry – Whoa. She’s very nervous, wobbling on the big notes. The situation is completely overwhelming her. Her family looks on very concerned, from the audience, as she chokes.  This is so uncomfortable to watch. Keith says it was really good? Uh. No it wasn’t. It was really off pitch.  Keith suggests she sing it in a higher key. This advice must be some musical thing I don’t understand. Wow. That was a real effort to gloss over a bad performance. Guess the judges minds were made up before anyone sang…

Kristen O’Connor – Wild Card Song – American… by IdolxMuzic

The judges announce their 3 wild cards! Keith picks the first person…and it’s Jena Irene. Harry chooses the next, and it’s…Kristen O’Connor. And Jennifer announces…CJ Harris.

Final Result – Top 13 – American Idol 13 by IdolxMuzic

Top 13

  • Malaya Watson
  • Ben Briley
  • Emily Piriz
  • Alex Preston
  • Jessica Meuse
  • Dexter Roberts
  • Caleb Johnson
  • Majesty Rose
  • MK Nobilette
  • Sam Woolf
  • Jena Irene – Wild Card
  • Kristen O’Connor – Wild Card
  • CJ Harris – Wild Card

Top 20 Not Called to Sing, Eliminated: Malcolm Allen, Emmanuel Zidor, George Lovett, Marrielle Sellars, Briana Oakley – (3 black male singers, 1 black female singer, 1 white female singer!!!)

Top 20 Called to Sing off in the Wild Card, But Eliminated: Bria Anai, Spencer Lloyd

About mj santilli 35218 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!