Cassadee Pope, Maren Morris Diss Transphobe Brittany Aldean

Cassadee Pope

Cassadee Pope is sticking up for the trans community after country singer Jason Aldean’s wife made a tasteless joke on her Instagram. The Voice season 4 winner didn’t even namecheck the former American Idol contestant, Brittany Kerr Aldean, by name. Regardless, she threw a fit on Instagram stories. Meanwhile Cassadee is laughing, while country star Maren Morris has Cassadee’s back, and a few strong opinions of her own.

“You’d think celebs with beauty brands would see the positives in including LGBTQ+ people in their messaging,” Cassadee wrote on social media. “But instead here we are, hearing someone compare their “tomboy phase” to someone wanting to transition. Real nice.”

Cassadee is referring to this pointless post from Brittany Kerr Aldean on Instagram, where she shows off a makeup transformation. She writes, “I’d really like to thank my parents for not changing my gender when I went through my tomboy phase. I love this girly life.”

The problem, as Cassadee points out, is conflating being a tomboy with being trans. And as an aside, parents “changing” their kids genders isn’t a thing. At most, a tween will take puberty blockers while they sort out their identity. And THAT only happens after thorough consultation with a doctor. Also, what a cheap shot. Just put on your makeup girl, without punching down on marginalized communities.

Then Maren Morris jumps in, pulling no punches “It’s so easy to, like, not be a scumbag human? Sell your clip-ins and zip it, Insurrection Barbie.”

Brittany, unsurprisingly, is a vocal MAGA supporter. Controversially, she put her kids in anti-Biden t-shirts for the cameras. Talk about indoctrinating kids? That right there. She’s the type of influencer who enjoys trolling liberals. But while she dishes it out, she can’t take it.

Responding to Cassadee, she took to Instagram stories, where posts disappear after 24 hours. It is why we’ve memorialized them here!

Brittany rattles off right wing talking points about how the medical community treats trans kids. She accuses Cassadee of advocating for the “genital mutilation of kids,” which she does no such thing. Doctors DO NOT perform gender re-assignment surgery on children! It’s fear-mongering propaganda to paint “the left” as monsters, out to DESTROY YOUR CHILDREN.

And then she compares her kids identifying as animals during playtime, to a trans kid struggling with identity. Which…no. 

“Some parents want to be accepted by society so badly that they’re willing to make life-altering decisions for their children who aren’t old enough to fully comprehend the consequences of their actions.”

First of all the first half of that sentence makes no sense. Secondly, children who struggle with gender identity deal with depression and sometimes even suicidal thoughts. A struggling 12 year old may transition later in life, or not. But holding off puberty–which is permanent and irreversible–for a few years while the child receives counseling could save that child’s life.

Some people, like ole Barbie here, need to stay in their lane. “Leave children alone!” she shrieks. How about leaving other families’ children alone? But then, if Brittany didn’t jump on the bandwagon, she wouldn’t be “accepted by the (MAGA) society.”

Funny that she doesn’t mention guns in this list. Ah, anyway…. Again, doctors are not performing surgery on children. Also, a kid isn’t just willy-nilly deciding on anything. It takes much counseling and evaluation before a doctor prescribes any drugs. 

The “Inserrection Barbie” thing really got under Brittany’s skin… Heh.

Cassadee and Maren remain completely UNBOTHERED

Cassadee posted a photo of herself on Instagram with the caption, “POV: Knowing you got under someone’s skin you don’t like in the first place.”

In comments, Maren wrote, “You know, I’m glad she didn’t become a boy either because we really don’t need another a—— dude in the world. Sucks when Karens try to hide their homophobia/transphobia behind their “protectiveness of the children.” Weren’t they putting their kids in “Biden-is-a-pedo” shirts on social media? Sounds like a real safe way to protect them from millions of eyes!

F— all the way off to Insurrection Barbie and the fellow IB’s trolling this comment section with their hypocritical, hateful a—-.


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By the way, the MAGA crowd showed up after this b stuck her nose in it


About mj santilli 35174 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!