Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 11 – HoH Results
Steve won the HoH!
Earlier during one of his soliloquies, he said it was time to make “big moves.” He mused that Julia’s HoH was a waste. She should have sent home John, and doesn’t regret evicting Meg. As far as he’s concerned, Meg/James were votes for the Austwins. He wants to split up them up. Vanessa is also ready to send home a twin.
The twins know Steve is closely aligned with both Vanessa and John. They are the obvious targets.
UPDATE: Well not the twins so much. Steve plans to put up Austin and Liz at today’s nominations ceremony. But Austin is the target. I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY THESE FOOLS DON’T BREAK UP THE TWINS. Liz is the lynchpin of that trio. When she’s gone, the Austwins are NO MORE. John and Steve were dumb not to flip and evict Julia. But there have been SO MANY lost opportunities in this game.
Meanwhile, Vanessa is sitting smack dab in the middle of two alliances gunning for each other. She figures, whichever one gets taken out is fine by her. And no blood on her hands! She talked about how horribly she did in the HoH comp. She probably threw it. I expect she’ll take either Steve to Julia to final 2.
However, that doesn’t mean she’s not scheming. Vanessa suggested to Julia that she make a secret deal with Steve to keep the nominations the same. And she does–but tells Liz about it. Vanessa also advised Steve to turn Liz against Austin by telling her that he told John he’d be OK with evicting the twins.
Austin presented a deal to Steve–He’d put up John and Van if he were HoH, and promise a twin to back him. Steve turned him down.