Find out who won this week’s coveted Power of Veto here:
Nicole is the HoH and she nominated Jocasta and Zach for eviction. The houseguests chosen to play for the Power of Veto were Caleb, Christine, and Victoria.
Christine won the Power of Veto.
Unfortunately, it looks like it will be another predictable week inside the Big Brother house. There were talks of making a big move and taking out either Frankie or Zach. However, at the moment, Christine does not want to use the Power of Veto. That means Jocasta and Zach will stay on the block and Jocasta will be evicted. Nicole and Hayden want Zach gone, but Zach will have the votes to stay. Of course, Nicole and Hayden will try to persuade Christine to use the Power of Veto, but I doubt she’ll listen to them. The Detonators will once again get what they want and keep Zach, sending another outsider of the door. The only way Zach or a replacement nominee gets evicted is if Derrick says so; he’s been controlling the game all season long and has a lot of influence on a number of houseguests.
Of course, things can always change. I’ll post another update on Monday after the Veto Ceremony.