America’s Got Talent 2017 Judge Cuts #3 Recap, Live Blog and Videos

AMERICA'S GOT TALENT -- "Judge Cuts" Episode 1210 -- Pictured: Billy & Emily England -- (Photo by: Justin Lubin/NBC)

It’s the third night of America’s Got Talent Judge Cuts auditions in front of judges Howie Mandel, Mel B. Heidi Klum and Simon Cowell. With host Tyra Banks.

Actress Laverne Cox serves as this week’s guest judge. Join us tonight as we live blog every performance.

Only 7 acts out of 20 will advance to the next round. Judge Cuts guest panelists can send their favorite act straight through to the Live Shows via golden Buzzer.

Oscar Hernandez – Dancer and Choreographer – He’s “self-taught” hm. His parents wanted him to do sports, but he saw himself as the next Britney Spears. In his audition, he jumped around the stage a lot. Oh. He choreographs for NBA dance teams. So he’s legit. His dancing is ridiculous, though. “Laverne, this is for you, boo.” He looks like he could be a football player. But, obviously not. He struts his stuff to “Bang Bang.” He’s very enthusiastic, that’s for sure. Simon gives him a standing ovation. “Oscar is large and in charge!” shouts Laverne. “Hold on to your dreams” she tells him. Heidi calls him “a lot of fun.” Simon says, “You are everything I love in a contestant.”

Magician Montage: Tony & Jordan – Magicians – They’re the twins that do creative things with screens. The Naked Magicians – They aren’t naked this time. Bummer. No wonder they probably won’t advance.

Jeki Yoo – Magician – Simon said no last time. Jeki is determined to impress him. He had to leave his dog and his wife in South Korea “because it was too expensive” to bring them to America. I guess NBC sprung to fly her out, because she’s here for this performance. He does a close up trick with cards and stickers and a bowl. His hands are very fast. After every trick he exclaims “It’s AMAZING.” He traffics a bit in Asian stereotypes. He managed to turn Simon around, “You absolutely stepped it up.” he says.

The next two acts–elderly singers are juxtaposed. It’s clear only one or the other will go through. 

Herbie Russ – He’s a 50 something aged sax player and singer. After an injury, depression led him to homelessness. He’s a decent musician but his voice is very coarse as he croons “A Little Help from my Friends.” He sings as if he desperately needed to hack up a loogie. Eh. His love of music is obvious, but he’s ordinary. “Absolutely incredible,” says Laverne. Simon says his voice is unbelievable, but he wouldn’t have done a Joe Cocker song, because he sings too much like him.

Mike Yung – He’s a middle aged subway singer who manages to provide for his family. He belts out “A Change is Gonna Come.” He’s kind of yelly? He could use a little more finesse as far as phrasing is concerned. But I bet that voice really resonates underground. And he probably makes some pretty good change when he sings. Simon applauds Mike for paying his dues. “This is your moment,” says Laverne. Howie reminds him that he just played to 15 million people. Well…more like 11-12 million.

Five Eleven – Boy Band – Corny boy band that Simon didn’t like at all during auditions sings “This is How You Do It.” This time, their harmonies were off.  “This is not the kind of group I like,” says Simon. BUH BYE.

Final Draft – Singing Group – They do a nice cover of “Somewhere Only We Know.” The harmonies are a little off, though. Simon thought it was “too high pitched…that was not a good audition.” The judges agree they weren’t as good as the first time.

Brobots and Mandroidz – Since their audition, a few parents pulled their kids out  of the group to concentrate on school. They are a huge crew. Too big, I think. But the choreography is very clever. “That was so hot!” says Laverne. Mel B. is “So so glad” they’re here. Simon says, “I really really like you guys.” He says they have “likeability.”

Marisa McKay – Singer – Twelve year old sings “Broken Wing.” She’s got a decent voice. But she’s basically Grace Vanderwaal 2.0. Simon calls her voice “interesting…good energy.” She cries through her critique, she’s so overwhelmed Laverne says “It’s a big moment, it’s OK to have feelings about it.”  She ain’t ready for this jelly.

Celine Tam – She’s the precocious nine year old named after the singer Celine Dion. Her parents seem hyper invested in her talent. I bet she turns out to be Laverne’s golden buzzer. Celine dedicates her performance tonight to her little sister Dion. That’s right. Her name is Dion. She sings “How Am I Going to Live Without You” in that unnaturally throaty voice. She holds out the last note forever like a perfect pageant princess. “I just want to eat you up and take you home,” coos Laverne, who babbles on about how talented she is…and as I figured. LAVERNE HITS HER GOLDEN BUZZER

Montage – Aileen George – Sassy plus sized pole dancer. Laverne couldn’t bring herself to criticize. Simon did not look happy. Shemika Charles – Limbo Dancer – She limboed under fire, but it didn’t work out so well. She also limboed with some spinning plates. The judges called it cheesy.

Jay Jay Phillips – Rock n Roll Musician – He’s got this “Spaced out” Spicoli shtick going that is pretty annoying. He plays “keytar” to a backing track while dressed like an 80’s hair band loser. That’s the act. I still don’t get it. The crowd laps it up. Simon does devil horns. No really he does. Laverne asks about his hairspray regimen. “Half a bottle,” he says. Heidi doesn’t think it’s a million dollar act. Once again…Heidi is the voice of reason.

Diavolo – Dance troupe – They are a group of young performers from Europe who perform acrobatic stunts with huge props. The choreographer says there were broken shoulders and noses as they prepared for this new performance. I believe it. It’s the kind of thing, though, that probably seems more spectacular in person. Heidi loved it. Laverne wonders where their act would fit in the market. Howie calls them incredible. Simon is impressed with their massive set pieces.

Jonathan Rinny – Acrobat – He got married and his wife’s parents didn’t know, because they didn’t approve of his career choice, Well, they know now. The show breezes passed his performance, which means he probably didn’t advance. 

Bello Nock – Daredevil – To get a yes from Simon last time, Bello promised to shoot himself out of a cannon over a helicopter. There’s an ambulance standing by! And his daughter is there watching. The judges are acting all nervous. Acting is the operative word here. Bella behaves as if he’s never done the act before.  It goes off without a hitch. He lands safely on a giant inflatable after shooting over a whirring helicopter. Heidi calls him a “daredevil on steroids.” Simon says, “You actually did walk the walk.” For his next act, Bello wants to shoot himself AND Simon out of a cannon. Hm.

Daniel Ferguson – Impressionist – He did an impression of Simon Cowell last time. He sings a Maroon 5 song as he takes on several characters, including Howie. He claims that it was only the second time he’s performed in front of an audience.

Preacher Lawson – Comedian – His mom moved to China to teach school. But when he advanced to the next round, she flew back to be in the audience to cheer him on. He did a bit about catfishing and dating. His delivery is ratatat fast. Maybe his mania can be blamed on his nerves. But his jokes are funny. He just needs to slow it down a bit. Simon gives him a standing ovation. “OH MAN YOU BETTER SHUT UP,” says Preacher when he noticed. Howie tells mom, “You should be so proud. This kid is a star.” Speaking of which, Simon thinks he has “star quality.”

Billy and Emily England – Sibling Skaters – Oh gosh Their aunt was an aerialist and died during a live performance. A performing uncle died too, but it won’t stop them. “It’s in the blood,” says Billy. They perform stunts on roller skates. As Billy tosses Emily around, one wrong move could send her head crashing into the floor. We previewed this act earlier. The big twist this time: He twirls her around as she uses his beard as an anchor. Eep. Actually, she’s also using her foot, which I suspect is where most of her weight is bearing. Simon bows to them both. He says “you pushed the boundaries.” Ha ha…Sia’s “Chandelier” is backdrop.

Time for results! I figured that Mike Yung’s powerful voice and relatable subway story would propel him past Herbie. Twelve year old singer Marisa McKay cried all the way through her elimination. The judges were super kind. But still. Ugh. 

Next week is the last week of Judge Cuts. Heidi’s ex-husband Seal will be guest judge. Ok then. 

Advancing to the Live shows

Celine Tam – Singer – Golden Buzzer
Brobots and Mandroidz – Dancers
Oscar Hernandez – Dancer
Diavolo – Acrobats/Dancers
Billy and Emily – Daredevil rollerskaters
Mike Yung – Subway singer
Preacher Lawson – Comedian

About mj santilli 35189 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!