Big Brother 19 – Week 10 Power Rankings

Thursday night was a live eviction episode of Big Brother 19. Read on for spoilers to see where the Houseguests stand for the week.

Thursday night was a live eviction episode of Big Brother 19. By the end of the evening, Matt was evicted from the Big Brother house. After the eviction,  Christmas won HoH. The nomination ceremony will be shown on Sunday’s episode, but Christmas has nominated Alex and Jason for eviction. But before I get to my predictions of the upcoming week, let me discuss the events of the previous week that led to Matt’s eviction.

MATT: Last week’s goal was to split up Matt and Raven, the last remaining showmance in the house. Matt essentially gave up his game for Raven too, breaking have-not rules to ensure he would receive a penalty vote. Throughout the entire season, Matt has been a non-entity in the house who never tried to play the Big Brother game. He joked about how big of a loser he was and how all he liked to do was eat cereal. Well, now he can go eat numerous bowls of cereal in the jury house.


There are seven people left in the game. Josh and Christmas are a tight duo, as are Alex and Jason. Raven has attached herself to Paul now that Matt is gone, whereas Kevin is now all alone in the game. Kevin still believes Jason and Paul have his back though. As for Paul, he’s just going back and forth between each group, making them all believe he is on their side. His true goal is to get to the Final 3 with Josh and Christmas, but all the remaining Houseguests believe Paul wants to take them to the end.

Now onto the Power Rankings. Here are where the Houseguests stand in the house this upcoming week with Paul Christmas as the Head of Household.


1. CHRISTMAS – Christmas became HoH due to everyone else throwing it to her. Her plan is to get Jason out of the house to split up Jason and Alex. It’s not a bad move since Alex and Jason are strong competitors, but it’s still frustrating how none of these people have caught on to Paul’s game yet. Christmas may have a chance at winning the game if she goes to the Final 2 with Josh. However, since she plans to have Paul in the Final 3 with them, he’s the most likely to win the Final 3 HoH and decide who gets to sit in the Final 2.

2. JOSH – Josh is completely loyal to Christmas, so he’s safe this week too. Even though Josh and Christmas are an obvious pair, no one is thinking about splitting them up anytime soon since no one takes them seriously as competitors. However, if Josh can somehow get Christmas and himself to the Final 2, he may have a chance at winning. However, his social game has been terrible and no one will be eager to see him win.

3. PAUL – The house is playing Paul’s game. It’s unbelievable how they are all blindly following his orders and protecting him like he’s some kind of king. Everything is going according to Paul’s plan. All the people who were targeting Paul have been evicted, and now Maven has been split up. Jason and Alex are likely going to be split up this week too, paving the way for Paul to get his ideal Final 4 with him, Christmas, Josh, and Kevin. Hopefully someone wakes up and tries to take a shot at him at the upcoming double eviction.

4. RAVEN – Raven has lost her closest ally Matt, but she’s now attached herself to Paul. She’ll likely just do whatever Paul tells her to do and continue to be a non-entity too. If Raven somehow manages to make it to Final 2, it’s unlikely she’ll win the game. She’d only get Matt’s vote and lose to whomever is sitting next to her.

5. KEVIN – There are people desperate to get Kevin out of the house, even though he has yet to win a competition all season long. If the Power of Veto is used on either Alex or Jason, Kevin will likely be the replacement nominee. There is a small chance Kevin could be evicted this week since he rubs people the wrong way, but it’s more likely either Jason or Alex will be evicted instead. Kevin right now has no one on his side, but he could still make it far if he flies under the radar in these last few weeks of the game.

6. ALEX – Alex is so gullible that she actually believes the plan is to backdoor Kevin this week. This is the exact same lie that was told to Matt and Raven last week, yet here are Alex and Jason falling it for themselves a week later. Paul, Christmas, Josh, and Raven agree that they’d rather evict Jason instead of Alex this week. However, if Jason wins the Power of Veto, then Alex will be the one blindsided on Thursday. Regardless if it’s she or Jason leaving next, Alex will regret foolishly throwing this pivotal HoH to Christmas.

7. JASON – Just like Alex, Jason believes Christmas is going to backdoor Kevin this week. It should be so obvious that the goal is to split Jason and Alex up this week. He has been slightly worried since the nominations were revealed, but he’s allowed people to convince him that he’s safe and Kevin is the target. It’s remarkable how gullible these people can be. Jason told Matt and Raven the same thing last week, yet here he is falling for the same lie a week later. If Jason doesn’t win the Power of Veto, he will be the first one evicted on Thursday with a chance at Alex following him out the door in the double eviction.

So those are my thoughts on the house dynamics this week. Thanks for reading and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

About Steven Curtis 576 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.