American Idol’s Daniel Seavey Stalker Returns, Tries to Kiss him

Daniel Seavey Stalker teturns
photo cr: Jimmy Fontaine

American Idol’s Daniel Seavey Stalker Returns

The obsessed fan who was stalking Daniel Seavey at his Los Angeles home returned earlier this week. She was arrested for allegedly breaking into his house and trying to kiss him.

The American Idol season 14 alum’s manager, Randy Phillips, tells TMZ that the singer was once again confronted by the same young woman, Eissa Amira, who has continually pestered him in 2022. Amira has been charged for trespassing and for violating an earlier restraining order.

This time, reports TMZ, Amira slipped into his L.A. home Sunday night through an open sliding back door and made her way into Daniel’s bedroom, where he was hanging out on his bed. Randy says Daniel looked up and saw Amira hovering above, startling him.

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Amira tried to bend down and kiss Daniel, which forced him to physically remove her from his home, which he partially captured on surveillance video. But rather than leave the premises, TMZ reports that Amira sat down on the doorstep until the police arrived and handcuffed her. Randy says Amira kept yelling, “I love you, Daniel!” as police took her away,

Daniel obtained a restraining order against her back in August after claiming she broke into his home and slept in his bed.

Although she was booked for misdemeanor violation of the restraining order, Daniel’s team told TMZ he isn’t going to pursue new charges on this latest incident, as long as her parents, who live on the East Coast, can get her out of California.

Amira broke into Daniel’s home earlier this year

Daniel has had multiple issued with her dating back to July. LAPD sources told TMZ at the time that the 23 year old woman broke into Daniel’s L.A. home. The outlet obtained surveillance footage of the woman pacing outside his front door holding flowers. It seems she was hoping to meet him in person. But when she realized he wasn’t home, she climbed through an unlocked window.

Once inside his home, she rummaged through the singer’s closet, putting on a “Free Hoover” hoodie he got from a Drake and Kanye West concert. Eventually, the woman got into Daniel’s bed and fell asleep.

The next morning after waking up, the woman made her way to Daniel’s kitchen. Caught on video, the woman, wearing the hoodie, dug through his cabinets while listening to “Can I Get It” by Adele.

When Daniel caught what was happening on his surveillance cam, he called the police. They arrived and took the woman into custody. She was reportedly placed on a psych hold.

About mj santilli 35210 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!