Well guys, it’s going to hit the fan tonight. Elissa and her crew have been hard at work this week, trying to work the vote in their favor, and it’s looking like it’s going to pay off.
As of Monday after the veto ceremony, it was looking like the votes would wind down to this:
Voting to evict Elissa: Spencer, Kaitlin, Jessie, Howard, Jeremy, McCrae, GinaMarie
Voting to evict Nick: Candice, Andy, Amanda, Judd
But over the last 72 hours…
1) Elissa talked to Jessie. At first, this seemed like a lost cause (we all saw Jessie crazy flirting with Nick two episodes ago). Jessie started to warm up to her. Then Jessie talked to Judd and eventually Helen. Judd is really close with Jessie now, so she trusts him and appears to be on board to evict Nick.
2) McCrae may have flipped sides, severing his allegiance to the Moving Company. This has been on the minds of the feeders for the past three days…would McCrae crack and flip alliances? It makes enough sense–the Moving Company boys have made it no secret that over the next few weeks, their main target is Amanda. This is McCrae’s closest ally in the house. If she were to leave, he would be the bottom man on the Moving Company totem pole. Also, if he were to flip sides and Nick were to be evicted, the house would be divided as so:
McCrae, Amanda, Elissa, Candice, Andy, Helen, Judd, and Jessie
Aaryn, Spencer, Howard, Jeremy, GinaMarie, Kaitlin.
Thus, after the flip, the numbers (and MVP, since America hates Aaryn, Jeremy, and GinaMarie) would be on McCrae’s side. People have been skeptical about whether or not McCrae would flip, but over the last few hours, McCrae has been so inexplicably excited to blindside Nick and has been reiterating over and over the importance of securing Candice and Jessie’s votes to evict him, that it really does appear that McCrae has resigned from the Moving Company and that Nick will be evicted.
This is all breaking news, so it’s definitely up in the air still and could flip back and forth a few times by tonight’s eviction. The group is scared that the newly-buddying showmance between Howard and Candice may lead to the plan’s failure. They’re afraid Howard will whisper something into her ear and get her to flip her vote to evict Elissa. I’m optimistic that she’ll stick to her guns though, because she strongly believes that the all-male alliance is out tehre and that they need to be taken care of.
As for me….I’m keeping my fingers crossed that things stay the same. I’m ready for the war to start. Regardless of who is evicted tonight, someone will be blindsided, because both Elissa and Nick believe they have the votes to stay. We’ll see how it goes…..I’m pumped.