Big Brother 19 Eviction Results Week 6 Recap and Live Blog

A live eviction episode of Big Brother 19 airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap and join the discussion here.

Josh is the Head of Household, and Elena, Jessica, and Raven are nominated for eviction. Josh claims Elena is his target, but will Paul get his way and have the house send Jessica home instead? And who will win the next HoH competition? Let’s find out!

After the Veto Meeting, Kevin tells Jessica he’ll look out for Cody if he can. He says his targets are Mark, Elena, Matt, and Raven. He wants to weaponize Cody to go after the remaining showmances, as well as to not have Cody go after him and his allies. Jessica tells Cody about Kevin’s offer to keep Cody safe for a few weeks and to go after the showmances. Cody appreciates the olive branch, but he doesn’t trust anybody on Kevin’s side, especially Paul. Kevin tells Jason, Alex, and Paul about his idea to bring Cody to their side, but Alex and Paul are strongly against this plan.

Kevin and Cody talk game in the backyard, and they shake hands on the deal. However, in the Diary Room, Cody says he has no qualms going back on the deal; he can see himself nominating people on Kevin’s side if he wins HoH. Jason was there when Cody and Kevin made the deal, and Jason tells Paul and Alex about it. The three of them are feeling very uneasy about Kevin making deals with Cody. Regardless what deals were made, they want Cody out of the house.

Later on, a fight erupts between Josh and Jody. After Jessica asks Josh to spell “drought,” Josh asks Jessica to spell “evicted.” Jessica and Cody tell Josh to not talk to them, but he keeps talking to them instead of letting them be. They call Josh a moron while he says he is more mature than them. It turns into a shouting match until Josh goes upstairs and starts bawling in tears. He returns downstairs and starts banging pans together to antagonize Jessica and Cody until Cody tries to take the pans away. Alex and Jessica get in between Cody and Josh, but they end up walking away from one another.

It’s time for the live vote and eviction. The nominees each give their pleas to their fellow Houseguests. Raven says it’s been an amazing summer and she wants to continue on. Elena mocks the speech Dominique made before she was evicted. Jessica thanks CBS and says it’s been a dream to be on Big Brother. She says people may claim Cody ruined her game, but she says Cody made the game worth it. She also calls out Paul, and says the people in the house are idiots if they continue to keep him in the house. Afterwards, the voting process begins.

Alex votes to evict Jessica.

Christmas votes to evict Jessica.

Cody votes to evict Raven.

Kevin votes to evict Jessica.

Paul votes to evict Jessica.

Mark votes to evict Jessica.

Matt votes to evict Jessica.

Jason votes to evict Jessica.

By a vote of 7 – 1, Jessica has been evicted from the Big Brother house. As Josh starts singing circus music, Jessica and Cody kiss and he carries her to the door. He tells her he loves her before she walks out the door. In her interview, Jessica tearfully says that she’ll miss Cody before Julie asks her questions about the game. Jessica says she didn’t campaign since the house have made it clear they didn’t want her in the house. She also explains how Josh antagonized her on the anniversary of her father’s death, and she said it was disgusting. She also says she didn’t throw her game away for Cody. She didn’t want to be one of Paul’s followers; she wanted to play the game instead, and she and Cody thought alike. Julie asks if Cody and Jessica’s relationship is the “real deal”, and Jessica admits that it is. When asked if she loves Cody, Jessica says “of course” she does. Julie also says that it seems very clear that Cody loves Jessica a lot too. Afterwards, the goodbye messages play. Cody says he’s humbled and honored by Jessica teaming up with him, and that he loves and misses her. She gets a nice message from Kevin, but the others are all from Alex, Paul, and Josh mocking her.

It’s time for the HoH competition. They will watch a quick-change act and then be quizzed on what they saw by true or false questions.

Question 1: Everyone gets it right.

Question 2: Mark, Kevin, Jason, and Paul are eliminated.

Question 3: Everyone remaining gets it right.

Question 4: Christmas is eliminated.

Question 5: Cody, Elena, and Matt are eliminated.

Question 6: Raven is eliminated.

Alex is the new HoH.

Julie talks to the Houseguests. She congratulates Alex for winning before asking Cody how he’s feeling without Jessica. Cody says he doesn’t know how he’ll do being in the house without Jessica and he’s forever grateful for everything she did for him in the game. Julie also informs them that they have all made it to jury, but there won’t be a jury battle back this season. After Julie is done chatting with the Houseguests, Julie lets the audience know that next week is a double eviction episode.

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Big Brother 19. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 576 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.