Big Brother 23 – Week 2 Spoilers

Last night the first Houseguest was evicted and a new HoH was crowned. Find out who the Week 2 nominees are here.

Kyland won the HoH competition, meaning he and his Team Queens members Claire and Tiffany are also safe. This afternoon, the second Wildcard competition was held. One member from the other three teams competed to win safety for the week. Frenchie competed for Team Jokers, Brent competed for Team Aces, and Sarah Beth competed for Team Kings. Sarah Beth won the Wildcard competition. She was given the choice to earn safety if she swapped teams with someone from Team Queens. Sarah Beth declined to swap teams.

Before the Nomination Ceremony, Kyland held team meetings and individual meetings with the other Houseguests in the HoH room. He was very tight-lipped and adamant about not revealing his plan for the week or promising safety. Throughout the meetings, several Houseguests threw Frenchie under the bus. Frenchie has been very paranoid, and even his Slaughterhouse alliance members believe he’s become a liability. In addition, Tiffany, Claire, and Sarah Beth talked throughout the night how Frenchie and Brent need to be the targets for the week. Tiffany and Claire also had a late night discussion about the game with Derek X., and Tiffany advised Derek X. not to trust Frenchie. Tiffany spoke to Kyland before the Nomination Ceremony, and she advised Kyland to target a” three-headed monster,” meaning Frenchie, Brent, and Whitney.

At the Nomination Ceremony, Kyland nominated Frenchie and Britini for eviction. Frenchie nominated Kyland last week, and nearly every Houseguest threw Frenchie under the bus to Kyland as an ideal nominee. Britini and Kyland have had very little interactions with each other thus far, making her a reasonable nomination choice for him. After the ceremony, Frenchie consoled a crying Britini and told her he’s certain he’s the target. If Frenchie does not win the Power of Veto, then he’s most likely going to be evicted on Thursday. If Frenchie does win the Power of Veto, then Brent could be the backup target.

As for alliances, various members within in the Slaughterhouse alliance believe they can stay strong without Frenchie. Frenchie recruited Kyland, Xavier, Alyssa, Brent, Christian, Whitney, and Derek F. to be in this dominant alliance, but it’s been a shaky alliance due to Frenchie’s unpredictable game play. However, Alyssa, Brent, and Whitney believe it can still be effective without Frenchie.

However, there’s another proposed alliance. There have been discussions of Team Queens (Kyland, Claire, and Tiffany) and Team Kings (Alyssa, Christian, Sarah Beth, and Xavier) uniting as a group while bringing in Derek X. Sarah Beth is especially close with Kyland, Claire, and Tiffany. Kyland and Xavier are very close too. Xavier was also the only one Kyland shared his nomination plan with during the meetings in the HoH room. Alyssa and Christian are very close, and Christian admitted he likes the Kings better than the Slaughterhouse. There’s also the Cookout alliance with Tiffany, Azah, Kyland, Tiffany, and Derek F., but Azah and Derek F. have not been included in the many strategic conversations since Kyland won HoH.

So how will the week play out? Will the target Frenchie walk out the door on Thursday night, or will someone else be evicted? Find out on Thursday at the next live eviction episode of Big Brother 23.

About Steven Curtis 576 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.