America’s Got Talent 2023 Recap Auditions 4
America’s Got Talent 2023 auditions continue on NBC for season 18 with Simon Cowell, Howie Mandel, Heidi Klum and Sofia Vergara on the judges panel. Terry Crews hosts. See more new acts vying for the 1 million dollar prize and a headlining show in Las Vegas.
America’s Got Talent 2023 Spoilers Auditions 4 – Meet the Acts
America’s Got Talent 2023 Full Season 18 Schedule
Season 18 will feature at least SEVEN Golden Buzzers. ON Britain’s Got Talent, the show has been handing them out left and right, so it’s no surprise.
The show kicks off with an obvious car commercial. The judges escape from “bad talent” in whatever brand of car they are shilling.
El Invertebrado – Aerial Contortionist
El Invertebrado is a combination of a contortionist and pole dancer all wrapped up in a Zombie costume. He kicks off his bit with a jump scare in front of the judges table. El can twist up like a pretzel while simultaneously climbing a pole. NBC previewed this act earlier today. After the performance, he shifts into normal mode. He’s from the Dominican Republic and is only 21. He was a finalist on Dominica’s Got Talent.
He devised his costume himself and learned his craft by watching videos. “I think we just watched a Zombie A-polecalypse” quips Howie, who calls him original. “When you popped up, I peed myself a little bit,” says Heidi. Simon loved everything about it. “People are going to remember you.” 4 yeses.
Freedom Singers – Vocal Group
The singing group is located in Skid Row, Los Angeles. They are all formerly houseless people and are currently activists who work with the Los Angeles Community Action Network. One of the singers becomes emotional as she asks people not to look the other way when they see needy people out on the street. They perform a harmonious version of “Under The Bridge.” The lead singer displays strong vocals with a range impressive enough to hit a whistle note. .
The judges are on their feet. “You have a powerful message. It gave me goosebumps,” says Heidi. Howie says, “You have given us a message. Thank you for informing and entertaining.” Sofia says, “I loved it. You guys are going to go very far in this competition.” Simon calls the performance brilliant “raw and real.” Off stage after the performance, Terry tears up. – 4 yeses
Warrior Squad – Acrobatic group
Warrior Squad are from a small Indian village. The leader put the group together to train acrobats free of charge. It’s the farthest the group has ever traveled to perform. Big acrobatic groups are common on AGT. This group features a twist. Their special talent is building huge towers of humans. There’s very little chaos on stage as the group carefully crafts their tricks. Of course, there is a little one who gets tossed about during the routine. The last tower is four people tall, with the little acrobat completing a handstand before falling into the arms of his fellow performers.
Sofia says, “I was looking at each one of you. I want to see more.” Heidi says, “I love all of you. What an amazing act.” Howie says, “You just raised the bar.” Simon says, “I am blown away by this act.” He comperes them to a machine. “You lot are very brave.” 4 yeses
Dani Kerr – Singer
Dani is a singer from North Carolina who has only been performing for six years. She sings a personal song about leaving a bad situation and a person who doesn’t believe in her. After she finishes, the crowd boos her, thumbs down. What the heck? What a set up. No doubt producers engineered that response. Simon asks for another song. Dani sings another original song, “November.” Now the crowd is clapping. It’s a better song. Not that the first song deserved boos. But a typical Simon set up is for a singer to fail on their first song, only to bring the crowd around on their second song. SO contrived. Nevertheless, Dani’s voice has world weary raspy tone. She’s solid.
She receives a standing ovation for her second song, which has Dani in tears. Howie compares her to Stevie Nicks. “You’re wonderful.” Sofia says, “You feel so real!” Simon says, “I think you’re a great writer. Authentic.” He calls her voice beautiful and distinctive. 4 yeses
Poose The Puppet – Puppeteer
Poose describes himself as an alien ventriloquist dressed as a hot dog to make humans feel comfortable in his presence. Howie cracks. “Do you think you’re a weiner?” Har har. He promises “no probing” Sofia asks, confused, “No pooping?” As soon as he starts with the puppet, the buzzers start to go off. Not Heidi. She wants to go with him. The crowd boos. Simon calls it the worst act he’s seen on the show by a mile. “Even your voice was annoying.” Poose curses Simon, which leads to….. 4 nos.
Sweaty Eddie – Drag King
Not sure what’s going on here, but Sweaty starts off making a sandwich. The judges are unimpressed and buzz him. Sweaty bills himself as a “Drag King” which means the performer is actually a woman? But that’s never mentioned. The buzzes begin immediately. But the real joke is that after Poose’s curse, Simon is now “speechless.” He did actually lose his voice at one point during the audition filming. I’m guessing the producers set up the Poose bit after Simon lost his voice so they could edit in some “comedy.”
Steve Goodtime – Variety act
He’s a “rock n roll acrobat.” He brings his mom out on stage to help him. He works with guitars and fire. His mom is mostly rocking out alongside him. The judges are once again unimpressed. 4 nos.
Joy Brooker – Comedic singer
Joy is a singing telegram act. She performs “You Know You’re Beautiful” for Simon and his lost voice. She can’t sing at all. Despite bringing him a gift of balloons, and Simon declaring her the best ever, she gets 4 nos. The joke is that Sofia is “translating” for Simon, but badly.
Eseniia Mikheeva – Kid Dancer
NBC previewed Eseniia’s audition last week. She’s a 7 year old dancer from Russia. After being prompted, she says Simon is her favorite judge. Her dance routine consists of hip hop moves and lots of stank face. She’s very cute.
Sofia calls her a “Mini mini star.” Mom and dad are off stage cheering her on. Mom hands Eseniia her stuffed dog “Linda.” Heidi loves her facial expressions. “You’re giving 100 percent.” Sofia continues to interpret silent Simon’s critiques…badly – 4 yeses.
Murmuration – Dance Troupe – Howie’s Golden Buzzer
The group leader auditioned for AGT a few years ago, but didn’t get through. They’ve also competed in talent competitions in Europe. The group is from France and has 65 members Dressed in black, they perform blindfolded, but still manage to move in perfect precice harmony, creating geometric shapes and more. The routine is mesmerising.
Heidi calls it “elegant.” Sofia calls it “spectacular” and compares them to her Golden Buzzer and last season’s winners The Mayyas. Howie calls it “hypnotic,” adding “It blew me away.” Howie is so freaked out, he hits the Golden Buzzer.
Charles Haycock – Comedian
29 year old Charles is a yo yo salesman, but has been a comedian for the last decade or so. He completely loses the audience while telling a convoluted story about losing his bike. The audience begins booing. And the buzzers go off. They don’t even allow him to finish. Sads. Heidi thought he was funnier before he launched into his bit. Charles vows to return. 4 nos.
Maureen Langan – Comedian
Maureen is an award winning broadcaster on Bloomberg TV/radio. She has appeared as a speaker with TedXNavesink and has done Dry Bar comedy specials which includes her “Don’t Make Me Hate You” special which has over 293K views on YouTube. She slides into jokes about her middle age. Unlike the guy before her, she’s very polished and kind of edgy.
Heidi compliments her timing. Simon still can’t speak. “So funny, so fearless,” Sofia translates. She adds, “You didn’t miss one beat. You need to be on a TV show.” Howie says, “I think people are going to love you. You are ready to explode.” 4 yeses
Anna DeGuzman – Magician
Anna points out that a female magician has never headlined a Las Vegas show. AGT winner Shin Lim inspired her magic. She mentions her supportive Filipino mom. Only 24, she’s been performing magic for 5 years. She approaches the judges table with a deck of cards. Her slight of hand is deft. She’s a gifted storyteller and she’s funny. She’s a little young and could use more polish. But she’s good.
Howie calls her “real” He actually likes her lack of polish. Heidi says, “You are a breath of fresh air….and a million dollar smile.” Simon calls her “Annoying, likeable, brilliant.” Simon still can’t speak – 4 yeses
Ninah Sampaio – Singer
Backstage, Ninah, from Brazil, beats the next act at Rubik’s cube. Her shtick is singing while working the cube, She sings Pink’s “Try.” The trick is not allowing the performance to distract her. A clip of her performing the dual skill on Tik Tok has over 20K likes and 258K views. A few of her Tik Tok covers have over a million views as well.
Howie calls it amazing. Simon says, “You are so talented and so likeable.” 4 yeses.
Thomas Vu – Danger act
Thomas also works a Rubik’s cube with another skill. He’s 35 years old from Orange County, California. He started doing the Rubik’s cube for fun. He can solve it in under 30 seconds (But not faster than Ninah!) Terry scrambles the cube for him while Thomas “gets ready” off stage. Here comes the stage hand with the fire extinguisher. Hoo boy! He sets himself on fire, and completes the cube while completely engulfed. As soon as he completes the puzzle, stagehands put out the flame.
Heidi looks very distressed. Howie suggests, “Just sing!” Heidi says, “I couldn’t look away. You are fearless.” Simon called it a “big surprise.” Via Sofia, Simon gives Thomas his first yes. Sofia says no, Howie and Heidi say yes. – 3 yeses, 1 no.