It’s time for my final power list of AGT 2021! One more week, one million dollars (paid over several decades and before tax) at stake for the winner, and one more chance for me to screw this list up.
I thought Victory Brinker had a chance of winning the show from the sheer amount of pimpage, but like World Taekwondo Demo Team, she needed the judges save to make the finale. With all of the golden buzzers except one needing saves to make the final, I think it’s safe to say that it’s anyone’s race this year. As a result, in terms of confidence in these predictions, I’m at around 0%. But that makes it more fun, I guess? Keep in mind that this is what I think will happen, not necessarily what I want to happen. Here we go!
10 – World Taekwondo Demo Team: At the start of live shows, I thought they were going to win it all. But they needed the judges save to get them into the finale, and shockingly they were third place in the save vote. Their best performance so far was their first audition, and I’m not sure they can top it. They could sneak into the top 5 – stranger things have happened – but I think they’re out of the running for the win.
9 – Victory Brinker: After World Taekwondo Demo Team needed the save, I thought Victory was going to win. And then she also needed the save from the judges to advance. Her save vote was way closer than World Taekwondo’s, so I think she’s more likely than they are. But I’m still confident that she’s not in the running. We’ve seen a child opera singer every year on this show and Victory isn’t the best one. She’s amazing, she’s only 9, but I’m numb to this type of act now.
8 – Léa Kyle: Lea was one of my favorite auditions of the season. I knew her from Penn and Teller’s show and I had high hopes. She didn’t live up to them sadly. Each act, while incredible, is the same as the previous one. A quick change act has never won AGT, and despite being the best one ever on the show by a mile, I can’t see Lea changing that fact, especially after needing a save to make the finale.
7 – Jimmie Herrod: Jimmie got the pimp slot in the semi-final round, delivered his best performance of the competition and finally picked a song that didn’t suck. And he still needed a save to make the finale. He won that save vote by a large margin, which is why he’s higher than the other acts who needed saves. But I don’t think he can win anymore.
6 – Gina Brillon: We have two comedians in the final, which despite what Howie says, is far from a first. And of the two, I think Gina’s far weaker. Her laid back style got a slight busing from Simon Cowell in the first live show, which he did walk back in the second. I personally haven’t gotten more than a chuckle from her all season. I’d love to be proven wrong but as of now, I think Gina will just miss out on a spot in the top 5.
5 – Dustin Tavella: Dustin’s magic tricks aren’t super impressive to me, and his presentation hasn’t made up for that. But as the last traditional magician standing, I think he’s got a good chance at making top 5. I can’t see him as the winner though.
4 – Josh Blue: Josh’s most recent routine was his best yet. The judges reactions to him were the worst yet. Sophia Vergara literally called him an inspiration just for having a disability, which is the textbook definition of inspiration p**n. And Simon called him naughty, which I’ve now noticed he only says to comedians with disabilities and that rubs me the wrong way too. I could rant about this for a long time, but I’ll just say that I’d like Josh to go far but he hasn’t made me laugh quite enough for me to want him to win.
3 – Aidan Bryant: Aidan is the first act on this list that I think has a chance at winning the show. Not a big chance, mind you, as this type of act has never won before. But being self-taught during quarantine is a heck of a story, and in the past few seasons, acts with stories have won over acts I’d be more likely to pay to see.
2 – Northwell Nurse Choir: This act is the only golden buzzer to make it to the final without needing a save. I was debating putting them at number one, and they very well could win this show. But I really don’t want to believe that a mediocre choir can win this show on story when there’s an act as talented as my actual number one up against them. I’d hate to be wrong.
1 – Brooke Simpson: Brooke is the only act this season that I can’t say could’ve done anything better. She’s picked extremely current songs. She’s sang the snot out of them. No missed notes, no mistakes, I think she’s flawless. Her last performance has been on repeat for me for three days now. I hope that I’m not delusional thinking she’s going to win, but if there’s any justice and if my bottom 4 are correct, Brooke has a really good chance at taking the crown.
America’s Got Talent 2021 FINAL airs on September 14 featuring 10 finalists competing for the win. A winner will be crowned Wednesday September 15 on NBC.