Yesterday, Andy won the Head of Household competition and became this week’s HoH. Of course, this means that Helen, McCrae, Amanda, and probably Aaryn are safe for the week.
Also, the Have Nots for the week are Elissa, Helen, Aaryn, and GinaMarie. (SO glad Aaryn is finally a Have Not). America has voted to give them Mung Beans and Mackerel (eat up, Blondies.)
Since his win, Andy’s been planning out his targets for this week’s eviction. Basically, the consensus of “the house” (i.e. Amanda) is that Jessie needs to leave this week. Andy’s been telling her that she is not the target, but everyone else knows she is.
Andy’s GOAL for the week is as follows: nominate Jessie and Spencer for eviction. If the Power of Veto is not used, she is evicted. If someone DOES use the Power of Veto, Andy will nominate GinaMarie as the replacement nominee. He wants GinaMarie evicted in this case.
Also worth noting is that Amanda is now afraid of Helen. After this week, she wants Helen gone next. McCrae, on the other hand, wants Elissa gone next because he’s afraid she’s planting seeds in Amanda’s head.
FEEDS HAVE JUST RETURNED AND IT’S OFFICIAL: Jessie and Spencer have been nominated.
Personally, I’m hoping the Veto is used this week and GinaMarie is evicted. That way, the war can begin. Elissa/Helen/Jessie vs Amanda/McCrae with Andy, Aaryn, and Spencer somewhere in the middle. What would make this even better is if America were able to vote Candice back into the house. Honestly, I just want McCranda and Aaryn out of the house immediately. But I’m getting ahead of myself.