Last night was a live eviction episode of Big Brother 19. Read on to see who won HoH and where the Houseguests stand for the week.
Last night was a live eviction episode of Big Brother 19. By a vote of 8 – 4, Jillian was evicted from the Big Brother house. After the live show, Paul won the HoH competition and nominated Alex and Josh for eviction. Ramses nominated himself as the third nominee due to his curse too. And earlier this afternoon, Christmas received this week’s temptation. But before I get to my predictions of the upcoming week, let me discuss the events of the previous week that led to Jillian’s eviction.
Jillian: After two weeks on the block, Jillian could have potentially been the perpetual pawn of the season. No one saw her as a threat, and she wasn’t evicted because people were scared of her. Instead, Christmas’s allies rallied the votes to save her after Cody put her on the block. All week long, it was clear it was going to be a close vote. At one point it would’ve been 6 – 6, and Cody would’ve broke the tie. Jessica, Alex, Ramses, and Jason all voted to evict Christmas, believing that Kevin and Josh would’ve done the same. However, Kevin and Josh flipped and voted Jillian out instead.
The house is divided. The majority of the house consists of the alliance Cody formed during his HoH reign, except Cody and Jessica are no longer part of it. Paul, Christmas, Dominique, Elena, Mark, Raven, and Matt are all close. Josh and Kevin voted with them too, but Josh is on the outs of that alliance and Kevin is playing both sides. Kevin has the people who voted to keep Jillian believing he voted with them too. Kevin seems tight with Paul, especially since Kevin revealed to Paul he won the $25,000 temptation.
The other side of the house consists of the so-called outsiders. Alex and Jason are close, and they believe Kevin is with them too. Cody and Jessica are with them by default since they’ve completely turned on their original allies. Alex and Jason don’t want to target Cody and Jessica, but they don’t seem to trust them much either. Ramses did vote to keep Jillian, but Cody, Jessica, Alex, and Jason all believe he voted her out. They all know Josh lied to them, but no one has figured out that it was really Kevin who flipped. At the moment, it doesn’t seem like anyone trusts Ramses.
Now onto the Power Rankings. Here are where the Houseguests stand in the house this upcoming week with Paul as the Head of Household.
1. PAUL – He’s the current HoH, and he also has the Pendant of Protection. Regardless what happens this week. he doesn’t have to worry about any kind of retaliation next week. He also has built himself an army of followers that include most of the house. Several Houseguests seem to want to work with him, so he may make it very far in this game even after his immunity expires.
2. CHRISTMAS – She was almost evicted last night, but she’s safe this week. Paul campaigned heavily for Christmas to stay, and she and Paul managed to sway Josh and Kevin to keep her. Christmas also managed to get Mark’s vote after he originally wanted her out. She also got this week’s temptation: the Ring of Replacement. Essentially, she can swap out with a player competing in the Power of Veto competition if she wants. She plans to use this power if Cody’s name is drawn for the Veto competition. As for the consequence of taking the temptation, that is currently unknown. All we know is Christmas was allowed to choose three Houesguests to curse, and she chose Cody, Jessica, and Jason.
3. KEVIN – Kevin and Paul have a secret alliance, so he’ll be fine this week. Kevin is doing a great job at playing both sides of the house. In private chats with Alex and Jason, he’s thrown out Mark and Matt’s names as potential targets, but he voted with them in last night’s vote. Everyone believes Kevin in on their side, and right now that strategy is working for him.
4. DOMINIQUE – Dominique is playing a fantastic game. She is in a great spot right now due to her strong social game. She’s part of the majority alliance, but she’s especially close to Mark. She was very influential in getting Mark to separate himself from Cody. She’s smart and socially adept to maneuver her way through the game. Some people are wary of her, such as Alex and Jason, but right now she’s fine.
5. ELENA – Elena is playing a good social game. She plans to stay loyal to her allies at the moment, and no one is looking at her as a threat, despite being in a showmance with Mark. She hasn’t shown much of a strategic mind yet, but she hasn’t really needed to either. Elena is unlikely to be a target for these early weeks of the game.
6. MARK – Mark has shown to be a very emotional player. Whenever someone says something that bothers him, he gets really upset about it. He was adamant about staying loyal to Cody and Jessica, and he desperately wanted Christmas out. Christmas publicly questioned his showmance with Elena, and he called her fake and wanted her gone. However, after talks with Dominique and Christmas, he had a complete change of heart. Regardless, he’ll be fine this week.
7. RAVEN – Raven is in a showmance with Matt, and no one is seeing her as a threat either. She’ll likely just coast on by and stay loyal to her allies. Paul almost nominated her and Matt as pawns before he was talked out of it though. Since she was almost a pawn, she ranks lower than Elena and Mark this week.
8. MATT – Matt is playing a good social game right now too, and he’s part of the majority alliance. He doesn’t have anything to worry about this week, but he’ll inevitably be seen as a threat down the line. He’ll be okay for now, but these Houseguests should want to target him soon due to being a well-rounded player socially and competitively.
9. JASON – Jason was on the wrong side of the vote this week, but he should be fine this week. He could’ve been a pawn, but Paul nominated Alex and Josh instead. If Jason plays in the Veto, he’ll definitely use it on Alex. Regardless who wins the Veto, Jason won’t likely be going on the block.
10. JESSICA – Jessica and Cody are the two biggest targets in the house. However, Jessica manages to avoid the Bottom 2 since she’ll likely avoid the block this week. Paul’s allies tried to get Jessica and Cody on the block together, but Paul went a different route to backdoor Cody instead. Jessica is one of the Houseguests cursed with Christmas’s temptation, but the details of that are unknown at the moment. She’s still in a very bad position in the house, but it’s unlikely she’ll be evicted this week.
11. JOSH – Josh made a terrible move by voting to keep Christmas. Even though he trusts Paul and Christmas, he betrayed his fellow outsiders. He promised Jillian, Alex, Jason, Cody, and Jessica he was voting with them, but that was a lie. He got yelled at by Cody and Jessica last night, and Alex even told him she doesn’t want to talk to him either. The outsiders have been talking very negatively about Josh. The majority has been nice to him lately (despite bashing him relentlessly before they needed his vote). Although he voted with the majority, he’s clearly the low man on the totem pole, especially since he’s already being used as a pawn.
12. ALEX – Alex is on the block for the second week in the row. Paul notified her ahead of time that she’s just a pawn. However, if Ramses wins the Power of Veto, she’ll be in trouble. There won’t be a replacement nominee if Ramses wins the Veto, meaning it’ll just be Alex and Josh on the block. Alex will have the support of Jason, Kevin, Ramses, Cody, and Jessica, but that won’t be enough as everyone else will vote her out.
13. RAMSES – Ramses had to put himself on the block as a result of the curse he received after the Pendant of Protection temptation was taken. People in the majority alliance have told him to throw the Power of Veto competition to not hinder the plan to backdoor Cody. If he agrees, he’ll be sitting on the block Thursday night. Although he probably won’t be evicted this week, he’ll likely receive votes from a few of his Houseguests.
14. CODY – The odds of Cody surviving eviction this week is very slim. His only hope was for his name to be drawn to play in the Power of Veto competition and win it. However, since Christmas has the Ring of Replacement, she’ll replace Cody with herself if Cody does get picked to play. Paul and his allies desperately want Cody gone. So even though he isn’t on the block at the moment, he’ll almost certainly be the replacement nominee regardless who wins Veto. His best hope is for Ramses to win the Veto. If that doesn’t happen, Cody will be the next Houseguest evicted from Big Brother 19.
So those are my thoughts on the house dynamics this week. Thanks for reading and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
ETA: The consequence of the temptation being received is the three Houseguests chosen to be cursed (Cody, Jessica, and Jason) must wear a frog costume this week.