Canadian Idol 6! Episode 19 – Top 8 Performance – VIDEO

First off, I’d like to give a big giant shout-out to Igrecman who has decided to continue posting video of this season’s Canadian Idol even though his heart really isn’t in it any more. Thank you! The cutting and uploading of the videos in a timely fashion takes tons of organization and work and there are lots of peeps across America and other parts of the world who appreciate your efforts. So, here’s the link to Igrecman’s videos. I’ll post them here as soon as they are up.

The performance show begins tonight at 9 pm ET. Tomorrows results show at 8 pm ET. That appears to be the schedule for the rest of the season. Canadians and border dwellers…carry on! The rest of us will catch up…

Mr Gwen Stefani Gavin Rossdale is the mentor for “Unplugged” week. He’s got some interesting insights.

  • Sebastian Pigott“Lucille” by Little Richard – Gavin tells Sebastian to put in more pain rather than bravado. I don’t think he incorporates the suggestion entirely, but this performance is miles better than what he’s done the past couple of weeks. The judges note the improvement. Zack agrees he improved, but tells him he hopes he goes home tomorrow.
  • Earl Stevenson“Two” by Ryan Adams – Earl plays guitar, and his soulful vocals are a perfect match for this song. Nice to see him sit down and just sing. Nice job. He’s still one of my favs. Zack and I are having a mind meld–he compares Earl to John Hiatt–exactly what I was thinking as Earl performed.
  • Mark Day“Stay” by Sugarland – Mark actually has a half-way decent voice. He sings ballads reasonably well. He’s a little hard to look at when he performs. I don’t think he’s going anywhere yet. The judges are complimentary.
  • Mitch MacDonald“Oh Atlanta” by Little Feat – Mitch performs a cool zydeco-inspired arrangement of “Oh Atlanta”, but I just can’t get past the helium-like quality of his vocals. Zack didn’t like the song choice. Jake and Farley say his performance was safe. Sass likes it.
  • Amberly Thiessen“The Way I Am” by Ingrid Michaelson – “Finally a girl!” says Gavin. I think Amberly’s tone and phrasing are beautiful. Her performance here is engaging, effortless. Love her! Jakes likes her performance better than Ingrid’s. The judges love her.
  • Mookie Morris“Ophelia” by The Band – Eh, I’m not wowed by the song choice. I wish he’d chosen something that showcased his vocals a little more. The band overpowered him at points, which is a little weird on unplugged night. The judges loved it, though.
  • Drew Wright“Sunday Morning” by Maroon 5 – Gavin calls out Drew on the way he mimics styles, rather than making a song his own. I have to say while this choice is a good match for his vocals, like last week, he doesn’t bring anything new to the song. Zach and Farley both think he doesn’t have an identity. Sass thinks it’s “the bomb.”
  • Theo Tams“Weak in the Knees” by Serena Ryder – Gavin has a word with him about his “trilling.” Not that he stopped it. Theo puts his heart and soul into his performances–a very beautiful performance. The judges call it “the performance of the night.”
  • Video is UP…After the JUMP…

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Part 3:

    Part 4:

    Part 5:

    Part 6:

About mj santilli 35078 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!