Hey guys! It is Adam again, and I am here writing to you all the way from somewhere in Pennsylvania (heck, I don’t even know where I am). Anyway, my poor talents at geography aside, let us talk Americas Got Talent! Below, I have compiled a list of what, in my opinion, are the best 10 auditions. Plus, I’ve noted a few acts that maybe shouldn’t have gotten through. Please, share your opinions below and share who you are really looking forward to/dreading, seeing on the next show.
10- Emil and Dariel (Cello Players)– These two rocked! This cello playing duo killed their auditions and were definitely a highlight for me. It’s not many who can pull off a performance with just a cello (well, Glee also when Santana and that Warbler did Smooth Criminal) and keep me so entertained. I think they have a ton of potential going forward.
9- Aerial Animation (Acrobatics)– Abigail is a wonder in the air! Her animations and the way she uses her body to interact with the scene she creates makes her act incredibly unique and original. I feel her act has a ton of potential going forward and I do feel like her next performance will either break or solidify her front runner status.
8- Sons of Serendip (Musical Group)– Ignoring the fact that they were singing my all time favorite song, the added harp and the lead singer’s tone made the Keane classic almost dream-like and akin to something out of Bridge to Terabithia. I loved the control the lead singer held over the song and the delicate arraignment so much that I had to put them on my list.
7- John and Andrew (Dancers)– These guys are incredible dancers, and are in my opinion, the best dancers in the competition. Granted, in the long run of the competition, I worry about them getting bussed in the live rounds, but I still think they have a lot more to show us.
6- Smoothini (Magician)– Smoothini was definitely the stand out magician of the season for me. Last season, we had some great magicians, and while I don’t think Smoothini is anywhere near the popularity level that Collins Key was at, I still think he has a good shot of doing some real damage in this competition. His audition was entertaining to watch, and I think he still has a few tricks up his sleeve (#seewhatididthere?)
5- Darik Santos (Comedy)– If you haven’t heard of Emo Philips, I suggest you look him up, because if you enjoyed Darik’s act, Emo’s is in a similar character. Now, I’m still not sure if Darik is season 9’s answer to Taylor Williamson, but he is still pretty hilarious! I really can’t wait to see what he does next and can only hope he lives up to the expectations I now have for him.
4- Legacy (Singing Group)– These guys are like the R&B version of last year’s Forte! These dudes killed the Jackson 5 song and I just cant wait to hear them again! Personally, I’d love to hear them pull off Yellow, by Coldplay! These computer guys are a group I would be surprised if they didn’t make the top 12 at the least.
3- Dustin’s Dojo (Comedy)– I don’t know what was going on with the female judges, but when I was watching this live for the first time, I got what they were doing immediately and I was laughing my pants off! I seriously cant wait to see what they pull of next! Granted, my sister, who I was watching it with, didn’t find them amusing one bit, but I guess that says something of their appeal: either you will love them or hate them (I think you can guess which side I’m on).
2- Beach Avenue (Band)– I’m glad they ended up doing an original tune! The song was catchy and is a song I can imagine hearing on the radio. They still have a ton of potential, and I just hope they keep up with the original songs. Keep em coming Beach Avenue! That aside, this group has loads of star potential and if number 1 wasn’t so flipping good, they would easily be up there, but then there was-
1- Kelli Glover (Singer)– And then there was Kelli Glover. God lord this girl can SANG. Kelli takes us all the way back to the very first season of Amercan Idol where she almost had a shot of taking Kelly Clarkson’s crown. Regardless, now is this girls time. I think (and hope), that she is in this for the long hall. My one issue with her, is her song choice; I get the big belty diva songs let her show her range, but if she really wants to go far, she needs a current song that people will want to keep playing over and over. That aside, Kelli is flawless and I hope she sticks around for a while.
Auditions that got through that maybe shouldn’t have gotten through–
3- Juan Carlos (???)– I totally agreed with Howard. I thought he seemed like a super funny guy, but the dancing (I think thats what he was doing) was just kinda eh. The real questions those judges should have asked themselves is: is this guy worth seeing again and are we putting him through for his talent or personality? Also, if this guy makes it to the live shows over someone much more deserving (ala Big Barry from 2 season ago) this could get ugly.
2- Josh Orlian (Comedy)– I literally cringed at his jokes. However, putting his inappropriate jokes aside, Josh clearly needs a little more time; his delivery felt awkward and uncomfortable. I feel with some good material and a lot more work on his delivery he could be onto something though.
1- The Hudson Brothers (Comedy)– Every season I have watched this show (3 years now), my biggest enemy on the panel is Howie. Most judges decisions he’s made during the live shows have made me want to hurl my remote at the television (putting through Big Barry over someone like Andrew De Leon for example). Now, I feel like Howie used his golden buzzer (by the way, why didn’t Mel and Heidi use their’s this season?) on an incredibly unworthy act that I would bet will get easily bussed in the live shows. I am betting that they will end up making the live shows and will perform early on an episode and be quickly disregarded for someone else. It just bothers me that Howie would use his buzzer on an act that clearly isn’t going to win the show and if they even make the top 12, I will eat my computer.
So, those are my thoughts, what are yours? Sound off in the comments below! Also, if you think I am cool, you can always follow me on twitter @adamhsamuel