America’s Got Talent 2023 Recap Auditions 8
America’s Got Talent 2023 auditions continue on NBC. The season 18 judges panel includes Simon Cowell, Howie Mandel, Heidi Klum and Sofia Vergara. Terry Crews hosts. See more acts vying for the 1 million dollar prize and a headlining show in Las Vegas on week 8 of the auditions.
America’s Got Talent 2023 Spoilers Auditions 8 – Meet the Acts
America’s Got Talent 2023 Full Season 18 Schedule
Duo Acero – Aerialists/Acrobats
The pair. Edison Acero and Giselle Souza, are from Colombia, which excites homegirl, Sofia. She translates for them. They have been together nine years and have a little girl. Earlier, she gave Sofia a drawing. She invites the girl, Gabriella, to sit with her. Their act involves dangerous stunts on a pole. Edison hangs off the pole upside down, while Giselle performs a split on his legs. It’s like that! Edison is extremely strong. That core!
Sofia calls it sexy and scary. Howie is impressed by the couple’s strength. He thanks them for their offer of their first born. Har. “It was so graceful…truly unique,” says Heidi. Simon calls the act “really really really good, even though he generally doesn’t like their type of act. It took the couple 4 years to perfect their tricks. – 4 yeses
Summer Rios – Singer
From Brunswick, Ohio, 19 year old Summer claims she has not performed much. She’s framing herself as a newbie who toils at Pizza Hut. But she has an impressive presence on social media: 338K followers on Instagram and 498K followers on Tik Tok. She probably has not performed live much, and seems genuinely nervous. Summer has the kind of soaring, ballady, emotive pop voice that does well on Tik Tok and such. She flips the country song “Something in the Orange.” Afterward, she receives a massive standing ovation.
Howie thinks she should be singing rather than slicing pizza. “You sounded like you swallowed Rihanna,” says Heidi. She loves her tone. “Live your best life, don’t be scared anymore says,” Sofia. Simon believes everyone in the room wanted her to do well, and he complimented her song choice. – 4 yeses
Leonard Lee – Dog Act
Yep. As I suspected, Leonard is attempting to break a Guinness World Record. AGT must have officially teamed up with the organization this season, because this is the third Guinness audition. No official guy is in attendance. Leonard the dog is attempting to break his record dunking a ball in a toy basketball hoop. Sadly he tied the record 18 in 60 seconds.
Howie thinks Leonard was distracted by the crowd. Simon is disappointed. It appears the act is not moving on to the next round.
Pulse Percussion – Percussion Group
The group is a competitive drumline who have won world competitions. The precise drumming includes equally precise choreography. Plus props! The audience is on their feet dancing along. The judges are on their feet.
Howie calls the performance tremendous and thrilling Heidi calls it intense and a of fun. Sofia is not surprised they are world champions. Simon calls it “absolutely amazing” adding “I could see this in Vegas.” – 4 yeses
Rob Potylo – Comedy Musician
Rob sings a song about soy lattes in a cow outfit. Unfortunately, he’s buzzed 4 times, but Simon says yes. Rob is from Boston, and the city-centric bits he’s uploaded to social media are pretty funny. Maybe I’m misremembering but his Boston “masshole” persona Robby Roadsteamer has appeared on the old WBCN Toucher and Rich show? Maybe?
Dev – Singer
Dev is dressed in a devils costume. The audience boos. He sings “I Would Do Anything for Love,” and he’s a decent singer. But the audience still hates him, until the end. Dev appeared on Season 14 (2020) of Britain’s Got Talent where he impressed the judges and audience with an angelic rock voice covering Queen’s “I Want to Break Free.” There, he passed the audition, but didn’t make the semi-final.
Sofia and Simon say no. So it’s a no.
Gabriel Henrique – Singer – Sofia’s Golden Buzzer
Gabriel, a singer from Brazil has an interpreter with him. He shares that his dog escaped and he can’t find him. Sad. He’s so nervous, that the show breaks up the audition with a commercial break. Will Gabriel faint on stage? Stay tuned to find out! Back from commercial, Gabriel sings “I Want to Run to You” in a big rangy tenor. He’s using a whistle tone which isn’t perfect. But guys hardly ever do that. He has the audience on his side.
Massive standing ovation for Gabriel. “If Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey had a baby,” Heidi describes his voice. “I did not expect that voice. You sound like a diva. You’re amazing,” says Howie. Simon calls him interesting, “People are really going to like you. You don’t know how good you are.” Hmmmm. Sofia speaks last. Here it is….there she goes…Sofia hits her GOLDEN BUZZER. Tears! Gabriel is stunned.
Noodle & Bun – Animated Band
At first Simon was a little confused because “dog” first appeared animated on a screen. But technology will render him on stage like he’s real. The act is very cute, like a Disney movie. Animated bandmates suddenly materialize alongside him. They perform a cover of “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing.” The singing is pretty great and sounds familiar. Simon has seen this act before. Noodle appeared on BGT in 2023 (Season 16) where it was eventually revealed the character was voiced by was Season 15 3rd place finisher, and AGT: All Stars contestant, Tom Ball. So maybe the singer is a former AGT contestant?
Simon calls it the best singing dog they’ve ever had. Howie calls it amazing. Heidi loved a singing animal who could actually sing. – 4 yeses
Zion Clark – Acrobat
NBC previewed this act earlier today .Zion went into the foster care system right after birth. Born without legs, the system abused him. He learned how to fight and wrestle. At 17 he was finally adopted. His mother encouraged him to not quit. “She wouldn’t let me quit nothing.” He wants to show AGT what it’s like to have “no excuses” running through his body. He completes impressive gymnastics and lifting feats alongside a narration that describes his challenges and wins. His arms are VERY strong.
Heidi calls him “incredible” and “very handsome.” Sofia loves his smile and positive attitude. Howie thinks “amazing” really applies. “You are very very very important.” Simon is happy Zion came on the show. “You have such incredible personality….inspiration…remarkable…this is what this show is absolutely all about. – 4 yeses
True Villains – Rock Band
True Villains are a Nashville based hard rock band fronted by Beau Lastavich. The mother of one of the band members encouraged them to audition. She’s sitting in the audience. Eh. They have a dated sound, which they apply to a cover of Billie Eilish’s “Bad Guy.” I’m not feeling this. They are solid musicians, but display a generic sound. The lead singer’s vocals have that unpleasant, nasally high pitched quality that distinguishes many heavy metal singers.
But what do I know? The panel loves it. Simon loved the song choice. Howie is very enthusiastic, “I want to buy tickets and come see you.” Heidi likes their look. Sofia calls them a lot of fun. “You really are good,” enthuses Simon.
Twinjas – Martial Arts Duo
Twinjas are a martial arts duo made up of twin brothers Jonny & Ollie. They are very cute as they fight and pummel an adult partner. Their audition is heavily montaged, however.
Simon calls them talented. “That’s how you deal with the baddies.” – 4 yeses
H.B. Monte – Producer/DJ
Typically, DJs are laid back, but this guy is very, uhm, high energy, as if he downed a six pack of Red Bulls before taking the stage. He DJs alongside animated depictions of Terry and the judges. This bit is also montaged.
Of course, the panel eats it up. Simon even yanked out the whole, “I didn’t like it…I loved it” line – 4 yeses
Bomba Circus – Comic Circus Show
This Israeli trio is made up of Amit, Noam, and Yaron. The trio met in high school before getting kicked out. Sofia does not like their outfits. They leave the stage and take awhile to return. Oh. They are one of those naked acts that use objects to strategically hide their naughty bits. AGT fans have seen this before. I think at this point, the schtick is no longer novel. Although, they add a twist–attempting to play ping pong while not traumatizing children.
Howie loved it. “What you guys do is just tremendous.” Heidi thinks they need smaller racquets. It’s her favorite act of the day! 4 yeses
Kylie Frey – Singer
NBC previewed this act last week. Kylie grew up around the rodeo in Louisiana, but always wanted to sing. She moved to Nashville and wrote songs. But it never happened for her. Her AGT audition is her first in front of a large audience. She started singing the National Anthem for rodeos. She’s a big AGT fan who used to play Simon as a kid. After demonstrating her Simon impression he says “That was terrible, but I still like you.” She sings a song about her grandpa. The song reveals he’s passed. It’s called “Horses in Heaven.” Her goal is to sing the anthem for the NFR (rodeo). Reba McEntire who got her start in rodeo inspired her. Her dream will probably come true now, because that was a pretty great song and performance.
“I really really like you,” says Simon. “You are the real deal.” Heidi loves her and her band “the whole look and sound.” Howie didn’t love it. The crowd is booing. He says a song he’s never heard before needs to be stuck in his head afterward. That’s a weird reaction. The song is solid. – Three yeses, Howie says no.
Sunny Chatum – Singer – Comedian
Sunny is from Paris, Texas. He works on custom cars and trucks. He’s inspired by Grace Vanderwaal, he claims. He brings his “dream board” to show the judges. It’s pretty kooky and obviously a joke. Howie eventually buzzes him. This guy is never going to get around to singing. He’s a comedian doing a bit. Eventually, the crowd begins booing as if on cue. Simon buzzes. The audience begins chanting “Sing a song…” Sofia buzzes next. Heidi threatens her buzzer…and when he continues to not sing, she hits it.
At the end, he reveals himself actually be a SHE, Krista Komondor, a comedian and clown from Brooklyn. Howie compares him to Andy Kaufman (no) and takes away his buzzer. Simon feels he got the audience on his side and takes his buzzer back too. Only Heidi says no. 3 yeses, Heidi says no