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American Idol

More on the AI Panel in Pasadena

USA Today posted an interesting  follow-up  on the American Idol panel that took place Saturday at the television critics winter tour in Pasadena, CA.   According to Idol producer, Ken Warwick, the judges aren’t meaner

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American Idol

The Name Game

Reality TV Magazine has started  playing the Domain name game.   Last year, the producers registered all 44 or so semi-finalists on the same day, December 9, after Hollywood Week.   All it took was

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American Idol

Thou Doth Protest Too Much

Have American Idol judges become too cruel?   That’s been the theme of recent  Idol  commentary  found ’round the net.   Even Rosie O’Donnell has gotten into the act. Lather, rinse, repeat peeps.   Here

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American Idol

Going to Hollywood

I did this last year…I captured all the kids who were pictured in the “Going To Hollywood” montage. Season 5 auditions featured longer montages with more contestants pictured who weren’t featured during the show. Having

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American Idol

Billboard Charts 1/27/07

I’ve got this week’s Idol Billboard chart for you right here. It was another slow sales week.   The #1 record on the Billboard 200  is “Dreamgirls” (featuring Jennifer Hudson) selling only  60, 064.  

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American Idol

Auditions – Seattle WA

PLEASE KILL ME NOW UPDATE:   Just added some screen caps.  Click on the jump… Ok, now that I’ve got that off my chest–tonight’s show was  definitely an improvement over last night’s craptastic premier.  The