Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 8 – Nomination Results

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 8 Nomination Results

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 8 Nomination Results

The results of today’s nomination ceremony: New HoH Liz put Becky as a pawn up to the real target, John.

Liz is the new HoH, and Vanessa immediately began manipulating her into doing her bidding AKA targeting Becky. The Austwins seemed pretty down with that, with James as an alternate target–until Becky gave them an earful in detail about how Vanessa was targeting Austin the week she was HoH. Also, Becky spilled that James tried to throw the BoB when he was on the block with Liz, and Vanessa knew about it. They now have come around to Becky’s belief that Vanessa is a manipulator–ultimately not loyal to her allies.

The new plan became keeping Becky safe to work with them. But first, they want John out. They think he’s totally sketchy and will target them the minute he gets the chance (actually, he really wants Vanessa out, like the rest of them.)  They figure they’ll leave dispatching Vanessa to Becky. The final plan was to put Becky up as a pawn next to John.  It’s not clear what there plan is if John wins the PoV and comes off the block. Liz doesn’t want to target Steve (who would throw her under the bus in a second). James may end up on the block with Becky, but plans aren’t clear yet.

Meg, James, Austin and the Twins are in a new alliance called “Brass Tacks.” The Austwins purposely left out Vanessa.  Meg and James told Austwins their relationship to Becky was mostly through Jackie. The fact that Becky ratted them out to Vanessa during James’ HoH still stings.

John and Vanessa had an argument before the nominations, as they rehashed the Shelli/Clay fight from the week before. They each remember it differently, of course. At one point, John said he didn’t like when she screamed at people, and called her a “bully.” That didn’t go over well with Vanessa, who has been condescendingly giving John advice on how to play his game.

Vanessa, John and Steve are Have Nots. A combo of pork chops and slop are the supplements.

The Austwins swear they won’t let Vanessa get in their ear again. I’ll believe it when that actually happens. I have my doubts. Vanessa is good.

UPDATE Austwins had a long talk with John. They compared notes about Vanessa and realize he’s not the enemy. John detailed how Clay took a bullet for him over that misunderstanding with Vanessa. John confessed that Vanessa has been his target for awhile but was assumed they were tight with her. Austwins said they wish they had known.

After John leaves the Austwins lament how they will have to sacrifice John or Becky. Despite what they have learned about Vanessa they are afraid to backdoor her.

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