Big Brother 24 Week 6 Recap: Elimination Live Blog

A live eviction episode of Big Brother 24 airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap here.

Last week Nicole was evicted. Michael won the Head of Household competition, allowing the Leftovers alliance to remain in power once again. Michael nominated the Festie Bestie trio of Monte, Joseph, and Terrance for eviction. The plan was for Daniel to be backdoored. However, Michael strongly considered leaving nominations the same and taking out his fellow Leftover ally Monte. Michael reasoned that Daniel was on the outs of the house and no longer a threat. Michael won the Power of Veto, giving him the option on whom to target. However, he realized he would just be benefitting the other side of the house if he took out Monte. If Monte were to be evicted, then the other side of the house remains intact and Michael would lose the trust of the Leftovers too. Therefore, Michael chose to stay true to the Leftovers for this week. At the Veto Meeting, Michael and his Festie Bestie Brittany used the Power of Veto on Monte, Joseph, and Terrance. Michael named the Festie Bestie duo Daniel and Kyle as the replacement nominees.

Daniel is set to be evicted tonight. The Leftovers will stay loyal to Kyle, but it’s likely the other side of the house will vote to evict Daniel too. After Daniel’s eviction, the Festie Bestie twist will end. An endurance competition will determine the next Head of Household. How will the game change with the Festie Bestie twist over? Will the Leftovers claim power again? And if they do, will they stay loyal or start to turn on each other? Let’s find out!

The episode begins after the Veto Meeting. We hear from some of the Houseguests inside the Diary Room. Michael thinks Daniel is the biggest threat outside the Leftovers alliance. For now, he’d rather work with Monte than against him. Daniel think Michael will regret not saving him. Taylor is looking forward to voting to evict Daniel. Terrance wanted Monte to go home, but his plan was an “epic fail.” He still believes Kyle can be evicted.

Last week Daniel and Nicole figured out 6/7 of the Leftovers alliance. They didn’t realize Kyle was part of that group, but Daniel finally realized Kyle is part of this alliance. Jasmine also speculates that Monte, Michael, Brittany, and Taylor are working together. Next, we see a segment of Alyssa sneaking a drink of cider that Indy hid. Indy later sees the hidden cider is gone, and she confronts the Houseguests to know who drank it. Afterwards, Kyle talks to the camera. He wanted to work with Alyssa, but he says she played a messy game this week with jumping on board the plan to target Monte. Kyle plans to stay loyal to the Leftovers now. Later, Daniel talks to himself. He refuses to lie down and give up. He thinks he can save himself.

Daniel campaigns for votes. He needs five votes, and he thinks he can count on Terrance, Jasmine, and Indy. He needs two more, and he hopes he can get Joseph and Alyssa. He knows it will be tough to persuade Alyssa to turn against Kyle, but he thinks he can convince her Kyle is bad for her game. Daniel reveals to Alyssa that Kyle didn’t want to use the Power of Veto last week. He also shares his suspicions that Kyle, Monte, Turner, Joseph, Brittany, Michael, and Taylor are in an alliance. Alyssa is conflicted whether or not she can trust Kyle now. Daniel campaigns to Joseph next. He believes Joseph is part of the alliance, but he thinks Joseph would most likely flip. In the Diary Room, Joseph says he realizes the other side of the house doesn’t know how close he is with the Houseguests in the Leftovers. He thinks he can use this to his advantage and play both sides.

It’s time for the eviction vote. Daniel and Kyle will each get to make a final plea. Daniel tells them to evict him since he would rather spend time with Nicole and Paloma. He calls all of his fellow Houseguests clowns. He also reminds everyone that Michael has five competition wins and calls him a threat to win the game. He claims that Michael and Monte are working together since Michael saved him with the Power of Veto. He says if they do vote to evict him, then the season will become boring. Kyle gives his plea next. He first gives a shout-out to his loved ones back home. He hopes his Houseguests will consider how he can help their games. Afterwards, it’s time for the vote.

Monte votes to evict Daniel.

Brittany votes to evict Daniel.

Turner votes to evict Daniel.

Alyssa votes to evict Daniel.

Taylor votes to evict Daniel.

Indy votes to evict Daniel.

Jasmine votes to evict Daniel.

Joseph votes to evict Daniel.

Terrance votes to evict Kyle.

By a vote of 8-1, Daniel has been evicted from the Big Brother house. He only gives Terrance a hug before he walks out the front door. He sits down for his interview with Julie. She asks him about his speech. Daniel says he knew he was done after Nicole was evicted. He wanted them to know he knew what was going on. Daniel says he was emotionally charged after Nicole’s eviction, and he wanted to call people out. She asked why he used the Power of Veto and if he takes any responsibility for Nicole’s eviction. Daniel does not take responsibility for Nicole’s eviction despite using the Power of Veto. He said it was the HoH who put her on the block. He says they took a chance, but it didn’t work out. Julie asks Daniel about his dislike for Taylor. Was it personal or strategic against Taylor? He said it was both. He claims it was because of Paloma, and he believes Taylor wasn’t nice to Paloma. Julie reveals the Leftovers alliance to Daniel. She also lets him know they formed shortly after he berated Taylor in the bathroom, and they were taking a stand against the unfair treatment Taylor endured from Houseguests like Daniel. Daniel says it’s great as a fan to see people unite together like that. Afterwards, the goodbye messages play. Michael holds up two slices of bread to the camera and calls Daniel an “idiot sandwich.” He says Daniel berated his friend Taylor, and it’s Daniel’s fault Nicole was evicted. Jasmine respects his passion and wants to remain friends. Kyle claims credit for the Leftovers. Terrance said they went to war together and tried to make it happen. Joseph said Daniel’s action were a bit much, but says he believes his intentions came from a good place. Taylor says she’s glad to see his “sorry ass walk out the door.” She tells him he got his wish: he won’t have to talk to Taylor until finale night.

Afterwards, Julie reveals to the remaining Houseguests that the Festie Bestie twist is over. She also congratulates them on making it to the jury stage of the game. She also reveals the next HoH competition is a Big Brother staple: the wall endurance competition. All Houseguests (except outgoing HoH Michael) will hang onto a wall. The last one hanging on will be the new Head of Household.

Julie reveals the next twist to the audience. The house will be divided into two groups. Each group will play their own game of Big Brother, resulting in a Double Eviction next Thursday unlike any before.

Before the broadcast ends, Jasmine falls off and is the first eliminated from the Head of Household competition.

Tune in Sunday night to find out who wins HoH. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 576 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.